start wars TM scrolling * free source code *

Community Forums/Showcase/start wars TM scrolling * free source code *

stanrol(Posted 2010) [#1]
Graphics 800,600,32,2
Global a
AppTitle "in an empire far away"
Graphics 444,444,0,2
For i#=1 To 300 Step 3
;If a=0 Then RuntimeError "font load err."
;SetFont a
Text 150,300-i#, "Hiya. Welcome to Star WarsTM",True,True
Delay 110
;FreeFont a

aged video!

LineOf7s(Posted 2010) [#2]

Jesse(Posted 2010) [#3]
yea. Me t00.

plash(Posted 2010) [#4]
I hereby publicly declare rs to be a troll.

bye(Posted 2010) [#5]
*comment deleted*

ShadowTurtle(Posted 2010) [#6]
the code snippet does the job.. this is.. smart but.. for beginners usefull :)

Ginger Tea(Posted 2010) [#7]
thats just scrolling down
starwars scrollers scroll up and shrink in size

title fail atleast

therevills(Posted 2010) [#8]

Quicky (very) did this:

Const screenWidth%  = 800, screenHeight% = 600

Graphics screenWidth, screenHeight, 0

Type TText
	Field x#, y#, scale#
	Field text$
	Global list:TList
	Function Create:TText(x#,y#,scale#,text$)
		Local t:TText = New TText
		If list = Null list = CreateList()	
		list.addlast t
		t.x = x
		t.y = y
		t.scale = scale
		t.text = text
		Return t
	End Function

	Function drawAll()
		If Not list Return
		For Local t:TText = EachIn list
	End Function
	Method draw()
		drawTextCentred(x, y, scale, text)
	End Method
	Function updateAll()
		If Not list Return
		For Local t:TText = EachIn list
	End Function
	Method update()
		If y < screenheight scale:-0.002
	End Method	
End Type

TText.Create(screenWidth/2, screenHeight, 4, "StarWarsTM")
For Local i% = 1 To 10
	TText.Create(screenWidth/2, screenHeight + i * 45, 4, "Far Far")
TText.Create(screenWidth/2, screenHeight + 11 * 45, 4, "Away")

While Not AppTerminate()
	Delay 1

Function drawTextCentred(x#, y#, scale#, text$)
	Local w# = TextWidth(text)
	If scale<>1 Then
	x# = x - ( w / 2 )
	If scale<>1 Then
		Local h#=TextHeight(text)
		Local diff# = (h*scale)-h
	SetScale scale, scale
	DrawText text, x, y
	SetScale 1, 1
End Function 

GfK(Posted 2010) [#9]
I wouldn't think it possible for that code (in first post) to be any worse than I anticipated, but having watched the video (and I don't know why I did), I'm afraid that the text scrolls the wrong way.

GW(Posted 2010) [#10]
If there was ever a reason for a voting system for the code archives, this is it. The compulsion to vote this into oblivion is overwhelming..

lo-tekk(Posted 2010) [#11]
If there was ever a reason for a voting system for the code archives, this is it.


GaryV(Posted 2010) [#12]
If there was ever a reason for a voting system for the code archives, this is it.
I would give it a high vote if only to piss Josh off

Kryzon(Posted 2010) [#13]
If there was ever a reason for a voting system for the code archives, this is it.

What the 2 guys above said.

big10p(Posted 2010) [#14]
Erm, I think we may be dealing with someone very young here (we all had to start from the beginning), or someone with... issues. Therefore I will refrain from putting the boot in, on this occasion. :P

jhocking(Posted 2010) [#15]
Oh he definitely has issues. I just looked at his worklogs:

Rewrote code to avoid whitespace as much as possible.

No indentation is best for coding.

Liberal use of : between lines of code is cool.

GaryV(Posted 2010) [#16]
jhocking: I actually have that printed out and framed and hanging on my wall at work.

stanrol(Posted 2010) [#17]
thanks for all helpfull comments!