B3D Viewer

Community Forums/Showcase/B3D Viewer

jhocking(Posted 2009) [#1]
Because of a project I've started working on I needed to be able to view b3d files on my Mac, so I wrote a model viewer in BlitzMax (using MaxGUI and miniB3D.)

I'm referring to it as version .7 because there are a few additional features I want to implement (controls to adjust the lighting, plus have the camera range set based on the model's size) although I'm not sure I'll bother because this is plenty for what I need.

Here's the download with the program as both a Windows exe and a Mac app, plus the code:

GaryV(Posted 2009) [#2]
I like the model shown ;)

jhocking(Posted 2009) [#3]
Thanks, it's a super low pol model I did years ago for this game:

He may eventually find himself on iphone via iminiB3D, I haven't decided.

ZJP(Posted 2009) [#4]
I like the game ( http://www.blitzbasic.com/logs/userlog.php?user=3087&log=1335 ) :))


Edit : What library do you use for the shadows in 2006?

jhocking(Posted 2009) [#5]
I used Sswift's Shadow System eventually, not sure exactly when I got that. The initial prototype was using my own home-grown shadow implementation; it worked on the same principle as sswift's, but nowhere near as robust or flexible.

jhocking(Posted 2010) [#6]
Just made a minor update to this app. I needed to preview vertex colors for my current project, so I added a vertex color checkbox to the viewer. Then, since I was updating it anyway, I added in camera speed settings.

jkrankie(Posted 2010) [#7]
This is pretty cool :) It'd be cool if i could associate .b3d files with it, so when i double click a .b3d in Windows/Finder it would open the model in the app.


jhocking(Posted 2010) [#8]
Can't you? I don't use Windows much anymore, but I thought you could associate programs with file types by right-clicking on a file and going to its Properties.

Although wait that wouldn't load the file in the program, it would just launch the program, nevermind.

jkrankie(Posted 2010) [#9]
Yeah, that's what i meant, launch the program AND open the file :)

EDIT: i'm using it on a mac too.


Hotshot2005(Posted 2010) [#10]
that is very nice :)

jhocking(Posted 2010) [#11]
minor update: I moved the clipping plane farther out for larger models. Still can't adjust it though, I'm thinking of eventually putting in controls to adjust the clipping plane.