Image Processor with LUA

Community Forums/Showcase/Image Processor with LUA

degac(Posted 2009) [#1]
Hi, this morning I've started (from scratch) my first application with LUA support (I dont' know quite anything about its syntax...but give me time...)

The first application (is just a test to understand the basis) is a simple Image Processor. Basically the Bmx program loads an image and the LUA script can interact with it: nothing special I know...

I've implemented some RGB/YUV function that are not *so* perfect (or didnt' work at all...) but remember it is only a starting point

PS: I've used a LUA-type structure, I dont' like very much the LuaL_procedure implemented in MaxLUA. I prefer something more understandable
this is more clear - for now and my knowledge of Lua



lua_pushnumber(lua_State, value)
lua_settable(lua_State , LUA_GLOBALSINDEX)

PS: there are very few tutorials on how interface BlitzMax to LUA...and what I found is related to something very OLD (more than 3 years with modules gone).
Comments and suggestions are welcomed.