P.U.K.I Game Engine Version 2!

Community Forums/Showcase/P.U.K.I Game Engine Version 2!

WERDNA(Posted 2009) [#1]
Since I finally finished the second version of Robo Attack3D,
I have decided to take a small break before I begin work on version 3.
So to begin with, I have finished the project I was working on
before Robo Attack, the ever lovable P.U.K.I game engine!

This version significantly improves upon the last one.
The last version, only really allowed you to create the levels for
a platformer game. They would be missing all the items, enemies,
etc, that normally go along with it.

Well this version, allows you to not only easily create a
platformer level, but also to easily add enemies and items!
(I have also improved the features of the last P.U.K.I)

I have created a sample game to go along with the game engine,
and instructions on how to use it.

Have fun, and don't forget to download the newest version
of robo attack if you haven't already!(And give me feedback:)


(This engine should actually prove quite useful for making a few small games I have planned once I fine tune it a bit)

OldNESJunkie(Posted 2009) [#2]
Um, I can't get it to pass the story at all, when it says "Press any key to continue" I hit every last key on my laptop, and nothing, had to ctrl-alt-del & end task. Vista 64-Bit here.

Who was John Galt?(Posted 2009) [#3]
Oh mighty WERDNA, is it possible, that in your most supreme grace, you could see fit to bless us with a compiled version, so that us mere mortals without b.b can have a shufty?

Looking good, btw. I particularly like the player sprite!

WERDNA(Posted 2009) [#4]
Lol, your right!

I got confused in my coding it seems, so there are 2 ways to by pass
the wait key at the end of the story sequence.

Either hold down spacebar during the the story, before the story reaches
its end. Or, if the story has already reached its end, then hold down spacebar and press any key WHILE holding down space bar.

Sorry about that :)
(*Slaps himself*)

As to your request for a compiled version, I can definitely do that for you tomorrow!
Although be warned, the main feature here is the engine itself, and not the game that comes with it.(Which only has 3 levels by the way, although more could be easily added)

At some point, in the distant future, I would like to make this more of
a game editor like a mini version of game maker. So that anyone even those who don't know how to program can create games with it.

Glad you like the art though John Galt, lol. I just slapped that together
and came up with the crayon world idea so I couldn't be blamed for
sloppy,weird, inconsistent graphics ^_^

(Now that I've got this done, I'm going to work on finishing up a few old
projects before I continue Robo Attack. So expect a few mini games, and, best of all, at long last, Across The Land!)

(Heres an exciting screen shot. And yes, this what the game actually looks like:)

WERDNA(Posted 2009) [#5]
As requested by John Galt, a compiled version of the sample game
included with this game engine has been uploaded to my site.

It has 3 levels, use the arrow keys to move, and space bar to shoot.
It is NOT a very good game, but does show how far this game engine
has come from the previous version.
In the last version, you could only create basic scrolling levels.
Here at least enemies and items can be included.

Have fun,


Nate the Great(Posted 2009) [#6]
and came up with the crayon world idea so I couldn't be blamed for
sloppy,weird, inconsistent graphics ^_^

The graphics are horrible and sloppy and too innocent! haha JK. The engine is nice. ill take a more in depth look in a few days.

WERDNA(Posted 2009) [#7]
Hey, glad you like it Nate!

Remember that you can take screen shots with the 'J' key.
I would love to see what you create :)


therevills(Posted 2009) [#8]
Hey Werdna,

Ive got the same issue as OldSkoolGamer, can't get it to pass the story...

Ive looked thru your code to try to get it to work, but OMG (no offence) your code is a nightmare to read - LOL.

You need to have a more logical struture, use more functions and at least indent your code! After looking for a solution for about 10 mins I gave up!!!

For example your story text should have been an array of strings, this would have saved you a lot of copying and pasting. And I would have put the entire story section in a function:

AppTitle "P.U.K.I(Platformer Unlimited Kinetic Integrator)"
Graphics 800,600,0,0
AutoMidHandle True
SeedRnd MilliSecs()
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

Global max_story_index = 30
Global delaytime = 100
Dim storyLine$(max_story_index)

StoryLine(1)= "This game does not reflect my personal views about Puki, or any other Blitz Users."
StoryLine(2)= "I have nothing but the utmost regard for all of you." 
StoryLine(3)= "This game is simply having a bit of fun with all of the sausage jokes about Puki."
StoryLine(4)= "And poking fun at all the Mighty WERDNA nonsense I use to do ^_^"
StoryLine(5)= ""
StoryLine(6)= "Hold down space bar NOW, if you wish to skip through the story."
StoryLine(7)= ""
StoryLine(8)= "One day, after drawing with his crayons for hours on end, Puki decides that its nap time."
StoryLine(9)= "Before Puki goes to sleep, he gets a snack from the fridge, of sausages."
StoryLine(10)= "Little did Puki know, that the sausage he was eating, was so old, that it had become not"
StoryLine(11)= "only toxic, but radioactive!"
StoryLine(12)= "After waking up from a long nap, Puki suddenly realized that he had super powers!"
StoryLine(13)= "Not only could he annoy Blitz users to an incredible degree, but he could FLY!"
StoryLine(14)= "He was now, SUPER PUKI!"
StoryLine(15)= ""
StoryLine(16)= "As Puki marveled at his new found powers, his crayons approached him."
StoryLine(17)= "'PUKI' They thundered."
StoryLine(20)= "Puki knew that he must save the crayon people, so he could draw pictures with them once again."
StoryLine(21)= "So he set off, into the Crayon World, to save them from evil!"
StoryLine(22)= ""
StoryLine(23)= ""
StoryLine(24)= "Press Any Key To Continue."
StoryLine(25)= ""
StoryLine(26)= ""
StoryLine(27)= ""
StoryLine(28)= ""
StoryLine(29)= ""
StoryLine(30)= ""


Function displayStory()
	Locate 0,0
	Local story_index = 1
	While Not KeyDown(57) Or story_index > max_story_index
		Print storyLine$(story_index)
		Delay delaytime
		story_index = story_index + 1
End Function

It looks cool though!

Nate the Great(Posted 2009) [#9]
wow the code is actually a mess but its fun to play.. It took me like 5 tries to get to the end of the 3rd level though... my only complaint is all of the times enemies vibrate because they are stuck or when the player gets trapped or something like that.

therevills(Posted 2009) [#10]
How did you get to play the game? Still cant figure out for to get passed the story!!!

Nate the Great(Posted 2009) [#11]
you have to wait a while... idk why but I walked away for 3 minutes and it dissapeard.. be sure to hold down the space bar for a while though.

WERDNA(Posted 2009) [#12]
Thanks a bundle for the suggestions therevills!

I know my code is a mess :)
I've worked on this project off and on for awhile now, so some of
the older parts of the code are really, really bad.
(Even some of the new parts still suck. I had a bit of trouble when I
picked this up again figuring out whats going on:)

I'm really glad to hear that its fun!
Enemies vibrating, and the player getting trapped will be fixed in the
next version. The engine will just become more refined from version to
version. Several of the bugs from the first version were removed in this
one, and in the third version(Hopefully), all the bugs from this one will
be removed as well.

Also I found out whats wrong with the story, lol.
My story ends on line 24.
There is a 3 second delay in between each line.
Even though the story ends on line 24, the program still passes
through the next 6 lines before you reach the Wait key that lets you
end the story. So thats several seconds that you have to wait before
you can do anything.
Also the waitkey itself is faulty, and the only way to pass it is to hold
down spacebar AND hit any key WHILE holding down spacebar.
Although you can skip the story entirely if you just hold spacebar to
begin with. So this definitely needs to be fixed, and I think I'll just
upload a new 'fixed' version tomorrow :)


Grisu(Posted 2009) [#13]
Nice job! The PUKI reference was great too. ;o)

Any chance of testing your "across the land" project?

big10p(Posted 2009) [#14]
Programmer art city! :)

WERDNA(Posted 2009) [#15]
Glad you liked it Grisu :)

As to Across the Land, sadly no :(
Let me give you a brief history of the project so you know why.

I have always since I was 4 wanted to make video games.
Before I owned a computer, or knew anything about programming, I
figured making board games was the next best option. So I made a
lot of board games using cardboard, and colored pencils.
All of my games were very unique, and as can be expected more
resembled video games.(In the way they were played)
Out of all of these, the one that I like very best, and to this day view
as the best board game I've ever played, is one called Across the Land.
It was one of the few good one player board games I've ever played,
and that is because it resembles very heavily your typical Dragon Warrior\Final Fantasy video game.
Using some rather clever ideas, I managed to make a board game that
had turn based battles, random enemy encounters, a shop, different
status ailments such as confusion, poison, paralysis, sleep, etc, and
took about 2 hours to win :)
I use to wake up 2 hours early sometimes just so I had time to play it.

And several months ago, I decided to recreate it on the computer.
So as you can see above, I scanned in the original board.
Along with all of the monsters which I used Yu-Gi-Oh cards to represent.
But I can't upload it to filefront, since it does use Yu-Gi-Oh cards
for the monster images.(Copy right infringement:)

So the game has sat in a near state of completion for months, because
I've been to busy(And inept in the art department) to make my own

Well I finally decided to get around to it, and have 3 done so far, so
hopefully I'll be able to upload the game soon.

Until then, I won't be able to offer any kind of demo unfortunately :(
(On a side note, if you think the code in P.U.K.I is bad, you should see
the horror of across the land. The code file is nearly 400K.)

And finally as previously stated, I'll upload a new, 'fixed' version of P.U.K.I
at some point today :)

Glad everyones enjoying it!


Who was John Galt?(Posted 2009) [#16]
Thanks for creating a compiled version, WERDY!

Given that it's just a demo for your engine, it was an enjoyable game for 5 minutes. It's pretty scary inside puki's world! That duck on level two is really tough to get away from.

On level one, I get little black squares appearing from the presents. I'm assuming from your screenshots I should be seeing ghosts.

I would be interested in seeing your next game when those baddies are done.

WERDNA(Posted 2009) [#17]
The little black squares are enemy bullets :)
(This is puki's world, remember!)

The ghosts appear on level 3.

I have since fixed the problem with the story at last, but have held back
the fixed version because I decided to add some stuff to it.
I have added a fourth level, and the ability to include boss characters.

Hopefully I can upload this by tomorrow.
(I'll upload a new compiled version to go with it.)

I would be interested in seeing your next game when those baddies are done.

Pretty much everything right now is a place holder. Once I get more
work done on the game engine, I'm going to create a proper platforming game.
With good graphics, character design, level design, etc.
This one is basically just practice :)


WERDNA(Posted 2009) [#18]
Ok, version 3 of both the normal version, and the compiled version is
ready to download!

The story has been fixed.

Also a new 4th level has been added.

And finally boss characters can now be added, and edited.
(Only for level 4 though :)

The players starting lives have also been increased to account for the
difficulty of level 4, and most particularly the difficulty of the boss at
the end.(The Mighty WERDNA himself!)

Have fun,


_Skully(Posted 2009) [#19]
Are the presents supposed to be shooting at me or just the enemies? or are the presents enemies?

WERDNA(Posted 2009) [#20]
The presents are 'turret' type enemies.
Meaning their one goal is to sit and shoot at you.
They are the only enemy that shoots.