Don't you just love writing pointless code?!

Community Forums/Showcase/Don't you just love writing pointless code?!

Rob Farley(Posted 2007) [#1]
Graphics3D 800,600,32,2

SetBuffer BackBuffer()
camera = CreateCamera()
MoveEntity camera,0,0,-20

Layers = 20

Dim s(Layers )
For n=0 To Layers 
	s(n) = CreateBall()
	scale# = 1.0-((Float(n+1))/50.0)
	ScaleEntity s(n),scale,scale,scale

	For n=0 To Layers 
		RotateEntity s(n),0,-Float((MilliSecs()))/20,-Float((MilliSecs()))/30
	Flip False
Until KeyHit(1)

Function CreateBall()
	Q = CreateMesh()
	SQ = CreateSurface(Q)
	p = CreatePivot()
	For n=0 To 1000
		PositionEntity p,0,0,0
		TurnEntity p,Rnd(-359,359),Rnd(-359,359),Rnd(-359,359)
		MoveEntity p,0,0,10
		MoveEntity p,-.1,-.1,0
		v1 = AddVertex(SQ ,EntityX(p),EntityY(p),EntityZ(p),0,0)
		MoveEntity p,.2,0,0
		v2 = AddVertex(SQ ,EntityX(p),EntityY(p),EntityZ(p),1,0)
		MoveEntity p,-.2,.2,0
		v3 = AddVertex(SQ ,EntityX(p),EntityY(p),EntityZ(p),0,1)
		MoveEntity p,.2,0,0
		v4 = AddVertex(SQ ,EntityX(p),EntityY(p),EntityZ(p),1,1)
		AddTriangle(SQ ,v1,v2,v4)
		AddTriangle(SQ ,v1,v4,v3)
		If c=0 Then r=255:g=0:b=0
		If c=1 Then r=0:g=255:b=0
		If c=2 Then r=0:g=0:b=255
		If c=3 Then r=0:g=100:b=255
		VertexColor SQ,(n*4)+0,r,g,b
		VertexColor SQ,(n*4)+1,r,g,b
		VertexColor SQ,(n*4)+2,r,g,b
		VertexColor SQ,(n*4)+3,r,g,b
	EntityBlend q,3
	EntityFX q,18
	FreeEntity p
	Return q
End Function

chaos51(Posted 2007) [#2]

Reminds me of the Amiga demos where they had a bouncing 3D sphere, made up of many small spheres..


QuickSilva(Posted 2007) [#3]
Hey, thats really cool! Good stuff. BTW are you still working on your helicopter game?


slenkar(Posted 2007) [#4]

Hey, thats really cool! Good stuff. BTW are you still working on your helicopter game?

obviously not..

only joking!

nice demo

Trader3564(Posted 2007) [#5]
yea its nice, bit hectic tough.. O_.