File Center

Community Forums/Showcase/File Center

Andres(Posted 2006) [#1]

* Uploading files for yourself or everybody
* Sending files directly to another person
* Search added links/files added by you and others
* Make notes for yourself
* Web search
* Chat for easy communication with other F-Once users
* MP3 stream ripping
* Send E-mails from any mail adress
and more coming

A screenshot of F-once's lates version:

Every uploaded file has an expiration, wich depends on the size of the file you want to upload.

jfk EO-11110(Posted 2006) [#2]
Looks pretty good. May be used as the basement of a peer to peer transfer system.

Andres(Posted 2006) [#3]
Yes, but mostly it's used for server to peer transfers. You can freely upload files as public or personal files to get rid of them (or just broadcast) from harddrive for a certain time. Currently the ratio is 7 days max and 128MB max so if a file is 128MB then it will be removed in a very short time though file that's 1KB will stay there almost 6 days and 23 hours.

The webserver I registered has only 2GB of freespace so I'll have to increase it somehow for letting bigger files to be uploaded, otherwise the server will be overloaded in a very short time.

Andres(Posted 2006) [#4]
Jus realeased the application:

Fuller(Posted 2006) [#5]
DownLoading... Looks Good!

Fuller(Posted 2006) [#6]
Hmm.. I'm getting a Failed to Load File on lots of files (like my sig picture) and once it did upload it just kinda disappeared.

Andres(Posted 2006) [#7]
Try executing it instead downloading. When i did then i saw that picture.

Andres(Posted 2006) [#8]
In version 1.01 there will be feature called "Web search" wich searches all (sub)links from a page:

Andres(Posted 2007) [#9]
Released version 1.04!

Improved Web search, added chat, stream ripping and more.

Picklesworth(Posted 2007) [#10]
Sharing files with yourself, I see...

That looks pretty tidy and well done :)

Web Search sounds useful and like something which I remember going on a long and painful hunt for a while ago. I did find a few programs but they either cost money or were horribly built. Does this here do sub-sub-links and the like?

Is it possible to have files visible only to certain users (like user groups selectable via the tabs at the top)?
In my opinion, that would make this very useful for sharing stuff with select people, such as working on things with others... especially if it went on to give alerts for when remote files have been changed. (There is a Windows API thing to watch directories for changes).

Anyway, just random thoughts if you're looking for any. Nice work!

Andres(Posted 2007) [#11]
Yes Web search searches sub-sub-links until you press "Stop" button. As of version 1.04 I included link's names to search.

At the moment you can't share files with certain users (only yourself and everybody). I'll try to add it as soon as possible. PHP has file's md5 hashes so I could use that.

Thoughts are always welcome.

I also thout about adding WAP server to it, but i have only port 113 open and those phones that I've tried are capable of connecting to 80 only.

Has anybody discovered how to create/handle multi columned listboxes in BlitzPlus?

Andres(Posted 2007) [#12]
Released version 1.05!

I'm planning to add user groups to next version.

Andres(Posted 2007) [#13]
User groups added and some more changes!
Now you can share files/links with certain users.

Screenshot can be found in post above.

Andres(Posted 2007) [#14]
In version 1.09 I'll add Folder sharing so search will display the results if user has permission:

The sharing will be probably built on UDP protocol.

NOTE! All non-blitz+ gadgets are created and managed with WinBlitz3D library

XtremeCoder(Posted 2007) [#15]
for the folder sharing:
will you be able to upload many files at once to clients and to many ppl at once? or is it 1 file per client? and when will this update be released?

XtremeCoder(Posted 2008) [#16]
What happened to this thing? the main website is down...

Andres(Posted 2009) [#17]
I drank all my money, and the page was closed due to the bills :D
(drank for the last 1 year as you can see from the last post :)