myIni v1.0b for B3D\Basic

Community Forums/Showcase/myIni v1.0b for B3D\Basic

kochOn(Posted 2006) [#1]

This is a beta of my (kinda) Ini system.
Find the link on the top news of my site:

This is an early beta but still functional, with only one example of myIni Creation(others will come later).

The functions are described in the source and all are listed in the decls file.

Feel free to try, give comments and ask questions...


Boiled Sweets(Posted 2006) [#2]
This is a good one too, you might be able to use some of the features. In fact this is all I need for a INI library...

Type INI_Type
	Field strFilename$ = ""
	Field blnModified% = False
	Field strContents$ = ""
End Type
Global INI_CurrentFile.INI_Type = New INI_Type

; Core functions

Function INI_OpenFile(INI_strFilename$)

; Description:	Open the specified INI file for manipulation (if said file exists).
; Returns:		[] n/a

	INI_CurrentFile\strFilename = Trim(INI_strFilename) : If Right(Upper(INI_strFilename), 4) <> ".INI" Then INI_CurrentFile\strFilename = INI_CurrentFile\strFilename + ".ini"
	INI_CurrentFile\blnModified = False
	INI_CurrentFile\strContents = ""

	INI_lngFileHandle% = ReadFile(INI_CurrentFile\strFilename)
	If INI_lngFileHandle <> 0 Then
		While Not(Eof(INI_lngFileHandle))
			INI_CurrentFile\strContents = INI_CurrentFile\strContents + ReadLine$(INI_lngFileHandle) + Chr$($0D) + Chr$($0A)
		CloseFile INI_lngFileHandle
		Return 1
	End If

	Return 0

End Function

Function INI_CloseFile%()

; Description:	If INI modifications have been made (via INI_WriteValue), they are saved back to the original INI file.
; Returns:		[boolean] True (success) or False (unable to save modifications back to the INI file, where applicable)

	INI_blnResult% = True

	If (INI_CurrentFile\blnModified = True) Then
		; Commit internal changes back to the INI file
		INI_lngFileHandle = WriteFile(INI_CurrentFile\strFilename)
		If INI_lngFileHandle <> 0 Then
			WriteLine INI_lngFileHandle, Left$(INI_CurrentFile\strContents, Len(INI_CurrentFile\strContents) - 2)
			CloseFile INI_lngFileHandle
			INI_CurrentFile\blnModified = False
			INI_blnResult = False ; Create file failed
		End If
	End If
	Return INI_blnResult

End Function

Function INI_ReadValue$(INI_strSection$, INI_strKey$, INI_strDefault$ = "")

; Description:	Retrieve the INI file value for the specified INI Section/Key combination.
; Returns:		[string] INI Value - The optional INI_strDefault value is returned if no SECTION/KEY combination is found

	INI_strSection = "[" + Upper$(Trim$(INI_strSection)) + "]"
	INI_strKey = Chr$($0A) + Upper$(Trim$(INI_strKey))

	INI_strUpperContents$ = Upper$(INI_CurrentFile\strContents)

; Locate the SECTION, KEY and VALUE

	INI_strValue$ = ""

	INI_lngSectionPos% = Instr(INI_strUpperContents, INI_strSection)
	If (INI_lngSectionPos <> 0) Then
		INI_lngKeyPos% = Instr(INI_strUpperContents, INI_strKey, (INI_lngSectionPos + Len(INI_strSection) + 1))
		If (INI_lngKeyPos <> 0) Then
			INI_NextSection% = Instr(INI_strUpperContents, "[", (INI_lngSectionPos + Len(INI_strSection) + 1))
			If (INI_NextSection = 0) Or (INI_lngKeyPos < INI_NextSection) Then
				INI_lngStartPos% = Instr(INI_strUpperContents, "=", (INI_lngKeyPos + 1))
				If (INI_lngStartPos <> 0) Then
					INI_lngEndPos% = Instr(INI_strUpperContents, Chr$($0D), (INI_lngStartPos + 1))
					If (INI_lngEndPos <> 0) Then
						; We have located the required INI key and it's corresponding value
						INI_strValue = Trim$(Mid$(INI_CurrentFile\strContents, INI_lngStartPos + 1, (INI_lngEndPos - INI_lngStartPos - 1)))
					End If
				End If
			End If
		End If
	End If

; Return the appropriate value

	If (INI_strValue <> "") Then Return INI_strValue Else Return INI_strDefault

End Function

Function INI_WriteValue(INI_strSection$, INI_strKey$, INI_strValue$)

; Description:	Add/update key values within the current INI file (internally).
;				Note: Changes are not committed back To file until you explicitly call INI_CloseFile.
; Returns:		[] n/a

	INI_strSection = "[" + Trim$(INI_strSection) + "]"
	INI_strUpperSection$ = Upper$(INI_strSection)
	INI_strKey = Trim$(INI_strKey)
	INI_strValue = Trim$(INI_strValue)

; (Re)Create the INI contents updating/adding the SECTION, KEY and VALUE

	INI_blnWrittenKey% = False
	INI_blnSectionFound% = False
	INI_strCurrentSection$ = ""

	INI_strTempContents$ = INI_CurrentFile\strContents
	INI_CurrentFile\strContents = ""

	INI_lngOldPos% = 1
	INI_lngPos% = Instr(INI_strTempContents, Chr$($0D))
	While (INI_lngPos <> 0)

		INI_strTemp$ =Trim$(Mid$(INI_strTempContents, INI_lngOldPos, (INI_lngPos - INI_lngOldPos)))
		If (INI_strTemp <> "") Then
			If Left$(INI_strTemp, 1) = "[" And Right$(INI_strTemp, 1) = "]" Then
				; Process SECTION
				If (INI_strCurrentSection = INI_strUpperSection) And (INI_blnWrittenKey = False) Then
					INI_blnWrittenKey = INI_CreateKey(INI_strKey, INI_strValue)
				End If
				INI_CreateSection INI_strTemp
				INI_strCurrentSection = Upper$(INI_strTemp)
				If (INI_strCurrentSection = INI_strUpperSection) Then INI_blnSectionFound = True
				INI_lngEqualsPos% = Instr(INI_strTemp, "=")
				If (INI_lngEqualsPos <> 0) Then
					If (INI_strCurrentSection = INI_strUpperSection) And (Upper$(Trim$(Left$(INI_strTemp, (INI_lngEqualsPos - 1)))) = Upper$(INI_strKey)) Then
						INI_blnWrittenKey = INI_CreateKey(INI_strKey, INI_strValue)
						INI_CurrentFile\strContents = INI_CurrentFile\strContents + INI_strTemp + Chr$($0D) + Chr$($0A)
					End If
				End If
			End If
		End If

		; Move through the INI contents...

		INI_lngOldPos = INI_lngPos + 1
		INI_lngPos% = Instr(INI_strTempContents, Chr$($0D), INI_lngOldPos)


	; KEY wasn't found in the INI contents - Append a new SECTION if required and create our KEY=VALUE line

	If (INI_strValue <> "") And (INI_blnWrittenKey = False) Then
		If (INI_blnSectionFound = False) Then
			INI_CreateSection INI_strSection
		End If
		INI_CreateKey INI_strKey, INI_strValue
	End If
	INI_CurrentFile\blnModified = True

End Function

Function INI_CreateSection(INI_strNewSection$)

	If INI_CurrentFile\strContents <> "" Then
		; Blank line between sections
		INI_CurrentFile\strContents = INI_CurrentFile\strContents + Chr$($0D) + Chr$($0A)
	End If
	INI_CurrentFile\strContents = INI_CurrentFile\strContents + INI_strNewSection + Chr$($0D) + Chr$($0A)

End Function

Function INI_CreateKey%(INI_strKey$, INI_strValue$)

	If (INI_strValue <> "") Then
		INI_CurrentFile\strContents = INI_CurrentFile\strContents + INI_strKey + "=" + INI_strValue + Chr$($0D) + Chr$($0A)
	End If
	Return True

End Function

kochOn(Posted 2006) [#3]
Well, it seems to be more simply programmed than mine and will surely do the job.

A myIni ini file is not as common ini and could looks like this:


->Description of the ini file (header)

x = 10 ;: xpos
y = 10 ;: ypos
width = 320 ;: width
height = 240 ;: height

x = 5 ;: child xpos
y = 5 ;: child ypos
width = 100 ;: child width
height = 100 ;: child height
r = 128 ;: Red value
g = 128 ;: Green value
b = 255 ;: Blue value


You can the access sections and subsection with:

w = myIni_GetInt("width", "ChildWindow\Pos")
r = myIni_GetInt("r")

You can also deal with multiple myIni files easily...

Boiled Sweets(Posted 2006) [#4]
I'm not being negative just practical...

Well personally I prefer the regular formatted INI file and I'll tell you why.

My screen savers have a configuration component written in VB and it reads and writes to the INI file using the standards Windows API calls. Now a custom INI file would require loads more programming on the VB side.

Perhaps your new INI format has advantages over the standard MS one but IMHO the last thing we need is different formatted INI files. In fact I would go one step further and say don't give yours a .INI extension as it's NOT an INI file.

Jake L.(Posted 2006) [#5]
Did someone mentioned XML already? ;)

Boiled Sweets(Posted 2006) [#6]

good point...

kochOn(Posted 2006) [#7]
You're right boiled Sweets with the extension.

The fact is that myIni_Load, myIni_Create and myIni_Save functions have no defined extension. the user may save its file as myGame.cfg or myGame.blabla any extension wanted.

So I will change the extension of the demo generated file,
And will choose a better extension for the future examples and help to not confusing.

Thanks, köchOn

Jake L.(Posted 2006) [#8]
You really should have a look into XML. I see only advantages for you:

* it's existing, you don't have to code it yourself
* it does all the extra functionality you want plus some more you may like
* it's a standard and xml-libs exists for almost any language

Don't get me wrong, I was a real .ini-fanboy but switched completly to XML as it gives me more functionality with less pain.

Search this forum for MAXML and give it a try...


PS: Yes, LibXML exists as well, but IMHO Maxml is easier to use.

kochOn(Posted 2006) [#9]
Thanks jake, but I want to have my own system.

I ll only add a .mini extensions for each files created to avoid confusions with normal ini files

XML seems to be very interesting and easy to use but as there is no dll to wrap, I should have to get a large portion of code from the code archives.

Then myIni system is intended to be used only for the Blitz3D/BlitzPlus community.
