Explosions Pack

Community Forums/Showcase/Explosions Pack

Banshee(Posted 2005) [#1]
Following a prompt by Xlsior I have produced 25mb of explosion sequences for use in your projects, royalty free.

All animations are 30 cells long and are at 256x256 so that you can reduce to whatever size you choose. 16 animation sets are included in this release.

I'll do more in different styles if there is interest.


Dustin(Posted 2005) [#2]
Very kind & very generous! Nice work.


octothorpe(Posted 2005) [#3]
Great balls of fire!

OJay(Posted 2005) [#4]
yeah combustion is a great tool, isn't it? anyway, nice explosions! you could do some more, maybe with more colors or something...im sure, a lot of peeps out there would love to see more :)

btw: just made a small program to view the explosions (just copy it to the root-folder):

Banshee(Posted 2005) [#5]
OK :), I will do more bangs soon of different styles such as smoke grenades etc.

I've not heard of combusion? For these I used Max.

Thankyou for the code OJay, I havn't even viewed these in realtime myself yet ! I'll go have a look...

Rob Farley(Posted 2005) [#6]

Ross C(Posted 2005) [#7]
Press escape to go back to the directory selection in this updated version of ojay's code.

Graphics 640,480,0,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()


fps = 30 ; frames per second
Dim frames(30) ; imagehandles
curframe = 0
dir$ = "."

While(dir <> "") 
	dir$ = Input("directory (a-z, leave empty to exit): ")
	If(FileType(CurrentDir()+dir$) = 2 And dir <> "")
		; load images
		hdir = ReadDir(CurrentDir()+dir)
		filename$ = NextFile(hdir)
		i = 0
		While filename <> ""
			If(FileType(CurrentDir()+dir$+"\"+filename) = 1)
				frames(i) = LoadImage(CurrentDir()+dir$+"\"+filename)
				i = i + 1
			filename$ = NextFile(hdir)
		; play explosion
			If(framestart < MilliSecs()-1000/fps)
				framestart = MilliSecs()
				curframe = (curframe + 1) Mod 30
			DrawBlock frames(curframe),0,0
		Until KeyHit(1)
		; free up memory
		For i=0 To 30
			If(frames(i)<>0) FreeImage frames(i) : frames(i)=0
Goto start

Grey Alien(Posted 2005) [#8]
very generous Banshee, thanks a lot!

xlsior(Posted 2005) [#9]
*Excellent* work!!

Extremely appreciated.