Another 2d Ragdoll concept demo

Community Forums/Showcase/Another 2d Ragdoll concept demo

Stevie G(Posted 2005) [#1]
Just something I've been working on slowly but surely for the last couple of months ... I was trying to replicate the control system of RagDoll kung fu but not having played it I've settled on this ( a blatant rip-off but my interpretation ) ...

The plan was to be able to walk, jump, climb, throw etc.. simply by using the mouse without any preset animations. Sound familiar ;)

Ignoring the placeholder graphics, the question is .. do you think it's worthwhile turning the concept into a platform style game?


Think of the cursor as a magnet .. to charge this use Right mouse to use the charge and Left mouse to pick a limb and move it. When LM is held you cannot charge.

If 2 feet on ground there no charge is deducted, you can pick things up and throw them, grab onto things and start a jump by hitting the left mouse.

If at least 1 foot is on the ground the charge is reduced, if you move the hands they stay where they're put.

If no feet on ground then the charge is reduced.

To JUMP charge the magnet , put cursor in the air and hold LM for as long as required.

To THROW move hand to object ( BOXES ) hold LM, throw then release LM. You can catch them in mid air.

To WALK select LM the hindmost foot move the cursor forward and up at 15-30 degrees and release LM. Alternatively you can grab the hand and pull the guy along.

You can pick up the mace type objects and flail them around .. they automatically attach to your hand when selected.

F2 resets the objects.
SPACE causes and explosion next to the cursor

Comments welcome :)

big10p(Posted 2005) [#2]
This is a right laff! :)

I haven't mastered all the actions yet - got to go back and have another play.

I'm sure this could be worked into some kind of game idea. What did you have in mind, Stevie?

It also runs very fast and smooth, even on my aging rig. Very nice stuff! ;)

I'm just off to blow all the Bender-bots all over the shop, again! :P

SSS(Posted 2005) [#3]
I think this is fantastic! I really like this.. well enough for me to comment and the last time I commented was.. a long time ago. Really good stuff. This would work perfectly with a platform game.. just make sure to have swards!!! and bazooka's and swards with bazooka's!!! jk.. but it really is cool

Bouncer(Posted 2005) [#4]
This is really god damn cool. Too bad Mark Healey thought of this control method first. Ragdoll kung-fu is going to make so much $$ it makes me cry... :(

But this is a very nice work.... and the robots are so cute :)

big10p(Posted 2005) [#5]
Weeee..... :P

Stevie G(Posted 2005) [#6]
Cheers folks glad you like :)

I was thinking about either a platform game ..... A Robot Factory style theme where there are loads of different types of enemies, things to grab / throw and hit with. All the enemies would have no preset animations just some physics applied depending on the ai state. Any type of organism / object / weapon is possible with this engine ...

or a worms style game where you can pick up and fire weapons, throw stuff, flail them about etc.. or pick another guy up and throw him around. Not sure if this would work so well with smaller robots.


[EDIT] Lol .. just noticed your pick big10p

TartanTangerine (was Indiepath)(Posted 2005) [#7]
This is too cool. Nice work.

Stevie G(Posted 2005) [#8]
A quick update ...

This version allows you to drop items by a quick click on the limb. So you can hang on the bungee , swing , click on the hand and drop. When charged up you can now throw the feet into the air. Also, if you foot or hand is moving fast enough it will move the other things around .. kind of like a kick and punch.
There's also the bendy/pole thing which needs two hands. I'm still working on the collisions so please bear with me ..... ( I know you can hit the weapon you're holding )

An Improvement I think!

Anatoly(Posted 2005) [#9]
Great! This can compete with Ragdoll Kung-Fu!!!

boomboommax(Posted 2005) [#10]
i wish people would stop copying ragdoll kung fu, christ, someone makes something half original and it gets ripped off to bits.

Stevie G(Posted 2005) [#11]
~@ Cyanide

So you're telling me that you've never tried to re-make or replicate a games features ever? I assume ALL your ideas are original and nothing comes close to them? Stop talking out your arse!!! I'd love to see you're effort at something like this!

This may appear to be a rip-off but as I've never played the game it's an iterpretation. I've received alot of POSITIVE feedback from other forums ... including a comment from Mark Healey himself ..

hehe, cool! Has some similarites to RDKF, but is also quite different. Nice work.

boomboommax(Posted 2005) [#12]
i didnt mean just you, ive seen alot of these kinda clones of kung fu lately, i mean people clone fps games all the time, but its a genre not a pretty much original idea.

Stevie G(Posted 2005) [#13]
Fair enough but the plan is platformer so it'll be nothing like RDKF when it's done. I'd be interested to see what other clones there are? Any links?