own gadget example

Community Forums/Showcase/own gadget example

CS_TBL(Posted 2004) [#1]

(click the 'relevant link')

It's a (B+) tool I made for use on MSX 1 and MSX 2 .. a gfx tool for pattern-mode where every line has only 2 colors. Typically this patternmode is used in games..

Anyway, all the buttons are my own gadgets, using the method I described here: http://www.blitzbasic.co.nz/Community/posts.php?topic=31842

The actual images of the buttons are generated with a gfx-generating-script-language (hence the little calculating at the start of the application).

About 1400 lines of code, excluding 2 large includefiles, one for generic stuff including my button-gadgets, and one with the gfx-script-parser. Created in 3 days.