Community Project - Alien Breed game

Community Forums/Showcase/Community Project - Alien Breed game

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#1]
Currently Standing like this:

Included are:

Map editor - This needs to be extended however, it allows you to create maps.
Basic Engine - The Engine as it stands, basic collision detection, objects, and animated player.
Example Map - Um... example map.
Map Tile Set - Thanks to coffeedotbean for this
Player gfx - Again from Coffeedotbean
Object Tile set - I've created 2 objects so far, ammo and medikit

Let see what we can make of this, we need tile sets, maps, and of course a story and an engine.

The maps are 256x256 tiles in size with 32x32px tiles. They are made up of 4 layers:
Layer 0: Collision layer, either yes or no.
Layer 1: Base coat: The basic look of the level.
Layer 2: Objects: Pick up/ shoot etc.
Layer 3: Overlay : Drawn over the top of everything else to give a sense of depth.
Layer 4: Block Overlay : Like the overlay, however uses drawblock so there's no transparancy.

Things that need to be done:

[done] 1. Shooting... Give the player the ablity to shoot.
[done] 2. Doors... Add door objects that when the player touches them they open
[done] 3. Keys... Add a key object so that when the player has this object doors open
[done] 4. Player 2... Currently the engine will support multiple players as the player is a type, the map also averages the 2 positions and positions itself accordingly
[not needed in the end my screen averaging code did this for us!] 5. Push scroll... Instead of the player being fixed in the middle of the screen the player walks around in the centre section of the screen and when he reaches a boundry will push the scrolling. This is vital for the 2 player option.
[done 30%] 6. Bad Guys... Create a type for the bad guys much like the player type so bad guys can roam, spawn and attack
[done 30%]7. Bad Guy Ai... AI for the baddies, so they attack you!
[done]8. Ammo... Once firing is in ammo needs to be taken into account, also multiple weapons.
9. Credits... Add an object to give a player credits to buy things using the...
10. Intex Systems... Or whatever, the consoles to log on to get weapons/armour etc.

Once these 10 items are in I think we will have a game engine to write a game from. Once the engine is complete we can then get going with mapping and a scripting system to give each level a mission.

Come on guys... Support the community and add some code.

Paul "Taiphoz"(Posted 2004) [#2]
ah thats looking better now.

As soon as Im done with the code im working on now I will make a start on that list. I'm sure others will to.

QuickSilva(Posted 2004) [#3]
I would stick it on the front page too, as lots of people seemed to miss the first community project `Jump Around` completely, myself included. And I regularly read the forums. Still not sure how I missed it to be honest.


Bouncer(Posted 2004) [#4]
looking really nice... who did the gfx so far?

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#5]
Just added locked doors and keys and added more media for keys and doors. Doors still need to be animated to open.

Bouncer, the player and bulk of the tile media is from CoffeedotBean's retired Alpha Breed project as mentioned in the first post.

I'm getting the feeling no-one is interested in this as I seem to be the only one coding this.

Discussion: Would it be better to have security clearance rather than keys? They'd still be certain keys for certain doors, however, if you had basic security clearance that opens a load of doors, then you'd find an ID card say to give you higher clearance level to get deeper into the map? I just think 1 key / 1 door seems a little primitive? Thoughts?

AntonyWells(Posted 2004) [#6]
Here's the first version of the map lightmapping yet, but it does have a window for tile selector(That can be dragged etc. not the prettiest looking thing, but it's as functional as needed.)

Also, a cool feature that REALLY speeds up developement is, hold in tab and then push in the direction of the button you wanna go to. It'll instantly warp there. (It's accurate most of the times)

Has paste and fill tile modes.

Mouse wheel over tile selector scrolls. Lmb picks a tile. (And pastes if over map)

You can re-arrange tile order in the selector window by pressing RMB to switch tiles. Useful for grouping commonly used tiles together.

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#7]

I've updated the map format so there's an extra layer now, there's now a forth layer that uses drawblock instead of drawimage for solid overlay blocks.

Also the objects (layer 2) have a seperate set of tiles now.

How is the light mapping going to work? Does it create new tiles or what? Or does the whole map get created as a new image and it just scrolls around it? Just curious.

AntonyWells(Posted 2004) [#8]
Any amount of layers will be cool with the above editor. Each unique Tile has it's own tile object.(Tiles on the map just reference the original) soon you'll be able to set a tile to 'collider/shadow caster etc'

The lightmapping works(and it's memory heavy, but considering this is a 2d game and most people have hundreds of mb, i'm not worried) by creatig a new tile for each visisble tile on the map, then it renders the light per-pixel across the surface, doing an intersection test of some sorts against the collider tiles. (it'll do this in the map editor, and save the results. Not in real time)

I was going to do a custom format with zlib compression, due to the amount of tiles it spews out..any code in your current version that rely's heavily on the format you're using now?

Ruz(Posted 2004) [#9]
nice textures there

(tu) ENAY(Posted 2004) [#10]
> I'm getting the feeling no-one is interested
> in this as I seem to be the only one coding this.

Give me a week and I'm gonna add multi-player support to Jump Around.

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#11]
I was going to do a custom format with zlib compression, due to the amount of tiles it spews out..any code in your current version that rely's heavily on the format you're using now?
The object layer probably is the biggy as the content of the tile will change therefore the lightmapping wants to avoid this layer. And of course the collision, but I guess this is all fixable!

The door code looks at if you're colliding against a door object and if you are checks if you've got a key, if you do it removes object and collision data from the map file to allow you to pass.

Check out the new code and see what you think.

Blitzblaster(Posted 2004) [#12]
Very cool project. Here in the english community are very interessing coder.

Regards Blitzblaster (from the geman community) :-)

Rimmsy(Posted 2004) [#13]
This adds two player restrictions on whether players can move further than the screen width and height.

This can be added in the loop just under the lines:

Rimmsy(Posted 2004) [#14]
Rob, can you give me a headsup on how I can start with bullets. What I want to know is: At what coords to create them and how to move them relative to movement. I'm confused!

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#15]
Alien Breed had 2 types of gun...

Type 1 machine gun
Type 2 all other guns

The machine gun didn't actually have a bullet as such, it was a instant check down the path to see if it hits anything therefore no graphic was created apart from the gun flare.

The x,y of the player is the location it is on the map (in pixels), so relative co-ords are not necessary as the map/screen positions itself relative to the player co-ords.

The players can roam from 0,0 to 7552,7552.

So creation of the buttet will be at pl\x pl\y although you'll probably want to offset it a little so it doesn't start in the middle of the player.

The offset would be done (off the top of my head) x + (sin(dir*45))*offset and y + (cos(dir*45))*offset. The y bit might be a minus (not sure right now).

I'll try and give you a better idea later, I'll add your code in an update the zip, but it's just gone midnight, I've been drinking, and I need to go to bed!

I want to add an additional data layer to the map too so you'll be able to state what security level a door is for example, Antony, I assume this is cool for your new map format?

Anyway, it's good to see people picking up on this!

AntonyWells(Posted 2004) [#16]
Not done it yet, rob, so if you make a little list of the things you definitely need it to support to work with what you have now/planned, I'll keep it mind when I code the loader/saver.(In the morning, bit late at night for that kinda stuff)

coffeedotbean(Posted 2004) [#17]
What I had in Alphabreed was a materals layer... this layer would be used to control what footstep sound effect would be played, so metal sfx on a matal material etc.

You might wanna add that too.

Add retreat fire from AlienBreed 2, player could walk backwards (a little slow than forwards) and fire is gun.

Might wanna add that too.

Chad(Posted 2004) [#18]
I'd like to create a simple hud, how could I create a HUD that would be on the left hand side of the screen? (I'm kind of new to this so no harsh comments.)

Do I need a GUI, if so which one would you reccommend?

Do I just create the graphics and save them as BMP and put them in and manually code in the health and other parts that are needed?

How can I transition from 1 image (character standing still) to him with his left leg out (walking) by pressing the left arrow to simulate him walking?

Thanks a million,

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#19]
Coffee, Yeah, retreat fire is important, I preferred the tower assult version where if you're holding down fire and start moving the other way you automatically go into retreat mode.

Chad, I don't think we're ready for a hud yet as we don't know what the game is going to consist of, we don't know if you're going to have an inventory where you use objects with other objects or anything yet so any work on a hud will more than likly be changed by the time we need one. Also it'll have to be designed around 1 player or 2 players I would guess it'll be only half the screen wide with player 2's hud stuff mirrored on the other side of the screen.

The HUD itself needs to be as small and minimalist as possible as you need as much screen as possible for the action.

Regarding GUIs avoid them like the plague for a game, they'll be a massive overhead for no real advantage.

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#20]
Rims, added your code to the zip. Seperated the zip into media and code so we don't need to keep downloading the media each time. New link on picture at the top.

(tu) ENAY(Posted 2004) [#21]
How about making so that when you start firing your direction is locked. Then you are free to sidestep and walk backwards whilst firing, or are the controls up to walk forward and not to walk up?

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#22]
I like that idea, the controls are up go up, down go down etc.

Matthew Smith(Posted 2004) [#23]

Updated the following code to limit the screen movement to the size of the map (as it currently stands without modifiying for a particular map size)

If pl=First player
	If KeyDown(205) And pl\x<8192 Then mr=True
	If KeyDown(203) And pl\x>0 Then ml=True
	If KeyDown(200) And pl\y>0 Then mu=True
	If KeyDown(208) And pl\y<8192 Then md=True
	If KeyDown(32) And pl\x<8192 Then mr=True
	If KeyDown(30) And pl\x>0 Then ml=True
	If KeyDown(17) And pl\y>0 Then mu=True
	If KeyDown(31) And pl\y<8192 Then md=True	

Put this code just before the render world
;Limit movement of screen to map
If X < 0 Then X = 0
If X > 8192 - GraphicsWidth() Then X = 8192 - GraphicsWidth()
If Y < 0 Then y = 0
If Y > 8192 - GraphicsHeight() Then Y = 8192 - GraphicsHeight()

Also in the drawmap function the following is shown in each of the 4 layers:

If x+xoff>=0 And y+yoff>=0 And x+xoff<=255 And y+yofff<=255

I believe y+yofff should be y+yoff ?

Rimmsy(Posted 2004) [#24]
Here's a blast animation control include file.
Use setupBlastImages() at the beginning then drawBlasts() and handleBlasts() in the loop. Try:
if mousehit(1) then blastHere(1,mousex(),mousey(),0.3)

Rimmsy(Posted 2004) [#25]
Ok, here's a sound lib:
I got the explosion sound to test with from here: (free use)

call handleSounds() in the loop somewhere.

Use the function: playASound(file$,dat$="") to play a sound. You can specify string parameters that effect the sound like this:
play it at 0.4 of the normal volume
play it five times

to play a sound with normal volume and pitch and only play it once.

AntonyWells(Posted 2004) [#26]
Here's a new version of the editor/map engine.
Added proper smooth scrolling.(Hold in rmb and drag mouse on map to scroll, even while editing)

Added line paste, this lets you drag a line(And scroll, it's not limited to the screen, it anchors to the tile under the mouse when you started) highlights what it'll draw, just drag and let go to paste.
Means you can now do most walls in two clicks, rather than manually doing each tile.

doing lightmapping part,'s where it gets intresting ;)

Chad(Posted 2004) [#27]
Thanks for your reply. I guess I'll follow along with these updates and learn as I go.

PantsOn(Posted 2004) [#28]
Cool project...
Not much time for my input, busy doing other projects. Would love to help though.

There should be another map level, for slopes and sticky/death areas that player falls, gets stuck in etc.
I belive the original AB had these to add to the 3D effect.

It was def used on the last level, with the alien-esque nest.

po(Posted 2004) [#29]
I would like to help, but I don't have the skills.

Space_guy(Posted 2004) [#30]
Your guys should make it multiplayer with atleast possibility for 8 people to play in the same game :) some coop and massive ammounts of enemies comming at you :)

PantsOn(Posted 2004) [#31]
always thought multiple player (2+) would be good fun

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#32]
The engine is suitable for any amount of players, players are just stored in a type, it's just down to lack of network code that is the restriction.

Peronally though I think for simplisity we should stick to 2 or at least make it so it's a cram round the keyboard job of up to any amount of players. This of course causes the keyboard lock up problems (only 4 keys at a time) however, you can plug as many USB keyboards into a computer at one time to solve this problem (if you want to!)

Rimmsy(Posted 2004) [#33]
Ok, I've added a set of global vars to offset all drawing in other parts of the program. Add
Global GOffsetX,GOffsetY
to the main program.

; put screen in average player position


these lines in the loop.

Here's a basic working shooting include:

Put drawBullets() and handleBullets() in the loop somewhere. To use the shooting, use:
	If pl=First player
		If KeyHit(57) ; Space
		If KeyHit(29) ; Left Ctrl

in the player loop.

Also, here's an updated file to accomodate the GOffsetX and GOffsetY.

Snader(Posted 2004) [#34]
Looking great. Always wondered what happend to "alpha breed". I have one problem, is there someone who is centralizing the latest version of this project? If I go on vacation for a month and I come back I think I can't figure out anymore what is what part and make a complete game of it...

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#35]
I'm doing it (seeing as I'm hosting it), but I can't do it every minute of the day so I do it once in the evening.

I make sure everything works before I upload and add a couple of bits here and there to smooth out the cracks. This takes a bit of time, hence the once a day thing.

Every time I update the zip I put a post on this thread saying the zip is updated and what updates have been made. I'm also updating the history file in zips and the general documentation (of which there is bugger all!).

I've not added Antony's Mapper yet as I've no idea how it'll be implemented in the game, I'll have to take a closer look at the at some point soon.

AntonyWells(Posted 2004) [#36]
yeah don't worry about that, I'll integrate the editor myself when the time comes.

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#37]
Code zip updated. Added blast and weapons includes from Rims.

Shooting appears to be a little buggy as sometimes the shots don't seem to go the distance... I'll see if I can look into getting that sorted.

We're moving frightenly close to needing an alien bad guy, I'll see if I can come up with a place holder until someone who can draw comes up with something better!

skidracer(Posted 2004) [#38]
I was wondering if the game could be coded so the graphics engine is completely separate from the game engine.

If the game source included the graphics engine you could swap between a medialess wireframe version, a 2D megapixel display engine and a full on 3D version.

I would be interested in coding some procedural routines for the medialess engine based on a simple vector engine type design.

In regards to character animation for the 2D version maybe we can start with some stock b3d models and render the frames from Blitz3D?

Orca(Posted 2004) [#39]
How are we supposed to keep adding updates and what not? Just keep posting thru these forums?

I took a look at whats been done thus far...I haven't added much in terms of functionality but I did move and revise some of the player code into its own include. The '' file is looking a bit messy.

Also, hows all this going to be glued together? I see problems down the road if theres no standard for contributers on how to write, modify and interface code.

Matthew Smith(Posted 2004) [#40]

Noticed that you cannot change direction (either side of current) if up against a wall. Change the code to allow the player to move/slide along the wall.

If mr Then
	If gettile(pl\x+playerradius,pl\y,0)=0 Then 
	End If	
End If
If ml Then 
	If gettile(pl\x-playerradius,pl\y,0)=0 Then 
	End If
End If
If mu Then
	If gettile(pl\x,pl\y-playerradius,0)=0 Then 
	End If
End If
If md Then 
	If gettile(pl\x,pl\y+playerradius,0)=0 Then 
	End If	
End If

(tu) ENAY(Posted 2004) [#41]
> I was wondering if the game could be
> coded so the graphics engine is completely
> separate from the game engine.

So it can be delta timed?

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#42]
I was wondering if the game could be coded so the graphics engine is completely separate from the game engine.
It kind of is already if we continue with detecting collision through maths rather than through images collide etc then there's no reason why a 3D map couldn't be used instead as the rendering of the map is just set the XY co-ord and it draws it there.

Also, hows all this going to be glued together? I see problems down the road if theres no standard for contributers on how to write, modify and interface code.
That's what I'm doing, I'm reviewing all (ahem) code before it goes in and trying to keep it to one standard(ish). This is why (as I stated earlier) I'm only doing one upload a day, this way there's some control over the versioning, and I'm updating the supporting files to keep everyone who contributed creditted. Po-ed, add any code you've done to the forums letting me know where it goes and what it does.

Matt, I noticed that too after adding the blast and weapon includes, I'll add your code tonight.

Space_guy(Posted 2004) [#43]
You should use some kind of input binding code for the controls.
So for example you can assing the joypad buttons and the keyboard for the same player and still just use one command to get if the player is walking up or shooting.

I wrote a usefull system like this some weeks ago if your interested. Its quite easy to use and implement
just replace "if keydown(200)" with "if walkup\down>0" and at the start u attach the keys,mousebuttons,joypad to each player button.

If any interest ill share my code

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#44]
Space, that's exactly what will be happening, your code would be great so we don't have to re-invent the wheel. The current state of it is just for simplicity and getting the basic engine up and running.

Matthew Smith(Posted 2004) [#45]

Checked the firing code Rims wrote and have fixed the issue where the bullets didn't move correctly:

Function handleBullets()
	For b.bullet=Each bullet
		bx=b\x	;-GOffsetX
		by=b\y	;-GOffsetY

Matthew Smith(Posted 2004) [#46]
Don't know if anyone else has noticed (may be my keyboard), but I cannot fire when pointing Up/Left and pressing the space bar. Works fine if I use another key such as Left/Right Ctrl.

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#47]
Matt, that's a keyboard thing, if ctrl was used instead of space it'll probably work. PC keyboards aren't designed for games and therefore have big problems with lots of keys being hit at the same time.

Anyway as Space said, once there's a control binder in there it'll be up to the user what keys/joystick/pad they use. It's really not worth worrying about at this stage.

Orca(Posted 2004) [#48]

Heres the new "" and "" include(called ""). "" should go in the inc\ folder.

I've added nothing in terms of features, but I think this is a welcome cleanup :)


new functions:

Player_Create.player(Name$,X%,Y%,id%) - Constructor
Player_Free() - Destructor
Player_UpdateAll() - Iterates thru each player

see the include for more notes.
;Author: RobFarley?? Rims??
;Purpose: Create, Manipulate, and Free Players.
;To do's: Break up player input with "event layer" (for key remapping/ networking/etc)
;	- 8/31/2004 POedBoy
;		This module was created as a Tidy up/Maintenance move. Player specific code
;		should now be centralized within this include. Player.player() array added allows
;		direct indexing to a player(if used). Blackbox functions for Create/Destroy. Not too sure as
;		what the accepted naming schemes are at this point soo please bear with. 

Type player
	Field name$
	Field x
	Field y
	Field frame
	Field ammo
	Field health
	Field fpause
	Field dir
	Field id
End Type

Dim Player.player(2);Array of types for direct indexing to all players
					;not currently used -- needs the big group "okay"

Global Player_Count = 0 ;used by screen centering code? 
Global playerradius = 20; too lazy to see what this does :) (was floating around in main include)
Global playergfx = LoadAnimImage("gfx/player.png",64,64,0,240) : MaskImage playergfx,255,0,255

Function Player_Create.player(Name$,X%,Y%,id%)
	Local pl.player = New player
	pl\name = Name$
	pl\x = X
	pl\y = Y
	pl\frame = 0
	pl\ammo = 0
	pl\health = 100
	pl\fpause = 0
	pl\dir = 0
	pl\id = id ; think this field could be made redundant-- but its there soo..
	Return pl
End Function

Function Player_Free(pl.player)
	;in the future -- if any resources/objects are linked to this player,
	;they can be freed here--
	;for now-- just 'deletes' the player obj
	Delete pl.player
End Function

Function Player_UpdateAll()
	For pl.player = Each player

	If pl=First player
		If KeyDown(205) And pl\x<7552 Then mr=True
		If KeyDown(203) And pl\x>0 Then ml=True
		If KeyDown(200) And pl\y>0 Then mu=True
		If KeyDown(208) And pl\y<7552 Then md=True
		If KeyHit(57) ; Space
		If KeyDown(32) And pl\x<7552 Then mr=True
		If KeyDown(30) And pl\x>0 Then ml=True
		If KeyDown(17) And pl\y>0 Then mu=True
		If KeyDown(31) And pl\y<7552 Then md=True
		If KeyHit(29) ; Left Ctrl

	If pl=First player ; player one
		p2.player=Last player
		If Abs(pl\y-p2\y) > (GraphicsHeight()-50)
			If pl\y < GraphicsHeight()/2
		ElseIf Abs(pl\x-p2\x) > (GraphicsWidth()-50)
			If pl\x < GraphicsWidth()/2
	ElseIf pl=Last player ; player two
		p2.player=First player
		If Abs(pl\y-p2\y) > (GraphicsHeight()-50)
			If pl\y < GraphicsHeight()/2
		ElseIf Abs(pl\x-p2\x) > (GraphicsWidth()-50)
			If pl\x < GraphicsWidth()/2
	; door objects 7 and 8, opendoor function needs to be replaced with animation stuff
	If mr And gettile(pl\x+playerradius,pl\y,2)=7 Then If keycheck(pl\id) Then opendoor((pl\x+playerradius)/32,pl\y/32)
	If ml And gettile(pl\x-playerradius,pl\y,2)=7 Then If keycheck(pl\id) Then opendoor((pl\x-playerradius)/32,pl\y/32)
	If mu And gettile(pl\x,pl\y-playerradius,2)=8 Then If keycheck(pl\id) Then opendoor(pl\x/32,(pl\y-playerradius)/32)
	If md And gettile(pl\x,pl\y+playerradius,2)=8 Then If keycheck(pl\id) Then opendoor(pl\x/32,(pl\y+playerradius)/32)
	If mr And gettile(pl\x+playerradius,pl\y,0)=0 Then pl\x=pl\x+1:move=True:direct=direct+"R"
	If ml And gettile(pl\x-playerradius,pl\y,0)=0 Then pl\x=pl\x-1:move=True:direct=direct+"L"
	If mu And gettile(pl\x,pl\y-playerradius,0)=0 Then pl\y=pl\y-1:move=True:direct=direct+"U"
	If md And gettile(pl\x,pl\y+playerradius,0)=0 Then pl\y=pl\y+1:move=True:direct=direct+"D"
	If move
		pl\fpause = (pl\fpause+1) Mod 5
		If pl\fpause = 0 Then pl\frame = (pl\frame+1) Mod 15

	If direct = "U" Then pl\dir=0
	If direct = "RU" Then pl\dir =1
	If direct = "R" Then pl\dir =2 
	If direct = "RD" Then pl\dir = 3
	If direct = "D" Then pl\dir = 4
	If direct = "LD" Then pl\dir = 5
	If direct = "L" Then pl\dir = 6
	If direct = "LU" Then pl\dir = 7
	ScreenX = ScreenX + pl\x
	ScreenY = ScreenY + pl\y
	Player_Count = Player_Count+1
	; collect objects
	If gettile(pl\x,pl\y,2)>0
		p.pickedup = New pickedup
		p\player = pl\id ; allowing for multiple players
		p\obj = gettile(pl\x,pl\y,2)
End Function

;additional player specific functions can be added here later as needed..

theres probably still some player stuff in the main engine include(I know the player drawing is), but we'll get this sorted out as time goes on.



-the player initialization and player updating routines have been moved to "" as functions, and are called from this include.

-I don't want to break anyones code but there were the odd locals floating around that seem to be only used by the player or screen code. I've changed the locals "x,y" to globals "ScreenX,ScreenY". Local "count" has been moved to "" as global "Player_Count".

; tiles
Graphics 640,480,32,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

Global ScreenX,ScreenY ; replaces locals "x,y"

Global GOffsetX,GOffsetY

Include "inc\"
Include "inc\"
Include "inc\"


maxtile = 435
maxobject = 15
Global tiles = LoadAnimImage("gfx/tiles.png",32,32,0,maxtile)
Global objects = LoadAnimImage("gfx/objects.png",32,32,0,maxobject)
MaskImage tiles,255,0,255
MaskImage objects,255,0,255

Dim map(255,255,4)
; CollsionLayer = 0
; baselayer = 1
; ObjectLayer = 2
; TopLayer = 3
; Blocktoplayer = 4

; load map

; object names
Data "Ammo","Health","Generic Key","Red Key","Green Key","Blue Key","V Door","H Door"
Dim objectname$(8)
For n=1 To 8
	Read objectname(n)

;Player Initialization - name, x, y, id
Player_Create.player("Player #1",320,240,1)
Player_Create.player("Player #2",320,300,2)

Type pickedup
	Field player
	Field obj
End Type



; timing code
Until elapsed
For k=1 To tic
	; the gettile checks the collision layer (0) in the direction that you're trying to move
	; if there's a collsion block there it won't let you.
	; this needs extending a little as you can get half way into a block if you try hard enough!


; put screen in average player position
ScreenX = ScreenX/Player_Count
ScreenY = ScreenY/Player_Count

ScreenX = ScreenX-320
ScreenY = ScreenY-240

;Limit movement of screen To map
If ScreenX < 0 Then ScreenX = 0
If ScreenX > 8192 - GraphicsWidth() Then ScreenX = 8192 - GraphicsWidth()
If ScreenY < 0 Then ScreenY = 0
If ScreenY > 8192 - GraphicsHeight() Then ScreenY = 8192 - GraphicsHeight()


; end of timing code

; render world


For pl.player = Each player

	DrawImage playergfx,pl\x-32-ScreenX,pl\y-32-ScreenY,pl\frame+(pl\dir*15)


; end of render

; temp hud to display objects collected
Color 255,255,255
Text 0,0,"Player 1 Items"
rText 640,0,"Player 2 Items"

Color 190,190,190
For p.pickedup = Each pickedup
	If p\player=1 Then Text 0,py1,objectname(p\obj):py1=py1+15
	If p\player=2 Then rText 640,py2,objectname(p\obj):py2=py2+15

Until KeyHit(1)

Function rtext(x,y,words$)
Text x,y,words
End Function

Function drawmap(xpos,ypos,layer)

; sort out the block location based on pixel co-ord
xoff = Floor(xpos/32)
yoff = Floor(ypos/32)

; find the pixel offset
xpxoff = (xoff * 32) - xpos
ypxoff = (yoff * 32) - ypos

; draw base layer
; uses draw block so you don't need a cls and is quicker.
If layer = 1
	For x = -1 To 20
		For y = -1 To 15
			If x+xoff>=0 And y+yoff>=0 And x+xoff<=255 And y+yoff<=255
			If map(x+xoff,y+yoff,layer)>0 Then DrawBlock tiles,(x*32)+xpxoff,(y*32)+ypxoff,map(x+xoff,y+yoff,layer)-1

If layer = 2
	For x = -1 To 20
		For y = -1 To 15
			If x+xoff>=0 And y+yoff>=0 And x+xoff<=255 And y+yoff<=255
			If map(x+xoff,y+yoff,layer)>0 Then DrawImage objects,(x*32)+xpxoff,(y*32)+ypxoff,map(x+xoff,y+yoff,layer)-1

; draw other layers
If layer = 3
	For x = -1 To 20
		For y = -1 To 15
			If x+xoff>=0 And y+yoff>=0 And x+xoff<=255 And y+yoff<=255
			If map(x+xoff,y+yoff,layer)>0 Then DrawImage tiles,(x*32)+xpxoff,(y*32)+ypxoff,map(x+xoff,y+yoff,layer)-1

; layer 4, block overlay no transparancy
If layer = 4
	For x = -1 To 20
		For y = -1 To 15
			If x+xoff>=0 And y+yoff>=0 And x+xoff<=255 And y+yoff<=255
			If map(x+xoff,y+yoff,layer)>0 Then DrawBlock tiles,(x*32)+xpxoff,(y*32)+ypxoff,map(x+xoff,y+yoff,layer)-1

End Function

; load the map in
Function load(filename$)
filein = ReadFile(filename+".map")
For layer = 0 To 4
	For x=0 To 255
		For y=0 To 255
			map(x,y,layer)= ReadInt(filein)
CloseFile filein
End Function

; Get tile gets the tile under x,y (pixels) world co-ordinates
Function gettile(x,y,layer)
	; sort out the block location based on pixel co-ord
	x = Floor(x/32)
	y = Floor(y/32)
	Return map(x,y,layer)
End Function

Function puttile(x,y,layer,newtile)
	; sort out the block location based on pixel co-ord
	x = Floor(x/32)
	y = Floor(y/32)
End Function

Function opendoor(x,y)
	If map(x,y-1,2)=7 Then opendoor(x,y-1)
	If map(x,y+1,2)=7 Then opendoor(x,y+1)
	If map(x+1,y,2)=8 Then opendoor(x+1,y)
	If map(x-1,y,2)=8 Then opendoor(x-1,y)
End Function

Function keycheck(player)

For p.pickedup = Each pickedup
If p\player = player And p\obj > 2 And p\obj < 7 Then Delete p:Return True

Return False

End Function

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#49]
Nice one Poed, I'll add that lot in this evening.

The ID isn't redundant as it gets passed when a player picks up an item and adds it to that id on the item list.

Matthew Smith(Posted 2004) [#50]
No worries about the keys - just thought I would point it out.

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#51]
Zips Updated, you need to redownload code and media.

01-09-2004 :	Matt - Fixed the shooting bug
		Poed Boy - Seperated out the player code into functions and tidied up the main loop
		Rob Farley - Refixed the players getting stuck at edges bug!
		Rob Farley - Added alien gfx and basic alien handling code
31-08-2004 :	Rims - Blast and shooting includes (athough shooting appears to be a little buggy)
		Matt - Fixed players getting stuck at edges bug
29-08-2004 :	Rims - 2 Player code
		Rob Farley - Updated temp hud
		Rob Farley - Media, added block overlay on map, added object tiles.
		Rob Falrey - More Media, doors and keys now work. Door opening needs animation though
		Coffeedotbean kindly donated the media from his Alpha Breed project.
25-08-2004 :	Rob Farley - First release, basic map editor, game engine and tileset.

Also I mentioned it before but no-one commented:

Instead of one key = one door, how about security passes that let you obtain security access rights. Ie you start off with just basic access then as you venture deeper in you find higher security passes that allow you into rooms you couldn't get into before, eg, you find a Security Guards pass that allows you into an armoury for example, or an Techy pass that lets you into the computer rooms etc etc.


Rimmsy(Posted 2004) [#52]
There's a pattern emerging... I add something and matt fixes it. lol! I think the latest is missing the alien gfx. or it might just be me!

I prefer the later key method rob. Specific keys for specific things.

nice one, guys, we're getting there.

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#53]
I think there should still be specific keys for specific things, I just think if you had security levels too, I think it would be more realistic.

Matthew Smith(Posted 2004) [#54]
I was looking around the internet for some AB info and came across the original version on the PC which includes some of the sound effects.

Also Back to the Roots Amiga website ( has some of the intro music.

Perturbatio(Posted 2004) [#55]
missing alien.png

Perturbatio(Posted 2004) [#56]

scrollwheel now scrolls up and down tileset
created two variables: MouseOverTileset and MouseOverMap (guess what they do)
Changed the button function to accept an optional parameter (Symbol) which tells the function to use symbol.ttf as the font.
Changed the scroll tileset buttons to up and down arrows using the symbol font
Corrected spelling of Arial.ttf (was Arial.tff)
Corrected spelling of TileOffset variable in line:
If KeyDown(201) And tileoffset>0 And scrolldelay<0 Then tup=-1
so that PageUp works

danjo(Posted 2004) [#57]
looks good so far - but the alien.png in media ???

Matthew Smith(Posted 2004) [#58]

Updated the firing code to use clips and bullets as is done in Alien Breed. Need to modify the following areas:

Type player
	Field name$
	Field x
	Field y
	Field frame
	Field clip
	Field ammo
	Field health
	Field fpause
	Field dir
	Field id
End Type

Function Player_Create.player(Name$,X%,Y%,id%)
	Local pl.player = New player
	pl\name = Name$
	pl\x = X
	pl\y = Y
	pl\frame = 0
	pl\health = 100
	pl\fpause = 0
	pl\dir = 0
	pl\id = id ; think this field could be made redundant-- but its there soo..
	;Ammo stuff
	pl\clip = 2
	pl\ammo = 15
	Return pl
End Function

In Function Player_UpdateAll():
	; collect objects
	If gettile(pl\x,pl\y,2)>0
		p.pickedup = New pickedup
		p\player = pl\id ; allowing for multiple players
		p\obj = gettile(pl\x,pl\y,2)
		;Determine what the player has collected
		If p\obj = 1 Then	;Ammo
		    If pl\ammo + 15 > 15 Then 
			pl\clip = pl\clip + 1
			pl\ammo = pl\ammo + 15
		    End If
		End If

in 'temp hud to display objects collected' area (main loop in
For pl.player = Each player
    ammo$ = "C:" + RSet(pl\clip,2) + " A:" + RSet(pl\ammo,2)
	If pl\id = 1 Then Text 140, 0, ammo$
	If pl\id = 2 Then rText 500, 0, ammo$

And finally:
Function shoot(p.player,angle,speed#)
	Local offset#=32.0
	;Check player can fire
	If p\clip > 0 Or p\ammo > 0 Then
		b.bullet=New bullet
		; add offset an position
		; create muzzle flash
		;TODO: fire sound
		;Update clip and ammo count
		p\ammo = p\ammo - 1
		If p\ammo = 0 Then
                        p\ammo = 15
			;Update clip count
			p\clip = p\clip - 1
			If p\clip < 0 Then
				;Reset to nothing
				p\clip = 0
				p\ammo = 0
			End If
		End If
		;TODO: no fire - empty click sound
	End If
End Function

The method of collecting ammo will probably need to be tweaked a little to get it working just right.

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#59]
Whoops... I cleverly uploaded the updated media as sorry! Deleted the old, renamed to, everything should be fine now.

Perturbatio, those look like good additions to the editor.
Matt, I'll add those bits in this evening.

Anyone want to have a go at aliens being shot?

I think we need to add a weapons type that handles weapon damage, weapon gfx, fire rate etc, and within the player type it needs a firedelay variable.

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#60]
Just realised the:


all need to be inside the timing loop after just after


Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#61]
Code Zip updated:

Added in the bits of code above so we've now got clips and ammo. Added an unlimited ammo cheat for testing!

Added the shooting of aliens, alien health and alien death.

Removed the offset from the blast and bullet positioning, all the offset is dealt with on the drawing part, this way every position stays world global rather than screen local.

02-09-2004 :	Perturbatio - Improved and fixed a couple of bugs in the editor
		Matt - Updated shooting and object collection to deal with clips
		Rob Farley - Removed offset from positioning of bullets and blasts
		             Added shooting of aliens, alien health and alien death

01-09-2004 :	Matt - Fixed the shooting bug
		Poed Boy - Seperated out the player code into functions and tidied up the main loop
		Rob Farley - Refixed the players getting stuck at edges bug!
		Rob Farley - Added alien gfx and basic alien handling code

31-08-2004 :	Rims - Blast and shooting includes (athough shooting appears to be a little buggy)
		Matt - Fixed players getting stuck at edges bug

29-08-2004 :	Rims - 2 Player code
		Rob Farley - Updated temp hud
		Rob Farley - Media, added block overlay on map, added object tiles.
		Rob Falrey - More Media, doors and keys now work. Door opening needs animation though
		Coffeedotbean kindly donated the media from his Alpha Breed project.

25-08-2004 :	Rob Farley - First release, basic map editor, game engine and tileset.

Rimmsy(Posted 2004) [#62]
Looks good. I'm going to be away for a few days, so I won't be able to help. I'm annoyed about it, but I'll be back.

Chad(Posted 2004) [#63]
This was a good idea Rob, I'm learning quite a bit. It's also good to see a lot of things are commented so I know whats going on.

Rimmsy(Posted 2004) [#64]
here's an updated It adds weapon prototypes.
The player will need:
Field fireRate,tempFR
Field weapon.weapon

weapons have:
x ammo, clips
x fire and out of ammo sounds
x damage
x fire rates (in ms)
x bullet speed

; functions added
x createWeapon(name$,etc)
x reloadPlayer(p.player)
x givePlayerAmmo(p.player,amount=15)
x getWeaponFromName.weapon(name$) ; case insensetive
x giveWeaponToPlayer(p.player,w.weapon) ; use above function
x deleteWeapons() ; for use at end of game
x fireWeapon(p.player,angle,force=0)

Bullets now have a damage from their weapon upon being fired. You can use this when aliens are hit with a bullet.

create a weapon prototype like this:
; create the weapons we want in the game
;createWeapon.weapon(name$, damage#,maxClips, Ammo in a clip, fire rate, bullet speed#, fire sound1$="",out of ammo sound2$="")
createWeapon("machine gun",	1,5,100,100,3)

and give it to the player like this:
giveWeaponToPlayer(p.player,getWeaponFromName("machine gun"))

In, replace with this:
	; get input
	If pl=First player
		If KeyDown(205) And pl\x<7552 Then mr=True
		If KeyDown(203) And pl\x>0 Then ml=True
		If KeyDown(200) And pl\y>0 Then mu=True
		If KeyDown(208) And pl\y<7552 Then md=True
		If KeyDown(57)

		If KeyDown(32) And pl\x<7552 Then mr=True
		If KeyDown(30) And pl\x>0 Then ml=True
		If KeyDown(17) And pl\y>0 Then mu=True
		If KeyDown(31) And pl\y<7552 Then md=True
		If KeyDown(29)

and this:
	; collect objects
	If gettile(pl\x,pl\y,2)>0

		;Determine what the player has collected
		; Don't add ammo to the collected list
		objcollect = gettile(pl\x,pl\y,2)
		If objcollect = 1 Then	;Ammo
			p.pickedup = New pickedup
			p\player = pl\id ; allowing for multiple players
			p\obj = objcollect				

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#65]
Without looking through the code does this give different weapons different ammo? It doesn't look like it does.

I think different ammo for each weapon is pretty important, or indeed different weapons can share certain ammo.

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#66]
Media and code zips updated:

04-09-2004 :	Rob Farley - Retreat/strafe mode, when holding down fire the played doesn't change direction
		           - Turnaround added so aliens and players don't switch from left to right they go round all available turning positions, makes it look better.
		           - Alien media tidied up a bit
		           - Bullet media added
			   - Alien blood media added
			   - When aliens dies they leave blood

03-09-2004 :	Rims - Different weapons
		Rob Farley - Different visible bullet types for the weapons, also this type is carried over to the kill_bullet to allow for different blasts depending on the bullet type
		           - Basic collision on the aliens so they don't run over each other, although they sometimes get stuck so this needs to be improved.

02-09-2004 :	Perturbatio - Improved and fixed a couple of bugs in the editor
		Matt - Updated shooting and object collection to deal with clips
		Rob Farley - Removed offset from positioning of bullets and blasts
		           - Added shooting of aliens, alien health and alien death

01-09-2004 :	Matt - Fixed the shooting bug
		Poed Boy - Seperated out the player code into functions and tidied up the main loop
		Rob Farley - Refixed the players getting stuck at edges bug!
		           - Added alien gfx and basic alien handling code

31-08-2004 :	Rims - Blast and shooting includes (athough shooting appears to be a little buggy)
		Matt - Fixed players getting stuck at edges bug

29-08-2004 :	Rims - 2 Player code
		Rob Farley - Updated temp hud
		           - Media, added block overlay on map, added object tiles.
		           - More Media, doors and keys now work. Door opening needs animation though
		Coffeedotbean kindly donated the media from his Alpha Breed project.

25-08-2004 :	Rob Farley - First release, basic map editor, game engine and tileset.

Come on guys... I'm feeling a bit left out here!

We need:
Graphics for the guns
Intex Systems, Media for the intex system consoles
Credits, credit media
Different door types so certain keys only open them
Improved alien AI
Player collision
Improved wall collision

Lets turn this into a game!

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#67]
Whoop... Little bug in

		If objcollect = 1 Then	;Ammo
			collectable = False

Clyde(Posted 2004) [#68]
I'd just like to say awesome work dudes!
Fond memories of Team 17's Alien Breed and this is looking top banana! :)

Cheers and all the best,
Mikey F aka Clyde

Matthew Smith(Posted 2004) [#69]
Been away all weekend - will have a look at doing some stuff tomorrow night.

Got the amiga versions of Alien Breed and Tower Assult - will check out the gameplay etc and see what I can do. Maybe get some temp gfx as well if you want.

Orca(Posted 2004) [#70]
Hi Guys,

I noticed in the current version, the blood is tilebased so I went ahead and made a simple decal system. Now we can put it(and human blood, burn marks, guts, all the good stuff) anywhere and everywhere. I put real basic "splat" code in the alien hit and die functions. The splat graphics are just placeholders, but I think it does leave the impression of a hard fought, messier battle now. Hopefully someone will go all out with it later :D

I also did another small cleanup move. I moved the drawing loops for both aliens and players out of the main include into there respective includes( as "Player_DrawAll()" and "Alien_DrawAll()" ).

@Rob - Heres the zip( 12k ):

- the decals folder for decal images goes in the gfx folder.
-"" goes in the inc folder
- Replace "","", and "" with the ones in the zip. They should be current up to the last bug fix you posted + the modifications I listed above.

a couple of questions:

1) Whats everyones thoughts on using a delta timed system? I know I'm probably asking this late(but better now then later), but we'd have better performance all around(at the expense of having to look at any movement and animation code we have).

2) Are we able to set down some coding guidelines? i.e. a naming scheme for variables and functions, history/code documenting requirements, etc.... Right now, there's not that much code, but further down the road it could become a big rats nest.

3) What are the "intex systems" ? I never played alienbreed before. (I've seen screens and read about it though) Can someone explain how they worked?

coffeedotbean(Posted 2004) [#71]
Just thought I'd add something.

Added gunflash on player, using the additional player frames.

Added 2 new type fields to player type, "IsFiring,IsFiringTimer"

Added to Player_UpdateAll() in after ;get input
If Firing=True
		If MilliSecs()>Pl\IsFiringTimer
			If Pl\IsFiring=True Then Pl\IsFiring=False Else Pl\IsFiring=True

Added bit to the end of drawing player(s) in - "+(Pl\IsFiring*120)"
For pl.player = Each player
	DrawImage playergfx,pl\x-32-ScreenX,pl\y-32-ScreenY,pl\frame+(pl\dir*15)+(Pl\IsFiring*120)

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#72]
POed, thanks for that, the blood splatter I did was just a quick thing anyway and I thought it looked a bit crappy, I haven't looked at your code yet but I was thinking that any splatter decals should probably have a timer on them too so they fade away after a certain time so we don't end up with hundreds of splatter decals all over the place. Also if it's timed it means every time an alien gets shot there could be splatter effects. I think this could probably be extended into a particle system of sorts, I think that'll be the easiest way to deal with any splatters or short term decals. As you could have a dead alien as a short term decal too, anyway, thoughts rambling through my mind here!

>>1) Whats everyones thoughts on using a delta timed system? I know I'm probably asking this late(but better now then later), but we'd have better performance all around(at the expense of having to look at any movement and animation code we have).

I've set the game logic to run at 120 updates per second so the frame rates can go upto 120fps. However, delta timing could be implemented pretty easily as the aliens currently move at .5 speed and players move at 1 speed. Animation frame could be based on xy position so that wouldn't be an issue

>>2) Are we able to set down some coding guidelines? i.e. a naming scheme for variables and functions, history/code documenting requirements, etc.... Right now, there's not that much code, but further down the road it could become a big rats nest.

Probably should!

>>3) What are the "intex systems" ? I never played alienbreed before. (I've seen screens and read about it though) Can someone explain how they worked?

Intex Systems were basically computer consoles that were shops, you could buy weapons, armour, ammo etc. So it's just a seperate screen that stops game play and allows players to upgrade.

I'll add these additions to the code a bit later and have a fresh version for the morning.

Coffee, any advice and/or pitfalls you have with alpha breed would be appreciated.

Orca(Posted 2004) [#73]
POed, thanks for that, the blood splatter I did was just a quick thing anyway and I thought it looked a bit crappy, I haven't looked at your code yet but I was thinking that any splatter decals should probably have a timer on them too so they fade away after a certain time so we don't end up with hundreds of splatter decals all over the place. Also if it's timed it means every time an alien gets shot there could be splatter effects. I think this could probably be extended into a particle system of sorts, I think that'll be the easiest way to deal with any splatters or short term decals. As you could have a dead alien as a short term decal too, anyway, thoughts rambling through my mind here!

Great minds think alike :D ? Check the notes in the decals include. Also, it's hardcoded right now, but the aliens do splat whilst being shot. Anyways, not really a useful post, just thought it was funny we were on the same brainwave ;)

coffeedotbean(Posted 2004) [#74]
Coffee, any advice and/or pitfalls you have with alpha breed would be appreciated.

I used Deltatimming for the final version (online version) and it work out fine.

I used A* for the aliens if they came within a certain radius of the player, else they moved about randomly.

My only pitfalls were slow downs when lots of enemies were on screen and using A*, but I simply only allowed 10 enemies to use A* at any 1 time.

The game is almost where I was with my version, cept a lightmapper. and editor written in B+.... still unsure about the strife fire... i much prefer the retreat fire in Alient breed.

Matthew Smith(Posted 2004) [#75]
When updating the aliens, perhaps we could check that each is within an adjacent area of the player, and if so they are then processed. If not, they not not updated.

The adjacent area might be 5-10 blocks outside the visible screen area. Might save some processing time?

I'm with coffee in regards to the retreat/straffing.

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#76]
Matt, the alien check already does a distance check to the players before any "AI" kicks in so I don't think there's too much of over processing going on there.

The retreat/strafing thing was just an experiment, I think it's kinda cool except when you've got aliens behind you and you can't turn around... bloody annoying... So maybe have an extra button for the strafe/shoot and a regular shoot, I dunno, we'll see what happens.

Not got round to putting the code in yet (or indeed downloading it... I will defintatly do it tonight and have a go at cleaning up the code as it's getting messy again! Been very busy with real life stuff so difficult to keep up.

I'll probably have a go at writing the intex systems this evening as I think that'll be fun!

Something else that needs to be implemented are static animated objects (like the fans) so I'm thinking of adding an extra data layer to the map for this sort of thing, this would also be used for door types (red door, green door, if it needs a key etc) and probably amibient sound emitters etc. I think it'll be a useful addition.

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#77]
Just found this... I think it'll be pretty handy for insipration at least...

Snader(Posted 2004) [#78]
I will start making some maps.

Some ideas:
-Aliens should not be able to see players when there is a wall between the aliens and the player.
- more alien splatterimages.

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#79]
Snader, I wouldn't worry about making maps just yet (unless you really want to) as I'm not sure how much extra stuff will need to be added to the editor, as I said, I need to add an extra data layer.

I agree with your ideas.

Rimmsy(Posted 2004) [#80]
ok, I've added a hud that looks like AB 1's. Here's the code for
You can get the hud image from here:

I've hardedcoded all the coords for drawing to 640x480, but could change it if you wanted to change res at a later date.

Call setupHUD() to create/load images, etc.
drawHUD() instead of the bit at the end of the draw loop that draws the ammo and stuff.

I've added a "lives" field to the player and set it to 5 when the player is created in Player_Create.player(Name$,X%,Y%,id%)

I'm not sure about displaying the keys. See what you think by adding this piece of code:
; uncomment for a test of the player key HUD
If False
	; give the player five keys to test GUI.
	For u=3 To 5
		p.pickedup=New pickedup
	p.pickedup=New pickedup
	p.pickedup=New pickedup

Type pickedup
	Field player
	Field obj
End Type
that bit.

Rimmsy(Posted 2004) [#81]
Also, there's a mis-spelt 'firing' on line 127 of

Rob Farley(Posted 2004) [#82]
Continues on this thread