BlitzNet open-Source 0.9

Community Forums/Showcase/BlitzNet open-Source 0.9

GW(Posted 2004) [#1]
thanks Antony.

btw there seem to be some missing functions (i.e Uncompress) ect.

AntonyWells(Posted 2004) [#2]
Yeah, forgot about those. Compress/uncompress require the zlib.dll(free on the net)
add this to your userlibs with a .decls extension. (i.e zlib.decls, in the userlibs folder)

.lib "zlib.dll"
Compress%(dest*,destLen*,src*,srcLen%) : "compress"
Compress2%(dest*,destLen*,src*,srcLen%,compressType%) : "compress2"
Uncompress%(dest*,destLen*,src*,srcLen%) : "uncompress"

GW(Posted 2004) [#3]
can you clarify something?
the demo does not work and frequently crashes.
should the server and all clients in the chat example be using the same port '50001'?

AntonyWells(Posted 2004) [#4]
Yeah the router needs finishing. Look in blitzNet, a part where it case 'select ' and one case goes 'sRouter' or similar..that part needs to take data from one client, find out which tube it is, and then route it all valid tubes.

the example is just to help whoever get it up and running, and hopefully uploading it for other people. The rest of the code has been tested extensively all works afaik.