BBCruncher (FilePacker/Compressor) V2.0 Available!

Community Forums/Showcase/BBCruncher (FilePacker/Compressor) V2.0 Available!

AL90(Posted 2004) [#1]


New Version (v2.0) available on ShowCase

BB-Cruncher is a File-Cruncher (Packer/Compressor) for all Files
(Binary, Texts and so on) I Have created a GUI-Based Cruncher
and 10 Functions. (Crunch + Decrunch Functions for using in own Sources)
Easy to Use. Requires any Blitz versions.

- Compressing Files upto 50% and more.
- DeCompressing (Decrunching) Files directly from own Source.
- Including a GUI Based Cruncher for easyer using
- Source-Codes of Crunch/Decrunch-Engine available
- Supports Archive for hold more Files in One.
- Supports SingleFile Creation. (Exe + BCA-Archive in one File)
- Usefully e.g. for all Game Developers to protect
all the own external Files (like Medias, Configs, Binarys and so on)


- First Release.

- Some Optimizings in SourceCode.
- Cruncher + Decruncher Works now completly from Memory. (No longer Temporary Files)
- Some Speedup in Crunch + Decrunch Process.

- Again SpeedUp in CrunchProcess. (up to 50%)
- Add A GUI-Based Cruncher (V1.0) (BBCruncher.exe)
- The Main-Crunch-Include has renamed to "Crunch-Engine" and has now
any other versionsnumber as the GUI-Based Cruncher.
(e.g. "BBCruncher V1.0" & "CrunchEngine V1.2")

- Again SpeedUp in CrunchProcess. (up to 50% and more)
- Add a alternative DecrunchRoutine. (For Bank Holding)
- Some Optic Changes in the GUI-Based Cruncher. (For better overlook)
- CrunchRate is now selectable. (1=Fast/2=Good/3=Best)
- RightClick can now change the Resolution of BBCruncher.

- Fixed: Decruncher shows at the end a ProcessBar when is not selected. (Parameter -1,-1)
(Works now Correct!)

- Again SpeedUp in CrunchProcess.
- Add Archive Support. (BBCruncher.exe)

- Again SpeedUp in CrunchProcess. (BBCruncher.exe)
- Upgrade: Add a New GUI-Based Cruncher. (Now with "Original" Windows-Styled GUI)
- Multi-Selection (FileRequester) can now use in Archive Creation.
- CrunchProcess in "BBCruncher.exe" shows now a ProcessBar. (GFX-Panel was now Removed)
- Fixed: .BBC-Name Parameter in ExtractEngine is now "UpperCase = LowerCase".

- Again SpeedUp in CrunchProcess.
- Add SingleFile Creation Support.

- DOCs Updated. (English & German)
- Add a DLL-File as alternative. (e.g. for use in own LevelEditors and so on)
- Add AddToBCA-Engine. (For Copy any BBC-File to a BCA-ArchiveFile)
- Add RemoveFromBCA-Engine. (For Removes BBC-Files from BCA-Archive)
- Add GetNumberFiles-Engine. (To get the Number of BBC-Files contained in a BCA-Archive)
- Add GetBBCName-Engine. (To get the BBC-Names contained in a BCA-Archive)

- DOCs again Updated. (English & German)
- Add a new Panel for SingleFile-Creation.
- Fixed: Filerequester for SingleFile-Creation can be opening when the CheckBox
is not Selected. (In Archive Options)

- DOCs again Updated. (English & German)
- Multiselection is now possible in Crunch/Decrunch Process.
- Files can now Add to an Exists ArchiveFile.
- Archive-Log will be Displayed after Archive is Created.
- Add Misc-Engines.

Download it from My Site

jfk EO-11110(Posted 2004) [#2]
Great to see you're still working on it. Keep it up!

AL90(Posted 2004) [#3]
Yes. I'm still here and work again on it.