MDB MUD Project and Engine

Community Forums/Showcase/MDB MUD Project and Engine

Gauge(Posted 2003) [#1]
I've finally decided to declar this an official project. I've been working on it here and there for quite some time. I will be opening my own mud, hopefully by January 1st is my goal. I will also Release this as a Mud Engine. It will be extremely easy to edit, and add everything. Read further below to see why/how. I've got quite alot of work done so far. But still alot to do. I have the following done:

The Server is genealy complete and accepts unlimited connections, constantly checks for new connections and reads and stores commands.

All types have been defined, I thought about everything, and all the neccessary fields have been added.

The Character generator is functional, but will be edited for ease of use and editing.

You can logon, create a new character, choose your race,class, sex and enter the game, run a few basic commands, and move around my small town.

The following commands are complete: quit,recall,skill,spell,say,inventory,exp,Help,gossip,say,north,south,east,west,ne,se,sw,se,up,down. And am adding more skills everyday now.

I have designed several areas, helpfiles,classes,races, and starting to work on objects now.

The reason that this mud engine will be extremely easy to edit,code, change, etc is how I'm loading everything.
For Example When It Loads the Areas It first looks at a file called "Areas.Dat". Each line of the file Is the name of an areafile...say if the first line is camelot, the program then opens camelot.dat. Then Adds the prestored data for each field, and each subtype room for that area, and so on. This works the same way with classes(classes.dat), races,commands,mobs(mobiles/monsters),skills and spells. And after i get the initial project fully working I will be creating a mud editor to control every aspect of the game. Well heres some more info on the game.

Main Types- Area,Class,Race,Player,Mob,Object,Guild,command
(perhaps a few more to be added)

Subtypes- room,classkills,classpells,raceskills,racespells,
skills,spells,inventory,affects,alsohere,lyinghere,etc etc.
And more..................

Current Functions:
StartServer* Not a function, but complete
MainLoop* N/Function complete
LoadRace* inprogress
LoadClass* inprogress
LoadMob* Inprogress
LoadArea* Inprogress,almost done
CheckNew complete-checks for new stream
readstream complete- loops thru each player if readavail
commandreader functional, but want to add player controlled color and need to add "'s for spells
DispalyMenu complete
DisplayRace Complete
DisplayClass Complete
SelSex Complete
SelRace Complete
SelClass Complete
SelStatus Complete
Playing complete
Menu complete
BroadCast complete
Wholist Complete
Gossip Complete
SelName Complete
SelPassword Complete
VerPassword complete
VerName Complete
VerPassword Complete
Startup complete ...shows startup screen to new player
Logoff complete...quits/deletes the player and waits if ld
SelRace Functional/Nearly Complete will be adjusted
SelClass Nearly Complete but will be adjusted too
LoadPfile NotDone
SavePfile Notdone
SelectCommand NotDone
Regen NotDone regen. I gotta wait till i write a timer for game control
Repop Note done...repops the area
Move nearly complete, nead to add too
Weather notdone will have random/non random weather in game

Well i think thats about it, not sure How many i Missed. My first couple projects to work on is to get all the Loads finished. Before I do a couple of things I need to finish loading all the types and subtypes. Which should take me another week, maybe two, depending on time. Going to finish LoadArea, then LoadRace,LoadClass, then mobs, objects, guild, etc. Then after such I'll move onto Load/Save pfile and fix Move to work with alsohere. I'll also be making a future list of commands to do etc. I'll keep you updated. Expect the next update next sunday. Maybe with some test files too. Oh I'll give you some information on the Mud that I want to open. So here ya go.

Race List- Human, Half Elf, Winged Elf, Wild Elf, Gold Elf, Drow, Orc, Goblin, Lizardman, Gargoyle, Duergar, Hill Dwarf, Moutian Dwarf, Deep Gnome, Tinker Gnome, Sauron, Half Dragon, Giant Ogre, Ogre, Half Ogre, Bugbear, Hobgoblin, Wemic, Troll, Wolven, Halfling, Pixie, Shadow, Centaur, Minotaur, Kender, Kelf, Half-Orc, Giant, Half Giant,Sea elf, and need names for a desert race, human flying race,cat race, snake race,bird race...Also might add angels,demons,balanxs,dragons,cyclops, shrug.

Class List- Thief, Rogue, Assassin, Warrior, Barbarain, Swashbuckler, DragonSlayer, Archer, Witchunter?, Bard, Skald, Cleric, Priest, Druid, Crusader, Cavalier, Paladain, Anti-Paladin?, Necromancer, Illusionist, Invoker, Enchantor, Mage/sage?, Martial Artist, Ninja, Samaurai, Bounty Hunter, Shaolin Monk?, Mystic, Bladesinger, Battlerager...and anymore Ideas?

Oh Well, thats enough rambling for me. What do you all think? Is anyone here interested in such an engine, or playing the game itself? Lemme know: PortalMud@...
Take Care.

RexRhino(Posted 2003) [#2]
Have you thought of making it generic... so you could make a sci-fi mud, post-apocolyptic mud, etc.? Seems like every new mud coming out is a hard-coded fantasy mud.

Gauge(Posted 2003) [#3]
Yes, my mud engine will not be specific to any particular genre. Everything will be easily editable.