Shootout 5 text scripting demo

Community Forums/Showcase/Shootout 5 text scripting demo

WendellM(Posted 2003) [#1]
Hungry Guy's office and break room become a battleground! ;)

This program demonstrates how external text scripts (greatly improved from the Hungry Guy demo) can be used to create mini-movies or cutscenes. These can be edited to change the sets, actors, and events without recompiling, allowing players without Blitz3D to create/edit them. While they can be edited "raw" in a text editor, my eventual plan is to create a GUI editing environment where they can be edited in a 3D setting.

Setups look like:
LoadActor Good1,"data\Soldier.b3d","data\Anim.txt"
TextureActor Good1,"data\Good1.jpg"
PlaceActor Good1, 10,0,-25, 0,180,0

And timed scripts look like:
2 Soldier 2 asks question
 disp 0,255, 0,500,500, "Did you hear something?",2  
5 Soldier 1 replies
 disp 128, 128, 255, 300, 500, "No, nothing.", 2
7 Start the bad guy creeping forward
 anim Bad1, 28, 1, 0.25, 10
 move Bad1, 0, 0, -.15, 6

I started this before encountering Koriolis's Blitz Virtual Machine, which allows much greater freedom in creating scripts (the script actions used here need to be coded in Blitz, whereas BVM scripts *are* Blitz code). This interpreted method does seem to be simpler, though, since several Blitz actions can be combined into one script statement. I haven't yet decided if I'll use BVM instead of this approach, but thought I'd present it here in any case.

The download is ~4.3 megs:

Tranz(Posted 2003) [#2]
Woot! Hungry Man is back!

And this time he's serving up heaping helping of hot lead!

Get 'em Hungry Man!!! Let no one deny you your food this time!!!

Haha, I've been editing that script file and made a nearly complete remake of that scene...

It's easy to get a grip on and really fun to play about with...this would allow us to make some really cool cut scenes.

I hope to see an editor soon!

WendellM(Posted 2003) [#3]
LOL! Actually, I just reused to same "set" to make sure that the new loading functions matched the old ones (and also because I'm lazy). But, I like your interpretation better. :)

Thanks for the comments; I'm glad that you're enjoying it and finding it understandable and potentially useful. I'll post the editor when it's written.