ProPixel 2D Demo v1.00 Download

Community Forums/Showcase/ProPixel 2D Demo v1.00 Download

Snarty(Posted 2003) [#1]
Hi all,

The official public release Demo is now available for download here. The feature list for the full version is listed in the above link.

The Full product v1.00 is also complete and I'm now around half way through compiling the initial user guide draft. Here's to B+ :)

wedoe(Posted 2003) [#2]
Great stuff :)

Snarty(Posted 2003) [#3]
Cheers wedoe :)

Yappy(Posted 2003) [#4]

Snarty(Posted 2003) [#5]
lol! Ermm, cheers I think :P

Steve C ™(Posted 2003) [#6]
It's a very impressive program. Shows what B+ can achieve.
Nice one Snarty :)

Snarty(Posted 2003) [#7]
Cheers FAM, amazing what you can get B+ to do when you rip it's insides out and while it is still alive show them to it... ermm, I mean when you take time to learn it :)

Zster(Posted 2003) [#8]
I'm impressed. Just what my next remake needs. Now some questions.

My sisters going to be comming over in a week from England will she be able to order a box version by then? Is a full version available yet or is that still on preorder? Will upgrades be free? Finally will there be support for multiframed images (ie animated sprites)?


Snarty(Posted 2003) [#9]
Hi Zster,

I'm pleased you like PP, I'm also pleased so many are giving ProPixel a chance. Reason I say this is because I gambled by going against the grain with regards to what is considered the norm on the PC.

Anyway, to answer you questions.

Boxed Version
Unfortunately this is at the mercy of the distributor responsible. My personal sales are handled by Binary People, below are the contact details.

Sales and Release dates: pp2d@...
Technical: ProPixel@...

Currently the pre-order offer is still running. The full version of ProPixel is complete, and those who have purchased the boxed pre-order (and those who purchase the boxed version after this date) will receive a download link to the full version. The Sales email address can give you more details on dates.

All upgrades and patches for ProPixel2D will be FREE to registered customers. There are already planned updates for at least the next 12 months.

Although ProPixel2D is not intended for animation support, later updates may include simple tools for saving out as animations (anim strips and .PPA, and maybe .MNG (PNG's animation format)). I'm unclear as of yet what aspects of ProPixel Studio (Due out in around 12 months minimum) will be included in ProPixel2D. But, rest assured that PP2D will not be forgotten when PPStudio is released.

ProPixels Graphics Format:
Both PPG and PPA graphics formats will come with Blitz software loaders, so you can include them direct in your projects. This is in the form of a very small dll, .decl and .bb include. PPG boasts extremely fast decompression times best suited for games, multimedia and application development along with support for dual key and single key encryption. All loading is done internally and therefore no temporary files are ever created when using them within your projects.

There is also support for non-Blitz loading via the dll, where you can call it to return a HBITMAP. Also planned is an ActiveX plug-in to enable web page displaying of PPG and thumbnails within Explorer.

Hope this helps, back to manual compilation for me. :)

Dave(Posted 2003) [#10]
you dont need todo this as an activex snarty. It would not be difficult to write an image codec for windows which i could help you with if you like. I have worked with codec programming quite a bit in the last few months...

Snarty(Posted 2003) [#11]
Dave, yeah, that would be handy. The image format is open source (for obvious shove GIF reasons). A codec sounds far better than ActiveX anything. :)

Tell you the truth I've not looked into it yet, but I'm guessing it will be fairly straight forward, any help is appreciated. :)

Btw, will a codec handle all the IE, Mozilla etc?

Ginger Tea(Posted 2003) [#12]
i ran the demo
the circle mode is like dpaint ... it works more like a compas [and only works on odd numbers]
i prefer mspaint/neochrome's way of doing em
although if i choose full circle it makes even ones

Snarty(Posted 2003) [#13]
Well, I could always give the option to do it in drag from mode (ala MSPaint) or DPaint mode (ala ProPixel). MSPaints method is actually easier to program than the current method. :)

Ginger Tea(Posted 2003) [#14]
please do ... im more used to mspaint over all others
i never got rount do getting psp7 sorted out for pixel work ... now all it does is resize my APS scans for the net.

if mspaint had a 256clut id never need another package

Snarty(Posted 2003) [#15]
Consider it on the updates list, may even make it to the first build yet. Either way it will be in :)

Snarty(Posted 2003) [#16]
For anyone interested I've just completed the ISO Grid system for ProPixel 2D full version, in both ISO and Psuedo ISO. Will be working on ISO Brush mode for a future update.

Zster(Posted 2003) [#17]

Would it be possible to make the right click user definable so you could say right click on a color in the sprite to make it the primary drawing color or to start or stop drawing shapes or rotate the brush 90 degrees or well anything?


Snarty(Posted 2003) [#18]
Not really, since ProPixel relies on at least two buttons being there, (Left and Right). Although both work with the majority of tools (including the middle button).

Anyhow, v1.001 now uploaded to the showcase, this fixes several glitches including XP only bugs.

ProPixel2D Demo v1.001

Snarty(Posted 2003) [#19]
ISO Grids partially finished, just need to align the tools so they use the standard decimal ISO denomination (as the grid overlay does).

Here's an example anyhow, took about a minute to throw this together.

This Image was saved using the full version of ProPixel2D.