Image Recursion Demo

Community Forums/Showcase/Image Recursion Demo

zoqfotpik(Posted 2013) [#1]
Image recursion using grabimage. Terribly slow in 640x480. The tileimage function doesn't look like my code but it's hard to say where I got it, it's been so long since i wrote this. I think that function was there to fix some perceived broken behavior of tileimage...

' recur
Graphics 640,480
Global textstring$="So here's this.  Just a little something... it starts out slow and picks up.  I'm sure I'm not the only person to come up with this.  The basic idea is video recursion, like you get if you point a video camera at the video display for that camera-- forms appear and twist and turn into whirlpools of color.  The concept was described in Godel, Escher, Bach by Douglas Hofstader..."
timer = CreateTimer(30)
DrawRect 213,213,213,213
GrabImage windowgrab, 0,0
While KeyDown(key_escape)=0 And ticks < 2170
SetRotation 0
tileimage2 windowgrab,0,0
ticks = ticks + 1
SetAlpha 255
SetBlend alphablend
SetRotation Cos(ticks)*ticks/10
SetScale (1-Sin(ticks)+.1)*.5,(1-Cos(ticks)+.1)*.5
tileimage2 windowgrab,Sin(ticks)*640,Cos(ticks)*640
SetScale .5,.5
SetColor 200,200,200
SetRotation Sin(ticks)*ticks/10
tileimage2 windowgrab,0,0
SetScale 1,1
SetColor 255,255,255
SetHandle 160,160
SetColor 100,0,100
SetRotation 0
SetColor 0,0,0
SetScale 2,2
SetHandle 0,0
SetScale 8,8
SetColor 0,0,0
DrawText textstring$, 220-ticks*15,220
SetColor Rand(128)+128,Rand(128)+128,Rand(128)+128
DrawText textstring$, 213-ticks*15,213

SetScale 1,1
Print ticks
WaitTimer timer
Delay 10
GrabImage windowgrab, 0,0

Function TileImage2 (image:TImage, x:Float=0# ,y:Float=0#, frame:Int=0)
    Local scale_x#, scale_y#
    GetScale(scale_x#, scale_y#)
    Local viewport_x%, viewport_y%, viewport_w%, viewport_h%
    GetViewport(viewport_x, viewport_y, viewport_w, viewport_h)
    Local origin_x#, origin_y#
    GetOrigin(origin_x, origin_y)
    Local handle_X#, handle_y#
    GetHandle(handle_X#, handle_y#)
    Local image_h# = ImageHeight(image)
    Local image_w# = ImageWidth(image)
    Local w#=image_w * Abs(scale_x#)
    Local h#=image_h * Abs(scale_y#)
    Local ox#=viewport_x-w+1
    Local oy#=viewport_y-h+1
    origin_X = origin_X Mod w
    origin_Y = origin_Y Mod h
    Local px#=x+origin_x - handle_x
    Local py#=y+origin_y - handle_y
    Local fx#=px-Floor(px)
    Local fy#=py-Floor(py)
    Local tx#=Floor(px)-ox
    Local ty#=Floor(py)-oy
    If tx>=0 tx=tx Mod w + ox Else tx = w - -tx Mod w + ox
    If ty>=0 ty=ty Mod h + oy Else ty = h - -ty Mod h + oy
    Local vr#= viewport_x + viewport_w, vb# = viewport_y + viewport_h
    SetOrigin 0,0
    Local iy#=ty
    While iy<vb + h ' add image height to fill lower gap
        Local ix#=tx
        While ix<vr + w ' add image width to fill right gap
            DrawImage(image, ix+fx,iy+fy, frame)
    SetOrigin origin_x, origin_y
End Function

virtlands(Posted 2013) [#2]
I tried it. It's interesting, and slow. ;)

zoqfotpik(Posted 2013) [#3]
Yeah, grabimage is indeed very slow. Maybe you could do something else using pixmaps. This was just buried away in my code archive and I thought I'd share. I bet you could do something really crazy with it by feeding it a more interesting image.

col(Posted 2013) [#4]
Trippy effect :)

Shameless plug:- If you're using windows and have the a d3d11 gpu try the D3D11 graphics driver, GrabImage is very fast and this demo is silky smooth.

*(Posted 2013) [#5]
On another note its probably best to post these in the code archives instead of numerous posts.

virtlands(Posted 2013) [#6]
On another note its probably best to post these in the code archives instead of numerous posts.

Interesting point.
Should most complete programs be posted in the 'code archives' ?

*(Posted 2013) [#7]
Taking into consideration that its code he's posting for all to look and play around with the answer would be YES :)

zoqfotpik(Posted 2013) [#8]
I can't post to that forum.

*(Posted 2013) [#9]
There is a code archives link at the top which allows you to post to the code archives, the main reason was to stop loads of code pages flooding the forum like it did in the old days :)

here ya go: