Bringing up the bit shift syntax issue again..

Community Forums/Monkey2 Talk/Bringing up the bit shift syntax issue again..

Nobuyuki(Posted 2016) [#1]

About 6 months ago in the Syntax Wishlist thread, I asked if we could see Shl/Shr reflect zero-filled operations, and adding Sal/Sar for sign-bit preserving operations. Without an official response to this, I assume that the behavior is preserved from monkey1, which frankly is kinda weird! Particularly Shr, which preserves the sign bit. I'm assuming that this was done to keep platform consistency, but it may not be necessary anymore now that C++ is the primary target.

Short of replacing Shl/Shr entirely with << and >>, could we maybe see their behavior changed to reflect their mnemonic? Or, at least be given the option of having zero-fill shifts...

(The issue came to mind when talking to someone about mx2's imminent release. They asked me if mx2 would support unsigned types, shorts, etc, and I didn't have an affirmative answer for him. They were concerned about porting code which used bit shift trickery and I told them that it could be worked around mostly without trouble, with the exception of the arithmetic shift right, which gave me trouble in monkey1 and required the use of bitmasks.)

marksibly(Posted 2016) [#2]
Unsigned numbers are supported, and x Shr y will preserve the sign bit of x if x is signed, otherwise 0 is shifted in. I guess I could add a Sar, but it's not strictly necessary and I think would raise more issues than it solved, eg: Can you use Sar with unsigned numbers? Do you HAVE to use Sar with signed numbers and Shr with unsigned?

Shl and Sal are the same thing - I don't know of any language/operation that preserves the low bit when shifting left.

I prefer Shl, Shr to << and >> as < and > are used quite a lot in the language already for comparisons and generics.

dmaz(Posted 2016) [#3]
I too prefer shl/shr syntax to <</>>. so much easier to process (in my head at least)

Gerry Quinn(Posted 2016) [#4]
ZX80 assemblers had a SLI (shift left increment) operator, which shifted a register left and set the lowest bit. It was not intended but arose as a result of a bug in the microcode when the chip was developed. But back then every option that existed was likely to find use.

Danilo(Posted 2016) [#5]
A small starting point to get an overview:
' basic data types in MX2

 MX2              C++ mapping           Comment
 Void             void
 Object           bbObject

 Bool             bool                  ( typedef     bool               bbBool   )

 Byte             signed char           ( typedef     signed char        bbByte   )
UByte           unsigned char           ( typedef   unsigned char        bbUByte  )

 Short            signed short          ( typedef     signed short       bbShort  )
UShort          unsigned short          ( typedef   unsigned short       bbUShort )

 Int              signed int            ( typedef     signed int         bbInt    )
UInt            unsigned int            ( typedef   unsigned int         bbUInt   )

 Long             signed long long      ( typedef     signed long long   bbLong   )
ULong           unsigned long long      ( typedef   unsigned long long   bbULong  )

 Float            float                 ( typedef     float              bbFloat  )
 Double           double                ( typedef     double             bbDouble )

 Char           unsigned short          ( typedef   unsigned short       bbChar   )

 CChar            char
 WChar            wchar_t
 Utf8Char         char

 String           bbString

 CString          char*    (bbCString?) ( CString     =  Alias for CChar Ptr      )
 WString          wchar_t*              ( WString     =  Alias for WChar Ptr      )
 Utf8String       char*                 ( Utf8String  =  Alias for Utf8Char Ptr   )

Info taken from Xmas demo v3 => modules/monkey/types.monkey2 => native/ => bbtypes.h

C++ mapping for the last 3 types will probably change to bbCString, bbWString, and bbUtf8String respectively.

taumel(Posted 2016) [#6]
I would like to have: LSL, LSR, ASL, ASR, ROL and ROR.

Nobuyuki(Posted 2016) [#7]
@ Mark, Danilo

Great, thanks a lot for the info guys.