can I post code here ?

Community Forums/Monkey Talk/can I post code here ?

Paul "Taiphoz"(Posted 2011) [#1]
daft question I am learning monkey via the demo at the moment, and working on my first little bit of code, are we allowed to post code here ? I have a problem would love to find out why its not doing what I want it to.

slenkar(Posted 2011) [#2]
prob- lee

Paul "Taiphoz"(Posted 2011) [#3]
'This is a first attempt at porting X n O's Tutorial
'from Max to Monkey

Import mojo

Class XnO Extends App
	Const Cplayer1 		: Int = 1
	Const Cplayer2 		: Int = 2
	Const Cblank		: Int = 0
	Const Cx			: Int = 1
	Const Co			: Int = 2
	Const PlayerOne		: Int = 1
	Const PlayerTwo 	: Int = 2
	Const Win			: Int = 1
	Const Draw			: Int = 2
	Field Iboard 		: Image
	Field Ix			: Image
	Field Io			: Image
	Field Ipointer		: Image
	Field Iwin			: Image
	Field Idraw			: Image
	Field PlayerTurn 	: Int = PlayerOne
	Field gamewon 		: Int = 0
	Field TilesLeft		: Int = 9
	Field Aboard		: Int[9]	
	Method OnCreate ()
		'Load in our sprites.
		Iboard 		= LoadImage ("board.png")
		Ix			= LoadImage ("x.png")
		Io			= LoadImage ("o.png")
		Ipointer	= LoadImage ("pointer.png")
		Iwin		= LoadImage ("win.png")
		Idraw		= LoadImage ("draw.png")

		'goot no clue what this does.
	Method OnUpdate ()
		If KeyHit(KEY_SPACE) Then Self.ClearBoard()
		For Local tile:Int = 0 To 8
			If MouseHit(MOUSE_LEFT)>=1 And Self.gamewon<>Self.Win And Self.gamewon<>Self.Draw

				Select Self.PlayerTurn
					Case Self.PlayerOne
						Print("In Box P1 = "+Self.MouseInBox())
						Self.Aboard[Self.MouseInBox()] = Self.Cx
					Case Self.PlayerTwo
						Print("In Box P2 = "+Self.MouseInBox())
						Self.Aboard[Self.MouseInBox()] = Self.Co
				End Select
			End If
	Method ScanforWin()
		If Self.Aboard[0] = Self.Cx And Self.Aboard[3] = Self.Cx And Self.Aboard[6] = Self.Cx Then Self.gamewon = Self.Win
		If Self.Aboard[1] = Self.Cx And Self.Aboard[4] = Self.Cx And Self.Aboard[7] = Self.Cx Then Self.gamewon = Self.Win
		If Self.Aboard[2] = Self.Cx And Self.Aboard[5] = Self.Cx And Self.Aboard[8] = Self.Cx Then Self.gamewon = Self.Win
		If Self.Aboard[0] = Self.Cx And Self.Aboard[1] = Self.Cx And Self.Aboard[2] = Self.Cx Then Self.gamewon = Self.Win
		If Self.Aboard[3] = Self.Cx And Self.Aboard[4] = Self.Cx And Self.Aboard[5] = Self.Cx Then Self.gamewon = Self.Win
		If Self.Aboard[6] = Self.Cx And Self.Aboard[7] = Self.Cx And Self.Aboard[8] = Self.Cx Then Self.gamewon = Self.Win
		If Self.Aboard[0] = Self.Cx And Self.Aboard[4] = Self.Cx And Self.Aboard[8] = Self.Cx Then Self.gamewon = Self.Win
		If Self.Aboard[2] = Self.Cx And Self.Aboard[4] = Self.Cx And Self.Aboard[6] = Self.Cx Then Self.gamewon = Self.Win
		If Self.Aboard[0] = Self.Co And Self.Aboard[3] = Self.Co And Self.Aboard[6] = Self.Co Then Self.gamewon = Self.Win
		If Self.Aboard[1] = Self.Co And Self.Aboard[4] = Self.Co And Self.Aboard[7] = Self.Co Then Self.gamewon = Self.Win
		If Self.Aboard[2] = Self.Co And Self.Aboard[5] = Self.Co And Self.Aboard[8] = Self.Co Then Self.gamewon = Self.Win
		If Self.Aboard[0] = Self.Co And Self.Aboard[1] = Self.Co And Self.Aboard[2] = Self.Co Then Self.gamewon = Self.Win
		If Self.Aboard[3] = Self.Co And Self.Aboard[4] = Self.Co And Self.Aboard[5] = Self.Co Then Self.gamewon = Self.Win
		If Self.Aboard[6] = Self.Co And Self.Aboard[7] = Self.Co And Self.Aboard[8] = Self.Co Then Self.gamewon = Self.Win
		If Self.Aboard[0] = Self.Co And Self.Aboard[4] = Self.Co And Self.Aboard[8] = Self.Co Then Self.gamewon = Self.Win
		If Self.Aboard[2] = Self.Co And Self.Aboard[4] = Self.Co And Self.Aboard[6] = Self.Co Then Self.gamewon = Self.Win
		' If we have run out of tiles to use, and no one has won the game, it must be a draw.
		If Self.TilesLeft = 0 And Self.gamewon <> Self.Win Then Self.gamewon = Self.Draw
	End Method
	Method MouseInBox:Int()
		Local tile:Int =0
		For Local y:Int = 0 To 2
			For Local x:Int = 0 To 2
				If MouseX()>= 12+(x*130) And MouseX()<=12+(x*130)+100 And MouseY()>=12+(y*130) And MouseY()<=12+(y*130)+100
					If Self.Aboard[tile] = Self.Cblank Then
						Select Self.PlayerTurn
							Case Self.PlayerOne
								Self.PlayerTurn = Self.PlayerTwo
							Case Self.PlayerTwo
								Self.PlayerTurn = Self.PlayerOne
						End Select	
						If tile>=9 Then tile=0
						Return tile
					End If
				End If	
		If tile>=9 Then tile=0
		Return tile
	End Method

	Method OnRender ()
		Cls 255, 255, 255
		DrawImage Iboard , 0 , 0
		Local tile:Int = 0
		For Local y:Int = 0 To 2
			For Local x:Int = 0 To 2
				Select Self.Aboard[tile]
					Case Cx
						DrawImage Self.Ix,12+(x*130),12+(y*130)
					Case Co
						DrawImage Self.Io,12+(x*130),12+(y*130)
					Case Cblank
				End Select
		'If gamewon = win, so a player has won the game, then draw the WIN image at 0 pixels in, and 0 pixels down.
		If Self.gamewon = Self.Win Then DrawImage Self.Iwin , 0 , 0
		'If gamewon = draw, so a player has won the game, then draw the draw image at 0 pixels in, and 0 pixels down.	
		If Self.gamewon = Self.Draw Then DrawImage Self.Idraw , 0 , 0
		'this will draw our pointer at the mousex and mousey location.
		DrawImage Self.Ipointer,MouseX(),MouseY()
		DrawText "Mouse X [ "+MouseX()+"]",390,1
		DrawText "Mouse Y [ "+MouseY()+"]",390,30
		DrawText "Mouse C [ "+MouseHit(MOUSE_LEFT)+"]", 390,60
	Method ClearBoard()
		For Local tile:Int = 0 To 8
			Self.Aboard[tile] = 0
		Self.gamewon = 0
	End Method

Function Main ()
	New XnO

Right in my max version, I click a box and I get my little X and then a little O drawn, but this seems to break on the array index, and just freaks out and I'm not sure why.

any help would be appreciated.

Paul "Taiphoz"(Posted 2011) [#4]
Slight changes to the above, just gona post the bit I have a problem with at the moment.

			If MouseDown(MOUSE_LEFT) And Self.gamewon=0 And Self.Aboard[tile] = Self.Cblank'<>Self.Win And Self.gamewon<>Self.Draw
				Select Self.PlayerTurn
					Case Self.PlayerOne
						Self.PlayerTurn = Self.PlayerTwo
						Print("In Box P1 = "+Self.MouseInBox())
						Self.Aboard[Self.MouseInBox()] = Self.Cx
					Case Self.PlayerTwo
						Self.PlayerTurn = Self.PlayerOne
						Print("In Box P2 = "+Self.MouseInBox())
						Self.Aboard[Self.MouseInBox()] = Self.Co
				End Select
			End If

When I click the mouse button on a place the tilesleft counter rockets down, when the code should stop it from doing that.

one click should mean 1 deduction of the tilesleft counter and it should mean that you cant click on that place again.

Paul "Taiphoz"(Posted 2011) [#5]
never mind. sorted it.

was just a stupid logic problem