Jungle Ide DEMO to be released next monday

Community Forums/Monkey Talk/Jungle Ide DEMO to be released next monday

ziggy(Posted 2011) [#1]
Just to let you know that the Jungle Ide DEMO will be released this monday (25 march).

The demo will be able to work with the current Monkey Demo. In fact, if you haven't yet installed Monkey, the Jungle Ide will be able to install automatically the demo for you too.

The demo will self-convert to Jungle Lite (the free version of Jungle Ide) after 30 days.

For more information regarding Jungle, you can see the official site here:


D4NM4N(Posted 2011) [#2]
Looks very nice and well done, but why is it windows only when the trans-tool runs on OSX Linux(via wine) and Windows?

Also how are you going to enable iOS development if it is windows only?

Last edited 2011

ziggy(Posted 2011) [#3]
Also how are you going to enable iOS development if it is windows only?

It's a Windows IDE. There's nothing stoping you from compiling the project for X Code, on a mac running Parallels or windows. Anyway, Jungle Ide is not a Mac Os IDE, so you won't be able to run it using (only) Mac Os, you'll need a windows OS to run Jungle Ide.

why is it windows only when the trans-tool runs on OSX Linux(via wine) and Windows?
Why not? I use Windows for coding and Mac Os for making music. People that owns BLIde Plus and knows the customer support I'm providing on BLIde knows how seriously I take it. Supporting properly more than one platform, and also BLIde Plus, and also other non-blitz related project I work in would have been too much.

Hotshot2005(Posted 2011) [#4]
Does it have Debugged to find the error?

Looking forward to it :)

ziggy(Posted 2011) [#5]
Does it have Debugged to find the error?
Monkey does not provide debuging capabilities *directly* on monkey coder. It has to be done in the native "part" of things, so in this area, Jungle can't provide any specific debuging features. I hope this will change in the future, but I don't know yet. To do so, a Monkey interpreter or something like this should be required. Maybe a native generation of pdb files for XNA would do the trick, but this has to be done first in the compiler side of things. If Monkey ever supports debugging, Jungle Ide will be able to debug directly Monkey code. But not before :D

Dabhand(Posted 2011) [#6]
I was hoping Jungle would be cross platform, I mean, I do respect the fact that by doing so would probably create more work, but it is a bit of a shame.

As mentioned in other threads, I'm using GLBasic for now, and its editor is Windows only, which I'm using through VMWare in OSX, and while it's not a major biggy that I have to do this, I just cannot stop thinking I have to dedicate 2 OS's to the project, and its all a bit of a "Weeding the flowerbeds with a Trident missile" affair! ;)

Now don't get me wrong, I loved Blide, your work it top-notch, your support is second to none, but I feel like you had the opportunity to take your IDE to the next level, to make it the holy grail of Blitz related IDE's, but, somehow, it wasn't to be.

I'll probably still buy it mind when I start my next project, but, that's just my general feeling on the subject, which bare in mind, I really dont mean to be offensive if my post comes across a little out of context, because that isnt the intention! :)


ziggy(Posted 2011) [#7]
I'll probably still buy it mind when I start my next project, but, that's just my general feeling on the subject, which bare in mind, I really dont mean to be offensive if my post comes across a little out of context, because that isnt the intention! :)
All comments are welcome! Of course! I've been beta testing Jungle inside vmware too, to test it on Windows XP, Vista and Seven. And during the process I've optimized it a lot to be fast also on single core machines, and on virtualized environments. Some of the Jungle Ide testers have been using it on parallels on the Mac, and it's very fast there too. I wish I had the time to make it also Mac compatible, but I don't see this coming any time soon.

D4NM4N(Posted 2011) [#8]
Yeah sorry if my post sounded a bit... sour, it was not my intention to offend or anything. I like Dabz was hoping it was going to be cross platform too.
However if you are selling it, it may be worth considering making it cross platform in the future (I for one would buy it immediately as i respect your commitment to blide).

Last edited 2011

GfK(Posted 2011) [#9]
Is there any reason you didn't just make a monkey plugin for BLIde? Wouldn't it have been easier?

ziggy(Posted 2011) [#10]
@Gfk: No, I wanted to take another approach for Jungle Ide. BLIde is the result of more than 6 years of development. During this process I've learned a lot and there are several things you end thinking "wish I did this another way" etc. While I'm very proud of BLIde and I think it works pretty well, I think a brand new IDE framework to build Jungle was mandatory. BLIde is not designed to support overloading or data type inference, and was designed without multithreading in mind. Also, BLIde is not really ready to work without BlitzMax. So all in all, it would be a major rewrite of BLIde.

Jungle Ide is lightweight, a lot faster in several areas, and smaller. It's designed to be very scalable and has been designed with multithreading into account from the begining. As an example, we do not need any spash window in the IDE while the internal language databases are being loaded. It's fast enough to make this almost instant. This could not have been possible with just a plugin for BLIde. Also, Jungle Ide internally has a sort of "actors" desing where several areas of the IDE work independently (literaly can be spread on cores) so Jungle Ide is capable of editing larger solutions. BLIde can handle properly solutions with hundreds of files, while Jungle is ready to support thousands very easily.

Also, the internal management of GDI resources has been drastically improved in the new framework.

There's a small video I did some weeks ago. It is just a small vid, but you get the idea of how fast it launches, how fast it loads a solution, and how many resources are you using (in the example is using less than 10 MiB to operate).


This video does not represent current version, as the IDE has been improved in several areas.

Gabriel(Posted 2011) [#11]
Looks awesome, Manel. I don't currently have much interest in Monkey, but if I did, I would definitely be buying your IDE. Blide was one of the best things to happen to BlitzMax, and while I can't remember how much I paid for it, I know it wasn't enough. I don't know if Visual Studio was an inspiration - although I assume it was - but it was definitely very close to being Visual Studio for BlitzMax.

ziggy(Posted 2011) [#12]
It's monday here.

Demo available here: http://www.jungleide.com/?page_id=375
This demo works full funtional for 30 days, and then it self-converts to Jungle Lite, wich is the free version of Jungle Ide that has some limitations, but it is functional.

Also, once the ide is installed, on the first configuration wizard, you'll have the option to automatically download and install monkey demo, and the IDE will configure everything for you.

Hope you like it.


Note: This is the very first release of Jungle Ide and its demo, development is currently very active and there are several areas that will be improved very soon.

Last edited 2011

ziggy(Posted 2011) [#13]
A new update for Jungle Ide has been released.

This is the changelog:
Jungle Ide 11.04.2-A (Local Shortcuts)
[*] Implemented a Local Shortcuts Tree component, based on a custom build component, instead of using the Windows Forms implementation of the TreeView. The whole component is using a single window handle and has a single pass renderer that makes it fast and flicker-free.

[*] Fixed a quick info tip / autolists overlapping issue

[*] Added some more color schemes to the define editor color options dialog

[*] Added braces matching highlighting in the text renderer

Hope you like it! The update is available both on Jungle Ide and Jungle Lite (the free version).

(EDIT: Small fix available for 64 bits windows users that were experiencing problems launching the IDE).

Last edited 2011

EOF(Posted 2011) [#14]
Really nice IDE. Excellent work so far!

Couple of comments
1. Allow for loading of *.java files

2. Eachin does not change colour (although it is recognized). I am not sure if it should(?)

3. It seems you can be stuck in a block after deleting it. For example, starting with a blank sheet type Class abc <return>, select all text (Ctrl+A), then delete (Del)
Now, re-type Class abc <return>
This time, (after pressing return) the auto-block feature fails

4. Methods/fields from an imported class of mine are not being picked up. My test looks something like this:
Import Vec2

Global v:vec2d=New vec2d
vec.     ' after . pressed --> POPUP: "Could not determine data provider for vec"

BTW I have a habit of pressing <enter> for intelliprompt listbox entries. On another IDE I use this accepts the current entry and continues on the same code line, just like TAB key in fact. I am not sure if this is standard behaviour. Your thoughts? I quite like <return> as an acceptance method

ziggy(Posted 2011) [#15]
1. Allow for loading of *.java files

This is planned :D I'm working on a Java parser.

2. Eachin does not change colour (although it is recognized). I am not sure if it should(?)

I'l add this to the list of highlighted keywords. Thanks for noticing this.

3. It seems you can be stuck in a block after deleting it. For example, starting with a blank sheet type Class abc <return>, select all text (Ctrl+A), then delete (Del)
Now, re-type Class abc <return>

This is sort of by-design limitation of current autocompletion. I'll be improving this soon.

4. Methods/fields from an imported class of mine are not being picked up
To work with multiple files, you have to create a Solution. A Solution is a collection of (at last) one project. So multiple file's project should be accomplished by using a Solution. This way Jungle Ide can provide intelliprompt understanding all the relative/absolute file paths to everything in the project, and can provide much more accurate intellipromt.

I have a habit of pressing <enter> for intelliprompt listbox entries. On another IDE I use this accepts the current entry and continues on the same code line, just like TAB key in fact.

Well, on Jungle Ide, intellisense completion is a bit more clever. Let me explain:

Intellisense on Jungle Ide works the same as BLIde. All operators perform completion, so you just have to press whatever it comes after the word you're completing. Enter included.

That is, instead of using Enter to close the intellisense popup always, it is much better to just use whatever you're going to write. I mean, if after the word there's a "(" just, write it. If it is a space or an operator or a dot, just press it and, if it is a new line, just press enter.

This is a way to improve writing speed and this make things a lot easier than having to scroll and select and press Enter as in other IDEs, but you have to get used to it first (it does not take too much).

If you're so used to use the Enter key to perform completion, that you can't use anything else, in that case, you can modify the default settings in the preferences dialog. I wouldn't recommend it unless you've given it a proper try, it's worth it, but you have to get used to it.

EOF(Posted 2011) [#16]
Thanks for the detail on intellisense Ziggy. Good stuff