Lists of types?

Community Forums/Monkey Talk/Lists of types?

D4NM4N(Posted 2011) [#1]
What is the format for a list<t> in monkey?

slenkar(Posted 2011) [#2]
if you want to create a new list
class wizard
end class

local mylist:List<wizard>=new List<wizard>

monkey is ultra strict and case sensitive so it has to be List with a capital L

only one kind of class is allowed per list

Last edited 2011

Sledge(Posted 2011) [#3]
only one kind of class is allowed per list
Although that would include any class that extends wizard.

D4NM4N(Posted 2011) [#4]
argh it was that bloody local keyword again!

gets me every time. I dont understand why it is needed to be honest.

Sledge(Posted 2011) [#5]
I dont understand why it is needed to be honest.
Simply for readability, I think. Let's say I decided to use a static iterator in a particular method, well six months on when I come back to the code and don't see the Local keyword in the For...EachIn loop I'll immediately realise what I did.

D4NM4N(Posted 2011) [#6]
S'pose... but to be honest i have no idea why Mark chose:

Local a:int


int a

I suppose it is to be maxlike but i always wondered that about max too to be honest.

in my world "more wordy != easier" :D

Sledge(Posted 2011) [#7]
in my world "more wordy != easier"

Take that to its logical conclusion, though, and you end up with C! Hmmmm... BlitzC :D

Yasha(Posted 2011) [#8]
C-like syntax has some problems with the grammar once you try to make it more complicated than C itself (C++ is famous for this). Don't know how much Mark is into the theoretical stuff but language designers don't usually like that sort of thing.

Also, am I imagining things or did I read somewhere that you could do this:
Local mylist := new List<wizard>

Once you've got types with multiple parameters nested three deep and suddenly realise you need to make a change, that could get useful.

degac(Posted 2011) [#9]

only one kind of class is allowed per list

Well, that's not true.

You can always use a 'generic' Object class, but this is a question of design of your application/code.

therevills(Posted 2011) [#10]
Also you can add child objects to a superclass's list:

D4NM4N(Posted 2011) [#11]
Thanks for the infos

although sledge/yasha i dont want -C-
...just standard declaration syntax. (BIG difference :D)

by the way, what is monkey's line separator, why does it crash when i stick a ; on the end (its an ingrained habbit for me from all the other langs i use. Max was good because it was treated as a separator so it could be there or not, the compiler did not care.

therevills(Posted 2011) [#12]
Monkey's line separator is just <return>:

If Player.x > 100 And
Player.y < 100 Then
	Player.dead = true

Yeah its a shame about the semi-colon - I would have liked if you needed to put it on every line.

Dabhand(Posted 2011) [#13]

Monkey's line separator is just <return>:

About time, In C++ (notably) I liked spreading long parameter arguments down lines, as an example with a BlitzMax function:

ImagesCollide(	playerImage,

I find that a lot betterer when wading across big lines of code.

I know the semi-colon is handy though, that should be kept in too for multiple statements on one line.


Last edited 2011

Canardian(Posted 2011) [#14]
Two dimensional adhoc formatting is even better to read than assembler-like one dimensional code:
	playerImage, player.x, player.y, player.frame,
	bulletImage, bullet.x, bullet.y,

Last edited 2011

Dabhand(Posted 2011) [#15]

Two dimensional adhoc formatting is even better to read than assembler-like one dimensional code

Nah, me no likely... Ultimately, its a horses for course thing!


D4NM4N(Posted 2011) [#16]
I prefer the vertical style too (unless they all fit reasonably on one line) it is easier to look at.
Not sure where "assembler-like" fits in though :D

Last edited 2011