MX2 Community Forum opened

Community Forums/Monkey Talk/MX2 Community Forum opened

Danilo(Posted 2016) [#1]
The new MX2 Community Forum opened at

Register now and join the MX2 community!

Hotshot2005(Posted 2016) [#2]
Why Another forum?

When you have this one

So confusing !

Derron(Posted 2016) [#3]

because the website Danilo linked to is not an official one, but an community one.
"" is not owned by Mark or so, it is owned by Danilo.


RustyKristi(Posted 2016) [#4]
This looks interesting but where do I download MX2? Does it have a built-in 3d library now?

BlitzMan(Posted 2016) [#5]
What is the point of this Mark has made his own now.

Hotshot2005(Posted 2016) [#6]
Would be nice if there was SFML Build-in, so when you installed Monkey 2 and SFML Module installed as well then make project then code em and run em!

Danilo(Posted 2016) [#7]
Mark joined the, so you should join as well.
Register now and help to start the open-source

Danilo(Posted 2016) [#8]
Hotshot2005 wrote:
Would be nice if there was SFML Build-in, so when you installed Monkey 2 and SFML Module installed as well then make project then code em and run em!

Got SFML running with MX2.

Mark is currently making some small changes to the build system in OSX,
and after that SFML should be easily useable with MX2. :)