Working offline problems, beginner level.

Community Forums/Monkey Talk/Working offline problems, beginner level.

gerald(Posted 2015) [#1]

I got hello world to work.
The second example, moving object (boing) won't compile. It errors out "expecting declaration" for include mojo and continue app. When I comment them off it compiles but does not run.

If you use your own image (boing.png in data folder) how do you call it? The example says loadimage("boinb.png"). Do you need the folder name also ("") to call it?

Any beginner level coding help would be appreciated.


Floyd(Posted 2015) [#2]
There is a folder ( misleadingly named bananas ) full of examples. Look around in there for anything that has an image in the data folder. Then try the code and see how the image is used.