Ignition X beta released!

Community Forums/Monkey Talk/Ignition X beta released!

Playniax(Posted 2014) [#1]
Hi guys,

We have been working very hard on a new version of Ignition called Ignition X. Experience leads to new insights so we have reworked the framework from top to bottom!

Most important new features are a ready to use basic game GUI, box2d support and sold separately, a R.U.B.E. importer! We are also updating our website, have set up a forum and member area ( http://www.ignitionxlive.com ) where you can register your product and download updates. Future plans and already in development include desktop style GUI components for creating tools and apps, advanced A.I module, isometric engine, games and more…

We have big plans to keep releasing updates and modules. To help in our maintenance of the core engine and maintain a steady flow of add on modules we have recruited another developer to the team.Stuart Tresadern (TREZ on the monkey forums) brings years of development experience to the team with core development skills in C, C++.C#, Mono and JavaScript and of course Monkey X.

Here are some Ignition X demos:

Ignition X + box2d demo

Ignition X showing off playfield rotation and pixel perfect collision

This is a very angry GUI

Ever needed to have rotated buttons or checkbox?

And Ignition showing off GUI skinning

josk(Posted 2014) [#2]
Great, I will take a look.

Brucey(Posted 2014) [#3]
Very pretty. Does it work with BlitzMax?

Playniax(Posted 2014) [#4]

Ignition (IgnitionMax) is available for BlitzMax.

However, at this moment it has no support for Box2D and R.U.B.E.

Most of the other features are in.

Box2D should work with Ignition but the R.U.B.E. stuff we would need to port.

Maybe a should have a poll if people are interested...

Playniax(Posted 2014) [#5]
Ignition X beta v1.03 is now R.U.B.E. ready and the R.U.B.E. importer is now for sale!

More information can be found here: http://forum.ignitionxlive.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=272

And our website got a little update!


Hotshot2005(Posted 2014) [#6]
Well Done on having own Forum as you have your fans base growing bigger each year :)

Good Luck:)

Playniax(Posted 2014) [#7]
Ignition X beta v1.04 is now up!

And a new R.U.B.E. demo online: http://playniax.com/showcase/trucker/demo.html

And just to get your attention :) the core code to get this running is not much more than this :)


Import demo

Import playniax.ignitionx.physics.box2dengine
Import playniax.ignitionx.physics.rube.importer
Import playniax.ignitionx.physics.rube.box2dworldcreator

Class Game Extends iBox2dEngine
Field rubeData:iRubeImporter
Field pwc:iBox2dWorldCreator

Field playfield:iPlayfield
Field gameLayer:iLayer
Field label:iGuiText

' Reference to physics objects we are interested in for this example
Field truckChassis:iRubeEntity
Field truckWheelRear:iRubeEntity
Field truckWheelfront:iRubeEntity

Method OnCreate:Int()
	Self.playfield = New iPlayfield
	Self.playfield.Virtual(640, 480, True)
	Self.playfield.AutoCls(0, 0, 0)
	Self.gameLayer = New iLayer()
	Self.playfield.zoomX = 1
	Self.playfield.zoomY = 1
	' Switch debug draw on
	'Set the physics draw scale
	' Create an instance of Rube read for setting up physics and importing data										
	Self.rubeData = New iRubeImporter()		
	Return 0

End Method

Method OnUpdate:Int()

	'track the camera to the truck chassis:
	Self.playfield.cameraX = Self.truckChassis.x - deviceWidth / 3
	Self.playfield.cameraY = Self.truckChassis.y - deviceHeight / 2
	Local maxSpeed:Float = 20.0
	Local desiredSpeed:Float = 0.0
	If iKeyDown(KEY_LEFT)
		desiredSpeed = -maxSpeed
	End If

	If iKeyDown (KEY_RIGHT)
		desiredSpeed = maxSpeed
	End If
	'Apply angular velocity to truck wheels:
	If iKeyDown(KEY_R)
	Return 0

End Method

' Reset the scene - you will probably need to use this a lot :)
Method ResetScene:Void()
	' Create the physics world
	Self.pwc = New iBox2dWorldCreator(Self, Self.rubeData, Self.gameLayer, Self.gameLayer)

	' Loop through the entities created by the world creater to get a reference to the chassis and wheels
	For Local i:Int = 0 To Self.pwc.PhysicsEntities().Length() -1
			If Self.pwc.PhysicsEntities[i].RubeBody().name = "truckwheelfront"
				Self.truckWheelfront = Self.pwc.PhysicsEntities[i]
			If Self.pwc.PhysicsEntities[i].RubeBody().name = "truckwheelrear"
				Self.truckWheelRear = Self.pwc.PhysicsEntities[i]
			If Self.pwc.PhysicsEntities[i].RubeBody().name = "truckchassis"
				Self.truckChassis = Self.pwc.PhysicsEntities[i]

End Method
End Class

Not so impressive as the RUBE stuff but this demo shows some simple particle effects of Ignition X: http://playniax.com/showcase/1942/demo.html

therevills(Posted 2014) [#8]
Great box2d demo, pretty smooth and quick :)

I got my truck stuck ;)

Playniax(Posted 2014) [#9]

Playniax(Posted 2014) [#10]
I have started on the TimelineFX integration for Ignition X and I think I got the basics down.

Still some glitches to smooth out and design discissions to make but here is the Ignition X version of WebInvaders.


The frame frequency is 30 frames per second and uses the tweening and delta timing system of Ignition X (super smooth on the right hardware)

This demo may not run on all browsers yet.

You do need a browser with WebGL support to see this demo because of html5/monkey SetColor lag!

Playniax(Posted 2014) [#11]
Having some fun with Ignition X and TimelineFX :)

Use cursor keys left/right to stear the ship.
M = fire.

Needs a browser with WebGL!


Hotshot2005(Posted 2014) [#12]
Mine is Chrome and so it mean I need download WebGL then?

Hotshot2005(Posted 2014) [#13]
Well I had check if my Chrome support WebGL which it had and I have check the demo but there is some slowdown thought

Playniax(Posted 2014) [#14]
I would not release a game with so many particles on the html5 target. Using so big and many particles in a browser is a problem on some hardware so results may vary. Makes for a nice demo though.

Playniax(Posted 2014) [#15]
New Igntion X keyboard gui demo: http://playniax.com/showcase/keyswipe/demo.html

Derron(Posted 2014) [#16]
No umlauts, no € sign etc.


Playniax(Posted 2014) [#17]
Ignition X beta v1.05 up!


Playniax(Posted 2014) [#18]

New beta up!

This beta contains the brand new tile system written from scratch so Ignition X now fully supports Tiled Version 0.9.1 (http://www.mapeditor.org)

Before installing the latest version make sure you read the release notes.txt !!!

The ignition X Tile system consists of three main areas, tile engine (not to be confused with the Ignition X engine), importers and world creators.
The system has been divided in this way to allow developers more freedom in the way they want to use the new tile system (i.e. with or without the Ignition X Engine).

Although the tile system is feature complete the documentation and examples in this beta is mainly focused on orthogonal support.
More documentation examples on isometric will follow ASAP.

Tiled Importer features

- Tile, Object and image layers.
- Internal and External tile sets.
- Tile rotation and flipping.
- Full orientation support (Orthogonal, Isometric and Isometric staggered).
- Layer format support (XML, CSV and base64 but WITHOUT compression).
- Object Layer items including debug drawing of poly objects and layer colour assignment.
- Hidden layer support (good for collision maps etc).
- Call backs to allow interception of layers, etc.
- Layer filtering (exclude layers from the import).
- Full property and custom property support.

Tiled World Creator

- Loads and creates all the layers, tile sets and tiles.
- Load from data folder or from stream.
- Loads properties into Ignition X iConfig system for easy access.
- Call backs for creation events ( map, layers etc )

Native World Creator (experimental)

- Uses the Ignition X built-in script engine for importing.

Tile Engine

- Easy access to all objects ( layers, tiles, objects etc .)
- Additional finder helpers.
- Can be used with or without the world creators allow map and objects to be created pragmatically.
- Update and Render logic including tile culling system (display list).
- Pluggable tile sorter ( includes basic isometric sorter )
- Ignition X engine object (iLayerTileMap) is a layer object making z sorting possible with other layer objects.

Additional helpers

- Get Tile from Point (i.e. mouse ) for all orientations.
- Conversion between Isometric and Orthogonal points.

Aditional stuff

- New iDeltaTimer class.
- Built-in iDT delta timer.
- XML support.
- Base 64 support.
- JUNGLE IDE friendly intellisense.

For XML and Base 64 we made the decision not to write it all ourselves but to use existing ones.
Because we want TimelineFX in the near future and because TimelineFX uses parts of Diddy we have decided to use Diddy’s XML and Base 64 as a base but stripped it from its Diddy dependencies and added a feature to save XML files.



Blitzplotter(Posted 2014) [#19]
Wow, that is a very comprehensive list of functionality, I really need to fire up my monkey!

Playniax(Posted 2014) [#20]
Ignition X is now here!


Hotshot2005(Posted 2014) [#21]
Is there trail or demo Ignition X like people try out IgnitionMax before?

You know like coding Ignition to try out... :)

Playniax(Posted 2014) [#22]
Monkey does not offer a way to protect the module source code so the answer for now is no.

I may release an Ignition X lite (free version) in the future but that is a big maybe.

You can have a look at the docs, tutorials and source code here

It can give you an impression of how to work with Ignition X

The online docs include demos and in most cases the source code is there also.

Note that the online docs are a WIP so by no means complete.

Ignition X comes with 175+ code examples.

Why0Why(Posted 2014) [#23]
Hotshot, I can confirm that Ignition is an amazing value and is PACKED with usability. There are tons of examples and Playniax is highly responsive if there is an issue or a demo is needed. It is also being heavily developed.

CodeGit(Posted 2014) [#24]
I concur, its an awesome product and a "must have" for monkey.