gitHub --small question

Community Forums/General Help/gitHub --small question

AdamRedwoods(Posted 2012) [#1]
Small question about gitHub:

I have miniB3D+monkey hosted there and I wanted to create a new version (opengles20), but retain the old version (opengles11) in case anyone needed it.
Do I create a branch or a fork? Is a fork only for someone else's code? Do I create this from the Git console?

Or am I better off just zipping the old version and offering it it the same place?


D4NM4N(Posted 2012) [#2]
First back up/copy your project folder to be sure ;)

make sure you stage and commit (and push pull if you have a remote).

Then from project folder:

$ git branch newname
$ git checkout newname
(if using a remote you can also publish this branch too)

to get back to the old one, stage all, commit etc and then:
$ git checkout oldname

Your project folder contents will then change to the checked out version.

More info here:

I always use a gui client, so i am not sure how you change the remote tracking with the CL.

Last edited 2012

Htbaa(Posted 2012) [#3]
Just tag your current version as opengles11-stable or something and then continue working in master. Or you could make a new opengles20 branch. Mostly depends if you plan on actively working on the opengles11 version or not.

AdamRedwoods(Posted 2012) [#4]
ok thanks! that helps.

I'm keeping the opengles11 until the opengles20 is stable, then it'll become main.