Microsoft games nolonger work in my laptop?

Community Forums/General Help/Microsoft games nolonger work in my laptop?

Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)(Posted 2011) [#1]
that said. I run a win7 dell inspiron n5110 i5 laptop. Any suggestions blitzers?

Yasha(Posted 2011) [#2]
1) Define "no longer work". Fail to start? Corrupt graphics? Crash partway through?

2) Which games? That's a pretty broad selection. If the answer is "all of them" (for however many Microsoft games you own), what about non-Microsoft ones?

3) When you say "no longer", do you mean you just started using the laptop and it doesn't work like your previous computer, or that you changed something and now it won't run games? If it's the latter, think about when they stopped working, and take a look at your System Restore history for likely causes around that time.

Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)(Posted 2011) [#3]
None of the game will work. I tried launching the exe directly and nothing happens. I open the shortcut and get 'Windows cannot open Chess.Ink' It asks to go online and find the correct program to open the file. Any other games work fine. The pre-installed games like solitaire, purble place, chess titans, etc.... refuse to work at all. Installed games like platypus or anything else I buy in a store works fine. I can't afford to restore my PC to factory default because of what I have on it. Is there any hope for my computer?

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Floyd(Posted 2011) [#4]
Captain Wicker,

I wrote a post suggesting you try running the .exe directly in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games. Then I read your post more carefully and saw that you had already tried that. While trying to quickly delete my irrelevant post I accidentally emptied yours!

Sorry about that. There doesn't seem be any way for me to undo my mistake.

Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)(Posted 2011) [#5]
It's alright Floyd. :) I'll repost it.
EDIT: Reposted. Again NP. :)

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xlsior(Posted 2011) [#6]
You can reinstall the MS games by going to the control panel -> programs & Features, then "turn windows features on or off"
uncheck the "games" section to uninstall them.
go back to the same place, re-check the 'games' section, and they'll get reinstalled.

Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)(Posted 2011) [#7]
I tried that. It will not re-install them at all. :( 'an error has occurred not all windows features were changed'
There can't be anymore options can there? Can they be downloaded from Microsoft some how?

@xlsior: Thanks anyway. :)

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H&K(Posted 2011) [#8]
Is it a legit copy of windows. (Or have you let someone else use you key)?

PS. If you cannot afford to factory install you PC you have a VERY BAD data protection policy. Address this.

At worst get a partition util running make a second HD and backup to that your data, then factory install to original partition. (I think this is part of win 7 system utils)

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Zethrax(Posted 2011) [#9]
Is this the computer you changed the registry settings for a while back? If so, I'd take a guess that might be the problem. A registry repair tool might help in that case, just make sure you don't end up with a dodgy one that comes with malware.

I gather you're talking about the default Microsoft games that come with a new Windows install here. If you can't get them working then the best I could suggest would be to look for free alternatives online.

Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)(Posted 2011) [#10]
No it isn't. That was/is a WinXP Desktop PC made by eMachines.

Zethrax(Posted 2011) [#11]
Here's some links which may help.

Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)(Posted 2011) [#12]
I appreciate your help (from all of you). I couldn't fix the problem but have accepted it. I will continue to ask for help when I need it and help others in the future. :)

I thank all of you blitzers here for being so kind when I wasn't. I have taken advice from a friend and feel it best to offer my humble apologies for my recent actions and would hope that you all could forgive me and those of you who say that they despise or immensely hate me etc could also take a good look because they no longer have any reason to do so.:)
~ Austin "Captain" Wicker

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GfK(Posted 2011) [#13]
Take that ridiculous, attention-seeking statement off your signature. It's stupid.

Zethrax(Posted 2011) [#14]
As Gfk tactfully said (well, it was tactful for Gfk) the signature is a little silly and the bolded text sounds like you're laying down an ultimatum.

As the old saying goes, "The proof is in the pudding.". All you need to do to get into people's good graces around here is to start using a bit more common sense when posting, and avoid attacking people. In future just think twice before posting, and think twice about what you're posting. Try to make posts which are more positive and helpful, and less inflammatory.

GaryV(Posted 2011) [#15]
I am glad I have sigs blocked. If only there was an ignore feature so we could put him on ignore and no longer have to see any of his posts.

Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)(Posted 2011) [#16]

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JustLuke(Posted 2011) [#17]
I am impressed that over the last few days you've insulted and annoyed people here, used these forums to rant at people elsewhere, whined about an alleged nervous breakdown, and now started posting religious imagery.

We once had a guy who threatened to destroy the world with robots after a few months of self-pity and ranting. We've had various loonies blather on about conspiracy theories, aliens, spirit guides, and personal philosophies seemingly ripped-off wholesale from the Matrix movies.

I feel like you have the potential to do better. I look forward to your next crazy shenanigans wicky-wicky, wild-wild Wicker, and I hope you save up something especially odd/attention-seeking/shouty for Christmas day.

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Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)(Posted 2011) [#18]
Now listen here, I don't want no trouble. I'm trying my d***dest to get along with you fella's now I think I should put my signature back up.

JustLuke(Posted 2011) [#19]
Maybe a longer signature ALL IN CAPITALS with plenty of exclamation points might get the point across more clearly? Start out humbly asking people to accept your apology, transition into a "pity me! Pity me!" reveal about your personal issues and conclude with a foul-mouthed rant at the world and your perceived enemies. It works every time.

Or maybe, just maybe, you might do what I do when I read something I disagree with on the Internet, which is some variation on shrugging my shoulders, turning off my computer and forgetting all about it.

The Internet is not important. Focus more upon things that you might like to do in real life instead of obsessing about deeply meaningless virtual "feuds". Go find an offline hobby, Wicker Man, such as burning a Scottish policeman within your rickety yet oh-so-flammable frame.

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Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)(Posted 2011) [#20]
Or maybe, just maybe, you might do what I do when I read something I disagree with on the Internet, which is some variation on shrugging my shoulders, turning off my computer and forgetting all about it.

You're right there I will admit. :)
The Internet is not important. Focus more upon things that you might like to do in real life instead of obsessing about deeply meaningless virtual "feuds". Go find an offline hobby, Wicker Man, such as burning a Scottish policeman within your rickety yet oh-so-flammable frame.

I always have wanted to make games. Just a very thick learning curve with C++ but I suppose I have ruined my chances with being a blitz coder. :(
I am truly sorry for my actions and would hope that this would be the last time for me having to put those words on a public forum. :(
Scottish policeman

Sorry to spoil your fun there but i'm not Scottish, I'm Irish/Canadian. :)
I appreciate your advice deeply and would hope we all get along in the near future.

markcw(Posted 2011) [#21]
I always have wanted to make games. Just a very thick learning curve with C++ but I suppose I have ruined my chances with being a blitz coder. :(
I am truly sorry for my actions and would hope that this would be the last time for me having to put those words on a public forum. :(

You on some kind of halucinogenic drugs huh? :)

Look if you want to make games and you're a noobie coder which clearly you are, then there is no way you should be thinking about C++. It took me years of hard graft to learn C++ and it is a much more demanding language than Blitz. Just because you're unpopular doesn't mean you can't use Blitz. Even if you got banned from the forums you could still use Blitz. Your problem is you have spent too much time chatting and not enough learning.

You need to study for an hour or so then take a break when you've had enough and go to Youtube and watch a cartoon or two, or whatever you do to relax and have some fun, then go back to your study. And stop chatting for no reason to people you've never met before, it's very distracting to study. If you're serious about game making then start putting in the hard work needed to get there. You need to be organized if you're going to succeed and that takes discipline. So write down in a notepad what you want your game to be like, be as detailed as you can, that's phase 1, planning. Phase 2 is development, actually coding the game and doing the artwork and sound/music. Learning the language is phase 1, you shouldn't attempt phase 2 until you have phase 1 done. To help you learn, browse through the code archives and try other peoples code, make sure you actually read the code carefully to understand it, look out for code that does what you want in your game, this is why you need to be organized. Go and read as many tutorials as you can. There's a couple of essential beginner ones there, make sure to read them as they save you a lot of time in the long run. Also read the help files explore all the sections you will need for your game.

Make sure you aren't trying to make a game that is too hard for you, like a MMORPG or even a FPS. Stick to 2d game making unless you're really crazy about a 3d game genre and are already a good 3d artist. There's lots of help around here on the forums if you can find it, so before posting a question type it into the search and see if it's already been answered, don't waste other people's time if you can help it but also don't be afraid to ask a question if you can't find it after a quick look.

That ought to be enough. I hope you are listening... Oh yeah, don't forget coding is not everything you need to find and learn other programs that do the art and sound, like Photoshop, etc.

PS: please remove the crucifix picture. I'm not sure if you're serious or not but it's inappropriate.

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Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)(Posted 2011) [#22]
Alrighty then. I have been using the gimp for art but have not one clue of what to do with LMMS (linux multimedia studio). Are there tutorials on youtube or something that may teach lmms? Believe it or not, I am a very religious person. That photo was just a small joke and wasn't intended to be taken serious. :) my apologies for that too.

markcw(Posted 2011) [#23]
Great, thanks for your explanation so you say it was a joke. Ok but a bad one I think you need to think twice when you loose your temper and instead take some deep breaths before you decide that you need to retaliate. Just take care what you type in future and you'll not get into this trouble again.

I don't know about LMMS, but I use Photoshop Elements, which is a cheap version of the big boy. Good post here

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GaryV(Posted 2011) [#24]
Believe it or not, I am a very religious person.
Why does that not surprise me...

Zethrax(Posted 2011) [#25]
@GaryV I think it might be a good idea to stop trying to put out this fire by pouring petrol on it.

Let's all just calm the hell down, untwist those little pink panties, and go back to making games.

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GaryV(Posted 2011) [#26]
Perhaps you should practice what you preach? ;)

Zethrax(Posted 2011) [#27]
Perhaps you should practice what you preach? ;)

Fair point. :-)