Open a web browser passing lat/long via a function

Community Forums/General Help/Open a web browser passing lat/long via a function

Blitzplotter(Posted 2011) [#1]
I am struggling to figure out a way to suss how to get a print screen request from google programmitcally, If you have any suggestions about how to achieve any, or some of the steps I'd greatly appreciate it!

1. Open a Web Browser on a Google maps page

2. Automate passing a top left and a bottom right Latitude & Longitude to Google maps ( I think this post might be along the right lines: )

Specifically this bit:

WriteLine tcp, "GET " + link_path$ + link_file$ + " HTTP/1.1" + Chr(13) + Chr(10) + "Host: " + host$ + Chr(13) + Chr(10) + "User-Agent: Download_Function_By_DevilsChild" + Chr(13) + Chr(10)

with a bit of this page:

and a bit more of this:

Quite excited about this line:

map.setCenter(new GLatLng(51.05226693177032, 3.723893165588379), 15);

I'm just wondering, do I have a text file that I'll manipulate then try and execute the text file.... or open a web browser somehow passing the lat & long with the above line of code. I've a bit more work to do.....

3. Make the Web Browser the current screen

4. Take a 'Invoke Print Screen Request'

5. Save the screen grab as a jpg/bmp for manipulation

6. Load the screen grab into an auto image processor (that I'll probably have to write) and strip of the top of the screen grab (browser buttons etc).

7. The easy bit - deposit the screen grab into a project directory to be applied to a 3D cuboid for manipulation in 3D:

(The Columns within the image below are GPS co-ords imported from elsewhere. I've a process which calculates the top left and bottom right Lats & longs and stretches/compresses the route to fit to the screen.)

Last edited 2011

Last edited 2011

Last edited 2011

Last edited 2011

Last edited 2011

D4NM4N(Posted 2011) [#2]
I don't think it is possible without invoking some sort of screen theif like program after opening the browser.

I would be looking at:

Execfile the browser with the lat/long in the url
Delay a load of seconds to ensure a load
Execfile some sort of automatic screen grabber app (there must be something out there to do this).

I assume this is just for your use to make something with or collect screenshots data with... a tool so to speak this should be possible if not a little hacky, but if it is for your users to do then i would stop now. (unless anyone has a seamless 'nice' solution)

Last edited 2011