Axis/Angle Rotation

Community Forums/General Help/Axis/Angle Rotation

beanage(Posted 2010) [#1]

admittedly I am [not] stuck at that problem. I tried various solutions assembled from wikipedia. I tried this function from Leadwerks -
Function RotatePointAroundVector2( x_:Double, y_:Double, z_:Double, u_:Double, v_:Double, w_:Double, a_:Double, target_x_:Double Ptr, target_y_:Double Ptr, target_z_:Double Ptr )
	Local ux_:Double = u_* x_ '
	Local vy_:Double = v_* y_ '
	Local wz_:Double = w_* z_ '
	Local uu_:Double = u_* u_
	Local vv_:Double = v_* v_
	Local ww_:Double = w_* w_
	Local uxvywz_:Double = ux_+ vy_+ wz_
	Local sa_:Double = Sin( a_ )
	Local ca_:Double = Cos( a_ )

	target_x_[0] =	( u_* uxvywz_ )+ ..
	( ( ( x_* ( vv_+ ww_ ) )- ( u_* ( vy_+ wz_ ) ) )* ca_ )+ ..
	( ( ( -w_* y_ )+ v_* z_ )* sa_ )

	target_y_[0] =	( v_* uxvywz_ )+ ..
	( ( ( y_* ( uu_+ ww_ ) )- ( v_* ( ux_+ wz_ ) ) )* ca_ )+ ..
	( (  w_* x_- u_* z_ )* sa_ )

	target_z_[0] =	( w_* uxvywz_ )+ ..
	( ( ( z_* ( uu_+ vv_ ) )- ( w_* ( ux_+ vy_ ) ) )* ca_ )+ ..
	( ( ( -v_* x_ )+ u_* y_ )* sa_ )
End Function

- None works.
[EDIT:] I just found the all deciding typo. Well, that function from Josh is actually fine, I just made a typo when translating it from B3D *sigh*.. nevermind me ;/ .. corrected, so it will work for you folks too if you need it (kudos to josh for permanent awesomeness!)
Now I use this iffy workaround. I hate it:
Function RotatePointAroundVector( x_:Double, y_:Double, z_:Double, u_:Double, v_:Double, w_:Double, a_:Double, target_x_:Double Ptr, target_y_:Double Ptr, target_z_:Double Ptr )
	Local mat_:Float[16]

	glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW
	glRotated a_, u_, v_, w_
	glGetFloatv GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, Varptr mat_[0]
	'multiply the returned matrix with our favorite vector
	target_x_[0] = mat_[0]*x_ + mat_[4]*y_ + mat_[8]*z_
	target_y_[0] = mat_[1]*x_ + mat_[5]*y_ + mat_[9]*z_
	target_z_[0] = mat_[2]*x_ + mat_[6]*y_ + mat_[10]*z_
End Function

I just want a clean and straightforward mathy solution.. but I simply cant get my head around the how. So.. any suggestions on this? (I'd be satisfied with the content of glRotateD() :)