Why is nothing ever easy?

Community Forums/General Help/Why is nothing ever easy?

sswift(Posted 2009) [#1]

_Skully(Posted 2009) [#2]
Because if it was, anyone could do it and then it wouldn't be worth doing.

N(Posted 2009) [#3]
It's because you ask first and shoot questions later...

wait a second...

schilcote(Posted 2009) [#4]
If it was easy, it would no longer be challenging and fun. Therefore, noone would code professionaly, or unprofesionaly for that matter.

JustLuke(Posted 2009) [#5]
Bah. If something is difficult, it's not worth doing. I take the easy option every time... which is probably why I'm poor and unsuccessful.

Ross C(Posted 2009) [#6]
I'm getting to the stage where i want to get things just finished, so hard coding stuff is :(. It's much better if you can find parts done for you :)

ShadowTurtle(Posted 2009) [#7]
Quest: Why is nothing ever easy?
Due the nature of the universe, it is probadly so. There are so many dark holes wich reign the chaos, coming from BUGS!

btw. this answer was a easy write.

GfK(Posted 2009) [#8]
Due the nature of the universe, it is probadly so. There are so many dark holes wich reign the chaos, coming from BUGS!

btw. this answer was a easy write.
Have you been eating Rowntrees Randoms?

Jur(Posted 2009) [#9]
It is really because of the nature of the universe. Entropy has a natural tendency to grow. To make or keep structures organized you have to make effort. And things that require effort are generally not easy :)

Mr. Write Errors Man(Posted 2009) [#10]
Hardness is relative, everything requires effort.

You can actively choose to not do things that require greater effort. Focus on design, rather than engineering. Make crap, or make something good out of crap. Forget your preconceived ideas of what you want or need to make. The lemonade from lemons thing.

You can try to take effort as a source of enjoyment, as if you were creating fine art. A craftsman silently excelling in his talent. Don't try to make a masterpiece, just make small things as well as you can in your given limited circumstances. Errors and failures are ok. It takes a lifetime to learn a craft. The point is to enjoy what you are doing, even if it's total shit. The end result doesn't matter. We are apes, we can reprogram our stupid minds.

You can try to drink more vodka. Don't try to make fancy drinks, just drink it raw. Smoke while you drink. Wait a couple of hours till the high clears off, then, when you are numb and too depressed to care, go type in that code. Retype till it works. Still take some shots while you are at it. When you wake up at 4 pm, the code has been automagically generated.

_PJ_(Posted 2009) [#11]
Ease or difficulty is simply a matter of perspective and relative circumstance.

If things in life were easy, it really would get boring fast.

ShadowTurtle(Posted 2009) [#12]
i wish, my life would be boring..

lesslucid(Posted 2009) [#13]
Many things are easy. They're so easy, you just do them quickly and just as quickly forget about them. It's only the things that are difficult that require your sustained attention, stay in your mind, and leave you with the impression that everything is difficult. ;)

D4NM4N(Posted 2009) [#14]
Yep a dot is difficult, it is full of mystery of what might have been. :P

I usually blame difficulty on sods law or other peoples idiocy... and tools.
I guess i am a bad workman.

Ruz(Posted 2009) [#15]
I guess I am just a bit lazy at times. I should be living in a swanky islington apartment sipping cocktails from an expensive diamond crusted shoe, but no I have no job and can't be arsed to finish off the model I am working on.
oh and I have a hangover.

schilcote(Posted 2009) [#16]
I code because I really have nothing better to do. The challenge makes it interesting, if everything was easy, engineers would all kill themselves because they thrive on challenge. A life without obstacles would be unbearable.

Blitzplotter(Posted 2009) [#17]
I code because there is more satisfaction in achieving the nigh on impossible eventually in 3D than doing a crossword. Tried crosswords, not quite as satisfying as driving my first artic up a 3d model similar to fort block within Mario Kart.