c# script???

Community Forums/General Help/c# script???

Happy Sammy(Posted 2009) [#1]
Hi all,

The script for C++ is usually Lua.
How about C#?

Thanks in advance

Orca(Posted 2009) [#2]
I wouldn't say theres any specific scripting language. For c#, or c++ for that matter. It all comes down to your requirements/preferences.

Anyways, for .NET there's IronPython and IronRuby. And AFAIK theres a javascript implementation. And the Tao framework includes native bindings to Lua.

Boo is so close to python in spirit, that it might as well be considered a scripting language. But lots of little things about it annoy me, and I haven't found a good IDE so I don't use it currently.

I would absolutely love to use IronPython, but its start up time is atrocius, which kills one of the big advantages of python.

Azathoth(Posted 2009) [#3]
Its possible to use C# for scripts.

Winni(Posted 2009) [#4]
Yep, Unity3D can use Mono C# as a scripting language.

But since you're aiming at Xbox 360 development, you should really fist look at the possible limitations of that target platform. For example, although it is possible to write XNA apps with Visual Basic.NET, you won't be able to deploy VB.NET apps to the Xbox 360 because that target platforms does not have the required runtime libraries for VB.NET and you cannot upload them manually either. You might find similar problems with IronPython or IronRuby.

But, really, you should definitely ask some guys over at the XNA and Xbox forums about that.

And you won't get around learning C# (if you don't want to learn C++).

GW(Posted 2009) [#5]
You can use c# as a scripting language for .net apps, but for Bmax or B3d its not really suitable.
.Net cannot share any data by ref with a non .Net language.
However I have used Bmax combined with Mono. Its pretty easy to call c# from Bmax, instantiate c# objects and invoke methods at runtime. You can also bind Bmax functions to C# and let a script call them dynamically. The downside is that the mono runtime is huge!

plash(Posted 2009) [#6]
However I have used Bmax combined with Mono. Its pretty easy to call c# from Bmax, instantiate c# objects and invoke methods at runtime. You can also bind Bmax functions to C# and let a script call them dynamically. The downside is that the mono runtime is huge!
That is actually very interesting and potentially very useful. I would love to see some code that utilizes the Mono library.

GW(Posted 2009) [#7]
Here a an example.
It creates a class instance from a compiled exe and instantiates it, calling the default constructor. [sorry for the fixed paths]
If you have some Console.WriteLine's in the constructor, you'll see them in the Bmax output.

Import "c:\dev\mono-2.2\lib\libmono.dll.a" 

	Function Mono_Config_Parse ( file$z ) = "mono_config_parse" '= getprocaddress(handle,"mono_config_parse")
	Function mono_jit_init@ Ptr (file$z) = "mono_jit_init"
	Function mono_set_dirs (asmdir$z, cfgdir$z) = "mono_set_dirs"
	Function mono_domain_assembly_open@ Ptr (domain@ Ptr, file$z) = "mono_domain_assembly_open"
	Function mono_jit_exec (domain@ Ptr, assembly@ Ptr, argv%, argc$z) = "mono_jit_exec"
	Function mono_assembly_get_image@ Ptr (assembly@ Ptr) = "mono_assembly_get_image"
	Function mono_class_from_name@ Ptr ( image@ Ptr, namespace$z, name$z) = "mono_class_from_name"
	Function mono_object_new@ Ptr (domain@Ptr ,class@ Ptr) = "mono_object_new"
	Function mono_runtime_object_init(obj@ Ptr) = "mono_runtime_object_init"

Global MonoDomain@ Ptr
Global MonoAssembly@ Ptr
Global Image@ Ptr
Global Class@ Ptr
Global Obj@ Ptr

Global AsmFile$ = "TestEmbed.exe"	'// can also be a dll.

mono_config_parse( Null ) 

mono_set_dirs("C:\Dev\Mono-2.2\lib", "C:\Dev\Mono-2.2\etc")

MonoDomain= mono_jit_init (AsmFile)

MonoAssembly = mono_domain_assembly_open(MonoDomain,Asmfile)

image = mono_assembly_get_image(MonoAssembly)

class = mono_class_from_name(image, "Embed", "MyType")	'// Namespace 'Embed' Class 'MyType'

obj = mono_object_new(MonoDomain, class) '// create mem space for object

mono_runtime_object_init(obj)	'// instantiate the class and call Ctor.

plash(Posted 2009) [#8]
Very interesting. I'll be looking into this soon.

Do you know if it is possible to get methods and other class pointers for class manipulation?

GW(Posted 2009) [#9]
Ya, that's what i said in my first post.
This has more info. http://mono-project.com/Scripting_With_Mono and http://mono-project.com/Embedding_Mono

ziggy(Posted 2009) [#10]
You can safelly use codedom both in mono and .net to provide script-like functionality while allowing compiled-code execution speed. It's interesting to take a look to it.

plash(Posted 2009) [#11]
Excellent. This is most impressive.

Sorry about that question, I just found the docs, I will use the function prototypes from there.

Happy Sammy(Posted 2009) [#12]
Thanks a lot.

plash(Posted 2009) [#13]
Hey GW, I made a whole wrapper for Mono.
