how do you really do damage?

Community Forums/General Help/how do you really do damage?

NotAGamer(Posted 2016) [#1]
all i want is to make my player damage the enemy..

so this is just an algorithm..

if player attack the enemy +=1

but whenever i do the detecting using entitydistance, or if entitycolided.. i always get big values.

after attacking once = 70

please help..

Gabriel(Posted 2016) [#2]
You're doing damage every single frame that the weapon is within range of the enemy. As soon as the weapon does damage, you need to stop it from doing any more damage. Keep checking the distance and as soon as it is too far away again, allow it to do damage once more.

Or adjust your damage values to account for the damage happening every frame. But the former is probably what you want.

RemiD(Posted 2016) [#3]
Learn about what is and how to use a states system. You want your entity to only be damaged once by a hit of a weapon/projectile, else it will die too quickly !

Derron(Posted 2016) [#4]
Bring in "WeaponSpeed" and attack in this interval then.

assume you have 60 logic ticks per second
assume you have a weaponSpeed of 0.5 (means 0.5 times a second -> every two seconds)

store "lastAttackTime" next to your unit/weapon

deltaTime = (time since last Tick) / (time per tick)

on logic tick:
if lastAttackTime + weaponSpeed*deltaTime < currentTime

Attack() does the damage and sets "lastAttackTime = currentTime"


AdamStrange(Posted 2016) [#5]
another way is to use random E.G.

if (me hit enemy) and rand(100)<50 then do damage

varying the 50 to lower would lessen the chance to do damage

H&K(Posted 2016) [#6]
Plus +=1 is a heal