Blitz Editors

Community Forums/General Help/Blitz Editors

dna(Posted 2016) [#1]
What Happened to Ideal?

Can you point me to the better or more current editors?


Dan(Posted 2016) [#2]
Ideal is still the best editor for blitzbasic (of which i have tried out). Im still using it on windows 10.
To update the userlibs declaration i do start the patched version, but else im using the normal version.

As alternative, you can use any other text editor, like PSPad or Crimson Editor (emeral editor link).
This 2 editors i know they can do Code highlight and Run external programs and pass the edited file as parameter.

But only for Crimson Editor i do have the Language specification file.

Blitzplotter(Posted 2016) [#3]
+1 vote for IDEal.

Rick Nasher(Posted 2016) [#4]
IDEal IS ideal(well almost), but has one big drawback: can only launch 1 executable at a time from the editor.
Something else I would like to have in there is prefs for different border colors..

Dan(Posted 2016) [#5]
**sigh multiple edited post** please remove

Dan(Posted 2016) [#6]
**sigh multiple edited post** please remove

Dan(Posted 2016) [#7]
**sigh multiple edited post** please remove

Dan(Posted 2016) [#8]
**sigh multiple edited post** please remove

Dan(Posted 2016) [#9]
IDEal IS ideal(well almost), but has one big drawback: can only launch 1 executable at a time from the editor.

That is true, but you can start more programs from IDEal built in file explorer.

Here are batch files for executing, compiling and debugging from the commandline: commandline compile (b3d/Bplus)

You can add theese batch files to "Send To" menue, or, with a bit Tweaking, even to the explorers right click menue.

Rick Nasher(Posted 2016) [#10]
Shame, I thought to add them to the "Compile>Run External Tool" menu from IDEal, but didn't work. Probably because of my path being too long and complicated or something.. (I like to stay in style ;-)

Dan(Posted 2016) [#11]
I have saved my batch files in c:\bat folder.

Create new external tool. As tool's directory set:

and as command with parameters set:
b3drun.bat %ActiveFile%

This works here.

Dan(Posted 2016) [#12]
Ofcourse, dealing with commandline still has its drawbacks, as it interprets spaces in filename/paths as parameter separation.

workarround for Paths/Filenames which contains " " (spaces) :

@Echo Off
REM Workarround for files/paths containing spaces (" ") 
cd %~dp1
set blitzpath=D:\BB3D\
set path=%blitzpath%bin\
"%blitzpath%bin\blitzcc.exe" %1


b3drun-path.bat "%ActiveFile%"

Rick Nasher(Posted 2016) [#13]
Nevermind: It worked as a charm(was tooo late yesterday) ;-)

Many thanks! This saves me a lot of hassle going back & forth between IDEal and BlitzIDE, when running multiple instances(required for multiplayer testing).

Rick Nasher(Posted 2016) [#14]
I've actually created a "Run External Tool" button in the "Compile" toolbar which makes it more fluid as if an in built feature, put it to quiet mode and let the CMD window close upon program exit by disabling the pause.
Added info for those who may need it:
@Echo Off
REM Workarround for files/paths containing spaces (" ") 
cd %~dp1
set blitzpath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Blitz3D\
set path=%blitzpath%bin\
"%blitzpath%bin\blitzcc.exe" +q %1
REM pause 

REM to call this, from ideal as external tool use: 
REM b3drun-path.bat "%ActiveFile%"

REM from the registry you need to pass the parameter as "%1"
REM "b3drun-path.bat" "%1"

REM blitzcc.exe parameters:
REM -h : Show Help
REM -q : Operate quietly
REM +q : Operate very quietly
REM -d : Compile and run in debug mode
REM -k : Print a list of all keywords
REM +k : Print a list of all keywords and quickhelp
REM -o exefile$ : Create an executable with the name/location inside the exefile$ string
REM EXAMPLE: "blitzcc.exe" ""
REM EXAMPLE: "C:/Program Files/Blitz3D/bin/blitzcc.exe" -o "testexe.exe" ""