break a float in several parts to be able to analy

Community Forums/General Help/break a float in several parts to be able to analy

RemiD(Posted 2016) [#1]
break a float in several parts to be able to analyze each part of a float

Hello, :)

Here is a simple routine that i have coded to be able to analyze each part of a float (the part which is more than 0 and the parts which are less than 0)
This can be useful for a grid based movement with a 1.0 or 0.1 or 0.01 or 0.001 positioning precision...


Global FloatPartsCount%
Dim FloatPart%(10)

TestFloat# = Rnd(-100.0,100.0)
DebugLog("TestFloat = "+TestFloat)
MsStart% = MilliSecs()
For l% = 1 To 1000 Step 1
MsTime% = MilliSecs() - MsStart
For I% = 1 To FloatPartsCount Step 1
DebugLog("MsTime = "+Float(MsTime)/1000)



;break a float in different parts to be able to analyze each part of the float
Function BreakFloat(TFloat#)
 TString$ = Str(Abs(TFloat))
 CharsCount% = Len(TString)
 FloatPartsCount = 0
 TPart$ = ""
 C% = 0
 LoopState = True
  C = C + 1
  TChar$ = Mid(TString,C,1)
  If( TChar <> "." )
   TPart = TPart + TChar
  Else If( TChar = "." )
   FloatPartsCount = FloatPartsCount + 1
   FPI% = FloatPartsCount
   FloatPart(FPI) = TPart
   For CC% = C+1 To CharsCount Step 1
    FloatPartsCount = FloatPartsCount + 1
    FPI% = FloatPartsCount
    FloatPart(FPI) = Mid(TString,CC,1)
   LoopState = False
 Until( C = CharsCount )  Or ( LoopState = False )
End Function

This seems fast enough for what i want to do, but i am curious how you would do it ?


RemiD(Posted 2016) [#2]
This routine does not work correctly if the float is inferior to 0.001 because Blitz3d returns something like 9.e-004 (for 0.0009)...