Blitz3D's MediaView app nogo in Win10(solved)

Community Forums/General Help/Blitz3D's MediaView app nogo in Win10(solved)

Rick Nasher(Posted 2016) [#1]
Hi guys,

Has anybody else experienced issues with viewing B3D models using the standard Blitz3D MediaView.exe application?

It's giving me the message: Error! "Unknown File Extension"


[EDIT: even recompiled it's doing the same.]

Rick Nasher(Posted 2016) [#2]
K.. now that was a silly question.. It actually can't do b3d by default design. Guess it was because I had a different, modded version for years that could do it, but lost it since the clean reinstall of Win10.

Now only if could find a(more) decent viewer.. or I'll recode again of course, for not any of the alternatives completely fulfill my demands. lol

Floyd(Posted 2016) [#3]
My Blitz3D 1.50 includes which has a file date from 2001. I assume that predates the .b3d format. The first Bltiz3D was released in 2000.

index=Instr( fil$,"." )
If index>0 ext$=Mid$( fil$,index+1 )
Select ext$
Case "x","3ds"
	ShowModel( fil$,False )
Case "md2"
	ShowModel( fil$,True )
Case "bmp","jpg","png","pcx","tga","iff"
	ShowImage( fil$ )
Case "wav"
	ShowSound( fil$ )
Case "mp3","mid","mod","x3m","xm","it"
	ShowMusic( fil$ )
	RuntimeError "Unknown File Extension"
End Select

Rick Nasher(Posted 2016) [#4]
Yeah, I didn't remember, having some concentration issues(burnout), but years back I extended the standard viewer as an exercise to incorporate the B3D format and used that ever since. But this time I did a clean install and I somehow didn't back it up. Probably still present in my Win7 backup image, but that's of no use now unless I go through some hoops.

Meanwhile I found one I sort of like OK:
It also plays anim-B3D's. I don't really get the bone representation but at least it shows them.

Others are: