My free 3D models

Community Forums/Graphic Chat/My free 3D models

Moraldi(Posted 2007) [#1]
Here you can find some of my 3D models. You can use them in any commercial or not project but not for resale. Just drop a credit if is this possible.
I am not professional but I think its worth a look.
Any criticism is welcomed.

Note: The spaceships is my brother's work (a professional artist, mainly in 2D). I would be happy if someone of you will texture the Space Hawk 2000


jfk EO-11110(Posted 2007) [#2]
Nice models, I like the kiosk :)

Unlimited Drop also seems to progress nicely. Can you give me the format specs? I may write a converter for ULD to CS2, the format for my engine.

Moraldi(Posted 2007) [#3]
Thanks jfk EO-11110.
I am working on Unlimited Drop Pro right now, using the B3D SDK and C++. I tried with BMax and SDK but the MaxGUI is very limited for my needs in this case.
I will send you the format specs in your e-mail.
What is ULD and CS2?

Moraldi(Posted 2007) [#4]
Unlimited Drop uses 2 kind of files in order to save a 3D Scene.

The first one is a binary file and contains the mesh DATA for each object. You can use any extension you like.
The second one, with the .EPR extension, its a binary file also and contains the EXTRA PROPERTIES for each mesh stored in the DATA file.

Both formats are very simple:

Format of DATA file:
int objects_count% ; number of objects within 3D scene

STRING meshfile$ ; full path filename of a 3D object (.B3D, .X, .OBJ formats)
INT meshanim% ; If it's equal to 0 load a static mesh. If it's equal to 1 then load an ; animated mesh
FLOAT x# ; Mesh WORLD coordinates.
FLOAT pitch# ; Mesh WORLD orientation
FLOAT yaw#
FLOAT roll#
FLOAT xscale# ; After loading mesh should be scaled according to these factors
FLOAT yscale#
FLOAT zscale#
INT r% ; RGB color information. Unlimted Drop until now is not using this info
INT g%
INT b%
FLOAT alpha# ; Transparency information

Format of .EPR file
int objects_count% ; number of objects within 3D scene

FLOAT p1# ; Extra Properties p1-p8

As I mentioned before I am working on Unlimited Drop Pro version with many more options and this file format will change dramaticaly...

puki(Posted 2007) [#5]
Eskimo's hut? Surely that is an igloo?

There is actually some genuinely hilarious stuff there. Apparantly (to the person who made it), these are hamsters:

D4NM4N(Posted 2007) [#6]
Thanks Moraldi, make some more! :)

Apparantly (to the person who made it), these are hamsters
Thats actually the very rare, lesserbaldus chernobylus hamster. (And it kind of reminds me of dougal from the magic roundabout :)

Rob Farley(Posted 2007) [#7]
real name: David D'Champ
location: Hollywood, CA
expertise: Professional 3D modeller and Poser content creator
Professional eh!

D4NM4N(Posted 2007) [#8]
Professional eh!
looks like theres hope for me yet :D

Moraldi(Posted 2007) [#9]
My modeling skills as you can see are very poor...
But I think that you can find really good models there from other people
In any case I will upload my future free models here because I don't want to spent web space from my site.

D4NM4N(Posted 2007) [#10]
I disagree, i think some of your models are very good.

I know theres some very good work on that site, except for that funny hamster that puki pointed out :) (saying that though, the guy in question has done a few other good models, i like his hairy eyeball one :D )
I may start using that site too with some of my models, thanks for pointing it out :)

jfk EO-11110(Posted 2007) [#11]
Hi Moraldi. I was AFK, kind of, so excuse the delay. Should be dead easy to convert your Data file format to CS2 level format of the CSP engine. So basicly people could create their levels with your dropper.

Tho, personally I would put both things in one file, the Extra Props just following after the Data block. But ok, it's YOUR business :)

When I said ULD I meant UnLimited Drop.

Excuse me, I've got some stuff to do IRL these days, and I'm in the middle of an art break anyway :), so this may take some time (just saved your format description, of course), but this is definitely very cool. I was looking for somebody to write me a nice GUI for the editor, this way it may be a sideeffect we both can profit from.

Although - In my format there's a coupe more parameters, so ATM it could only be used for the basic setup of a level.

If you'll edit the file format in the future, then I'd suggest to do these things:

add one line for a comment for every object. My engine handles a lot of extensions in such a comment string, using trigger words and stuff.

Try to systematicly wrap the entity, just browse the docs and note every possible setting of an entity.

Example: if you allow to load a texture to a loaded mesh and then scale the texture then you'l be able to make fences etc. from simple quads with a tiling texture. If you can't scale the texture then you'll have to load an individual quad for each individual part of the fence.

Moraldi(Posted 2007) [#12]
Hi, jfk EO-11110
As I mentioned before I am working the Unlimited Drop Pro.
Because this subject is beyond of this thread I can send you the baby steps of this program and we talk later via e-mail or chat. If you are Interesting drop me an e-mail
BTW did you ever play EVE :)