3D Fort (Preview)

Community Forums/Graphic Chat/3D Fort (Preview)

Nathaniel(Posted 2007) [#1]
Hey Everybody!

I'm back with a new model. I've spent around 22 hours modelling, unwrapping and messing with in Milkshape 3D. I'm most likely going to sell it (if any of you think it's good enough). Here's three pictures:

Criticisms and suggestions would be helpful.

BTW, the screenies are low quality.

GfK(Posted 2007) [#2]
I think its too basic to sell. Although some people do try selling cubes, so you never know...

The textures don't seem to sit very well. When buildings are built from stone, the stone bricks are usually a fair bit bigger than you've got them.

The windows look like an afterthought. On stone buildings, windows might have an arched/gothic look with decorative borders.

The door is a bit ugly, too. Well, not so much the door but the handle. They usually have a nice, ornate bronze handle. Maybe that one's been nicked by the local chavs and replaced by one off a pub toilet door? I don't know...

On the screenshot above I could pretty much guarantee nobody would buy it. Tidy up the fine details you've left out, and show a nice render with lightmaps, and who knows?

Nathaniel(Posted 2007) [#3]
Ya, a good renderer and lighting will definetly make it look better. (Two out of the three above are accually a screenshot of a screenshot. I did this so I could easily add the sky.) Like I said earlier it was done in Milkshape (No rendering).

Could you give me a picture of a nice, ornate bronze handle? I wasn't quite sure how to do a door handle...

I'm also thinking of adding flags. That will make it look more majestic.

Chad(Posted 2007) [#4]
This would be good for a town center building for a mid-evil town. Maybe perhaps add an outer wall, some towers, a drawbridge, some hallow windows, stairs, some other buildings. Bricks along the top of the outer walls like


Like GFK said, a lightmap of all of them, a couple of animated humans and you've got a media pack, good enough for Puki to buy.

Just a couple of my suggestions, better than anything I can do.

GfK(Posted 2007) [#5]
I had something like this in mind:

Nathaniel(Posted 2007) [#6]
I was actually considering making an interior part of the fort (throne room, appartments, etc.) and an outer wall. I also tried doing the

on the ramparts but Milkshape told me there were too many groups (>300) so I deleted all of the slits to avoid a messed up model (I REALLY want XSI).

I consider it good enought to sell if Puki posts something about emailing him the media :)

Thanks for the compliment.

Thank you, that's a beautiful handle...

Chad(Posted 2007) [#7]
lol, I do agree about Puki wanting someones media, it's his way of complimenting I suppose! =)

As for too many groups in Milkshape, remember you can regroup groups together if that makes sense. So say you had 10 ramparts, select them all and regroup them under the group tab and it makes them one group. It does kinda screw up the texturing up, but since you have yours good and done I wouldn't worry to much about it.

Nathaniel(Posted 2007) [#8]
Okay, that'll definetly try that. Thanks for the tip.

I'll be back in a few weeks with an upgraded version.