Seamless Textures

Community Forums/Graphic Chat/Seamless Textures

Nathaniel(Posted 2007) [#1]
Can someone give me step-by-step instructions on making seamless, tileable textures in Paint Shop Pro?
Thanks in advance.

Zethrax(Posted 2007) [#2]
Can't help you there but there are several programs kicking about for converting textures to be seamless. You'll find a few at the toolbox link below.

Nathaniel(Posted 2007) [#3]
Thanks but I don't think I'm going to pay $50 for a program that only makes seamless textures when I could get PSP 10 for $20 (used).

What does everyone else use?

Wayne(Posted 2007) [#4]
what version of paintshop pro ?

North(Posted 2007) [#5]
No idea about Paintshop but as a workflow:

1) load your image
2) shift the canvas 30% right + 30%down
3) grab your cloner brush and start painting away the seams
4) repeat steps 2 and 3 if nescessary
5) done

The programs that are made for this purpose use several algorythms that produce quite good results but in the end the maximum quality will only be achieved by doing this manually.
Especially for realtime work every pixel is of value so blurring/distorting images by using one-click solutions will degrade the overall quality of your graphics.

tonyg(Posted 2007) [#6]
What does everyone else use?

Tileable backgrounds in PSP 1
Tileable backgrounds in PSP 2
Tileable backgrounds in PSP 3
Tileable backgrounds in PSP 4
and many many more.

Andy_A(Posted 2007) [#7]
It's not Paint Shop Pro, but it's free.

Ultra Simple Seamless Tiler by impixi

D4NM4N(Posted 2007) [#8]
i tend to use gimp (free) and psp (not free)

i favor an image folding is a technique for random detail (ie flowers grass stone etc):

Fold the image along the x axis. Do this by selecting half and mirror, then invert selection and mirror.

Then use a clone brush tool with a soft edge and borrow parts of the texture that fit to paint over the line. Then unfold it as above and repeat the process for Y

I usuall do a second fold just to check i havent added any new edges then if not undo twice (for the mirrors) and job done.

(uniform patterns like bricks are a little more difficult):)

Nathaniel(Posted 2007) [#9]

That "Ultra Simple Seamless Tiler by impixi" does a great job!

It looks much better than the output of "AutoSeam."

Thanks for all of the help and ideas everyone!

@North and tonyg and Dan
I plan on trying all of your ideas too. Thanks!

impixi(Posted 2007) [#10]
Thanks Nathaniel. Glad you're finding the utility useful. Ultra Simple Seamless Tiler uses the same algorithm as Gimp. Filters->Map->Make Seamless

Here's where I acquired the original algorithm:

Code archive entry: Seamless Tiles.

clownhunter(Posted 2007) [#11]
In paint shop pro all you do is go to effects>image effects>seamless tiling

Nathaniel(Posted 2007) [#12]
It does an especially great job on bricks.
Thanks for creating and sharing the app!

@Clown Hunter
Thanks though I already knew about this. It doesn't do as good as a job as impixi's tool.

jfk EO-11110(Posted 2007) [#13]
I think those tools a nice, but usually I make them seamless in photoshop. Simply clone the original layer 4 times and move each one 50% out of the canvas, in all 4 directions. Then unify these 4 layers, then use the eraser tool to erase the obvious seam that is now in the middle of the layer.

additionally, and that's the hardest part, I am transplanting, brightening and darkening parts of the texture until it tiles without siginficant repetition. You should have a little blitz app that allows to quickly test a texture on a wide open plane (add a reload texture function!), so you see how it looks when there are 50 or so tiles onscreen. Things like grass or so will look repetive when you don't get rid off significant things.

Bolo_Loco(Posted 2007) [#14]
@jfk for the first step you can also use this
plugin > Half wrap
