castle construction set (preview)

Community Forums/Graphic Chat/castle construction set (preview)

Svenart(Posted 2007) [#1]
Hello all. Since a few weeks now I´m working on this modelset and it´s almost finished. But before I will release it in a few days, I wanted to show you and hear your opinion.

The modelset is created for rendering and also for use in gameengines and should include all you need to build your own castles.

Here some first images:

thanks for viewing, critic&suggestions always welcome.

John Blackledge(Posted 2007) [#2]
Very, very nice.

But what's the framerate for, say, the second to last model (with so many faces) in a B3D environment, especially implmenting collisions and gravity?

Also are there any internals - corridors, stairs, rooms?

This package could save me 6 months work on a project I have in mind.

D4NM4N(Posted 2007) [#3]
They look fantastic!!

mabe a bit hi poly for collisions as JB suggested- what would be cool is to supply a close hugging low poly mesh for collisions that can be hidden (ie just a cube instead of torches and buttresses)

Matty(Posted 2007) [#4]
They are very good, I already have something similar from Daz3D(good for 2d stuff, can't use in 3d) but these are more useful for people doing 3d games. The textures on the bottom image of the close up on the door look great but they seem to look a little blocky in the first image, not sure why?

Still I'm sure puki will buy them

puki(Posted 2007) [#5]
Looks very nice (as always).

All we need is for you to make some animated medieval/RPG characters to go with it. You must be able to make animated people. If not, I bet you know lots of people who can.

Right, that's that sorted - animated people it is then. I'll wait here.

Filax(Posted 2007) [#6]
Very nice models and textures

big10p(Posted 2007) [#7]
Very nice indeed. Particularly impressed with the texturing job.

*(Posted 2007) [#8]
Very very impressive, would look nice in any RPG :)

sswift(Posted 2007) [#9]
Your models are surprisingly well done. Better texturing than I've seen in many commercial games.

It is therefore a real shame that you don't appear to have modeled the interiors as well as the exteriors, and made things like doors in a way which would allow them to be animated, because that severely limits their usefulness.

Forgive me if I've made this comment before, I think I may have. :-)

puki(Posted 2007) [#10]
Yes and take note that 120+ Blitzers have commented that the castle needs animated characters.

ShadowTurtle(Posted 2007) [#11]
i think this is the best castle rendered in directx 7 ^^

jfk EO-11110(Posted 2007) [#12]
It's looking great. Also, the, "kit-feel" gives a lot of inspiration. This thing even uncovers long forgotten sandbox ambitions in me.

I have to say, it seems the low poly aspect had a low priority. I'd like to know how many tris the models have.
A wireframe screen would also help. For example I wonder if the smaller details are fragmenting the bigger parts due to boolen subtraction etc.

Nathaniel(Posted 2007) [#13]
Excellently excellent. I agree with sswift that your work is better than many (possibly most) commercial games. I envy you for your suberb modeling/texturing skills.

Madcap13(Posted 2007) [#14]
Very very nice.

Urm, to whoever wondered about the detail on the doors getting blurred in the first image. That's just mipmapping.

For the other guy who wondered about collision, you could always have an untextured, simple model just for collision if you're worried about speed.

Part of the reason they look so good is the shadowing, which suggests they were raytraced somewhat.

Regardless of how the images were made, they're still awesome and would be better than a lot of commercial games out there. Also if they don't have insides, you could still use them in an RTs. :)

b32(Posted 2007) [#15]
Amazing .. very nice, if this was in a game, I wouldn't play but just stare at the castle wondering how on earth this is possible.

LarsG(Posted 2007) [#16]
wow... impressive.. :)

Panno(Posted 2007) [#17]
looks great ! like it a lot

puki(Posted 2007) [#18]
Will look better with animated people though.

Lui(Posted 2007) [#19]
this looks very impressive, great work.

@puki: this is >>castle construction set<< NOT a set for animated people of this time...

Svenart(Posted 2007) [#20]
thank you all for the comments and suggestions. Meanwhile I have updated the images above with some newer versions. I hope, I will finish this set in this week or next week.

Actually, the buildings are not enterable, but I will later release a 2nd version of the set+enterable buildings.

Actually, the whole set has around 80.000 polygons, but there is still room for reducing polys. Also, some of the models will be available in 2versions (normal and low version). Collision should not be a problem.

To Dan: I´m already working on a demo for you to test.

To Puki: the first 4characters are almost finished, but the animations are much work and also, I can only export simple animations (only rotating bones, no ki or nullmodels for drag Hand, feet or bodyparts). I´m not sure, when I can release the characters, but Its one of the next things I will finish.

to Swift: Thank you. Can you give me some suggestions HOW do you want the models to use doors.

to jfk EO-11110: Thanks, I will upload a wireframe here in a few moments.

Svenart(Posted 2007) [#21]
here a wireframe image

IPete2(Posted 2007) [#22]
Lovely stuff...

puki(Posted 2007) [#23]
To Puki: the first 4characters are almost finished

I love you.

Once you have finished these 4 you can make some more. You must have lots of friends into character modelling - round them up and get them all working on stuff.

I'll wait here and make sure nobody steals your castle.

Nathaniel(Posted 2007) [#24]
How much will you sell it for?

Nathaniel(Posted 2007) [#25]
One more question:
How do you get your textures?

Svenart(Posted 2007) [#26]
to puki: Unfortunately, I don´t have as much friends who can do charactermodelling as you may think. Actually, up to 2 artists are helping me doing all this models. But I already have invested nearly all my money in this guys, and cannot pay them for more work for the next few weeks.

to Bubble Boy: I´m not very sure how much I will sell the models for, but for the first 4-8weeks, I will offer them for a special price of around 120$.

Most of the textures I get when I go making photos. Some of them are done with Photoshop, or modelled&rendered. You also can find much good textures here:

jfk EO-11110(Posted 2007) [#27]
Mesh fragmentation is looking good so far. 2nd Low poly version sounds good as well.

SillyPutty(Posted 2007) [#28]
wow, incredible models man. You have talent sir.

Nathaniel(Posted 2007) [#29]
Thanks for the link.
Too bad they aren't seamless and tileable :(

Do you recommend Lighwave?

Svenart(Posted 2007) [#30]
you are right, Lightwave is my favourite 3dapplication.

Terry B.(Posted 2007) [#31]
Argh..... These are amazing....
How long did it take you to make these?

Nathaniel(Posted 2007) [#32]

Blitzplotter(Posted 2007) [#33]
Very very impressive. I agree with the point that your models are more pleasing to the eye than a lot of the 'commercial' models you see...

bytecode77(Posted 2007) [#34]
very nice model.
as said, if you want to user physics, make a low-poly version of that mesh with boxes arround swords and lights (for example)