Paid Work in Sheffield, UK

Community Forums/Graphic Chat/Paid Work in Sheffield, UK

Jake(Posted 2005) [#1]
Hi - I realise it's a long shot, but if there are any aspiring game artists in the Sheffield area of the UK that can create artwork that wouldn't look out of place along side these screenshots, then I'd be very interested to talk to them about paid work. Please get in touch through my website:


Hujiklo(Posted 2005) [#2]
You know you're better off posting a link to this thread in the General discussion forum...nobody frequents these parts much these days.

Interesting looking game you have there.

Snarty(Posted 2005) [#3]
Not an artist (some say differently), but Hi, another from Sheffield here :)

Jake(Posted 2005) [#4]
Okay I'll add a link from there - cheers.

Hi Snarty - so do you work for IDIGICON then? I know they're part of Game Republic, but I wasn't really aware of them until recently. I'd be interested to find out more about other things that go on locally (like the Coders Workshop) - do you mind if I mail you offline?

Snarty(Posted 2005) [#5]
Hi Jake,

Sure you are more than welcome to mail me, I look forward to hearing from you.

(Quickly checks profile email is correct.)

Mr Snidesmin(Posted 2005) [#6]
I'm originally from sheffield, but now I'm in NYC, USA. also I'm not that good at modeling stuff, and wouldn't have the time even if I was so I can't really help, but it's nice to 'hear' a voice from my home town though.

Also, it's really cool to see what you're doing - My mum is a teacher and has been using ICT in her foreign language lessons for several years, but few actual games though. I always thought it would be a great idea, and I was going to help my mum create some games for use her lessons but I never got around to it because I'm so blinkin' lazy. I'm glad someone else is persuing this avenue though, cos I think it's worthwhile. . . :O)