Some Drawing/2D stuff

Community Forums/Graphic Chat/Some Drawing/2D stuff

Bobysait(Posted 2016) [#1]
I've never thought of posting anything unrelated to blitz stuff, don't know why ...
So, here are some (not so old) stuff I've made with photoshop 6.0 (not the CS, the very old 6 th version - It's the only license I have for photoshop...)

(It's a small sample/part of the final/original work, which is too big to be drawn on the page -> see the link below for full image in high resolution)
Click Here for Full Image (3000*2000)

An (not that) old small cartoonish self-portrait (for my facebook account)

And a WIP of the Kaneda's moto (with a toonified son a friend)

ps : I know there's plenty of mistakes and they'll probably stay forever :)
I almost never draw, at most once per year, so ... Don't judge this as an "artist" work, but more like a lazzy guy ^_^

Hardcoal(Posted 2016) [#2]
Thats great.. keep posting ..

RemiD(Posted 2016) [#3]
I prefer the second one (for the simple colors and the consistency in the graphics style)

But imo, the lighting/shading can be improved (if, as i guess, the lightsource is the sun (or a spotlight) and the light vector goes from the top right to the bottom left)

( On my side, i use one base color for each material, and 2 lighter colors for the lighted faces (one for the faces slightly facing, and one for the faces totally facing) and 2 darker colors for the shaded faces (one for the faces slightly opposing, and one for the faces totally opposing) )

I also don't draw often, maybe i should draw more often :)

Bobysait(Posted 2016) [#4]
The moto is a "WIP" (Work In Progress), it's not finished at all.

The lighting will be set in one very restrictive way, because I want to copy the feeling of the Akira style. So, no place for extras here, I want to stick on something existing for once :)

Blitzplotter(Posted 2016) [#5]
Great work, keep it up ;)

Bobysait(Posted April) [#6]
Must admit I'm really disgusted by election results ... but whatever

Here is something made after the results.

RemiD(Posted April) [#7]
Who is supposed to be the character with the red sword ?

Bobysait(Posted April) [#8]
A guy with a ... ProjeeeeeEEt

AdamStrange(Posted April) [#9]
These are really, I mean really good! I love em

gpete(Posted April) [#10]
French election??