embed google doc test

Community Forums/Common Room/embed google doc test

skidracer(Posted June) [#1]
usage: [ gdoc id ] [ gsheet id ] [ gdraw id ] [ gpres id ]

Retrieve id from google document by selecting menu option File -> Publish to the web, select Embed, and extract from html listed.

skidracer(Posted June) [#2]
I have saved some odd ideas in google docs.

[gdoc 1nU37zaj93aJmEpBn3YEV79mm8UwPovt5IXIMCwIt6oI]

Posted for purposes of dimension testing only.

skidracer(Posted June) [#3]
game design and spreadsheets were made for each other

[gsheet 1Zf4p8wk1p6cLFteBiDCx-rsy42k9Jcb8dlySbuMoM14]

skidracer(Posted June) [#4]
Not so sure of the google docs drawing tool, personally found it pretty useless.

[gdraw 12TTG9ezka1Mrdf2LxJzqwTHD3404-0R_6X-O3MEOQH8]

Kryzon(Posted June) [#5]
I googled "indentropic icosatron" but didn't find anything. Those words don't seem to exist. "Identropic" doesn't exist and "icosatron" was thought to mean "icosahedron".

Who wrote that?

The image looks like one you'd make using a Spirograph.

skidracer(Posted June) [#6]
Yup, it is done with an app I wrote, have added link to image.

The words were just random to test if the font features in google drawings had been improved in last 10 years. They have not.

Kryzon(Posted June) [#7]
Awesome, thanks.

degac(Posted June) [#8]
Very nice features!

Probably for images some online sharing tools (like CoSketch or other). I found very limited the 'drawing' on Google Documents (maybe in future they will add/change it in something more interesting and useful!)
Highlighting errors, put suggestions directly on an image, flowchart.
Wow, very good job!

skidracer(Posted June) [#9]
[gpres 1Szmxnj0XXvqDEsmLz3Amv-F3T9gMsgCaJjJoKBtk1iU]

col(Posted June) [#10]
Cool stuff!
So is that you in slide 15? :O)