The best way to make Games this Days Is without a Doubt.. Unreal Engine.

Community Forums/Common Room/The best way to make Games this Days Is without a Doubt.. Unreal Engine.

Hardcoal(Posted May) [#1]
Unreal Engine concept is more or less like my editor concept but far better.

And about my Title.. Does anyone disagree with my Deceleration or maybe never tried Unreal?

The reason I made this post is to maybe wake up some people who are not aware of the strength of this Editor..

My friend is developing games for it btw and he enjoys is very much..

In the beginning its hard a bit to grasp but slowly you will get it
and you'll probably never look back again..

degac(Posted May) [#2]
'Programming' and 'make' game are two different things.
I prefer the first one.

Mainsworthy(Posted May) [#3]
degac I agree, Ive done loads of interesting stuff with blitz like digtal robots etc..

Mainsworthy(Posted May) [#4]
PS: its ok for a big publisher, but its bloatware, meaning us indies cant host such big files.

Hardcoal(Posted May) [#5]
Yea.. thats why i said for game making and not programming
I too love programming a lot.

blueprint construction is also a type of visual programming.
but me too find coding much faster than blueprint construction..

but still.. its a great path

EdzUp MkII(Posted May) [#6]
one of the reasons that Blitz and even monkey still are popular is there isn't any bloat. Unity you can hit 30mb with a empty scene now that is bloat and is not really needed these days.

Flanker(Posted May) [#7]
I tried Unreal Engine, sure it's powerful, blueprint is an option, you can go full programming but in C++. However, after 30 days I couldn't use Visual Studio anymore, tried reinstall, tried to link another IDE, no luck... I really hate this kind of problems, with Blitz you launch one thing and you have everything.

I prefer Unity over Unreal Engine, with MonoDevelop so far nor problem, C# or Java are easier to learn when you come from Blitzmax.

Makis(Posted May) [#8]
I'm forced to learn how to use Unity if i want to create my humble 3d game. I wish an editor like Unity with Blitz+/3d as the programming language existed out there....

Hardcoal(Posted May) [#9]
I dont think you guys need to give up on unreal...
trust me its a mistake..
the sooner ull learn the sooner ull love it..

It does not contradict using blitz programming..
I think its a mistake to neglect unreal..

programming requires a lot of preparations you dont need in unreal.
thats why i said.. if you are into game making not into programming..

Makis, i wished the same long time ago.. in here..
my editor might get close to that one day..

Rick Nasher(Posted May) [#10]
Unreal is very nice, but if you want to really do some good stuff, you'd have to get with C++ on it right?(which I do not like)

Hardcoal(Posted May) [#11]
nope Rick you dont.. u can do a lot without touching coding..

(tu) ENAY(Posted May) [#12]
Another thumbs up for Unreal, although you need a good modern PC preferably with 50000 gigabytes of hardrive space to install the bloody thing.

Hardcoal(Posted May) [#13]
I know Enay but its worth it..
and no you dont need 50000 gb..

look we all love blitz but really.. creating in unreal is a bliss..

RemiD(Posted May) [#14]
a comparison of using gui elements/links/values vs using only code to make a game (a prefab/game component in this case) here :

(of course for a noob it is easier to download a prefab from an online store and to use an interface with gui elements/links/values to configure it...)

AdamStrange(Posted May) [#15]
In respect to designing a level, this blew my mind a bit all in unreal

Rick Nasher(Posted May) [#16]
Breath taking.

xlsior(Posted May) [#17]
Which does go to show: there's a lot more to a good design than just plonking down some canned 3D models.

Hotshot2005(Posted May) [#18]
Overgrown Ruins remind me of The Last of us