Code archives/File Utilities/IniLib

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IniLib by JaviCervera2003
The library is very easy to use. Just open or create the file with the standard ReadFile() and WriteFile() functions and use the library to read or write it. Here's a short description of what each command does:

IniGroup(IniHandle,Group$): Set the current group when reading INI files.
ReadIniField$(IniHandle,Key$[,DefVal$]): Reads a field in the current group. You can store the result into a Int, Float or String variable, depending on the type of data that the Ini Field stores.
WriteIniComment(IniHandle,Comment$): Writes a comment in the ini file.
WriteIniGroup(IniHandle,Group$): Creates a new group in the ini file.
WriteIniField(IniHandle,Key$,Value$): Creates a new field in th eini file.
; INI Access BlitzBasic library
; Written by Javier San Juan Cervera -- Jedive

Function IniGroup(IniHandle,Group$)
SeekFile IniHandle,0
If Group$="" Then Return True
While Not Eof(IniHandle)
	If Lower$(ReadLine$(IniHandle))="["+Lower$(Group$)+"]" Then Return True
Return False
End Function


Function ReadIniField$(IniHandle,Key$,DefVal$="")
While Chr$(char)<>"]" And FilePos(IniHandle)>0
	SeekFile IniHandle,FilePos(IniHandle)-1
	If Chr$(char)<>"]" Then SeekFile IniHandle,FilePos(IniHandle)-1
While Not Eof(IniHandle)
	If Left$(lin$,1)="[" Then Return DefVal$
	If Left$(lin$,1)<>"#" And Left$(lin$,1)<>"" Then If Lower$(Left$(lin$,Instr(lin$,"=",1)-1))=Lower$(Key$) Then Return Right$(lin$,Len(lin$)-Instr(lin$,"=",1))
Return DefVal$
End Function


Function WriteIniComment(IniHandle,Comment$)
WriteLine IniHandle,"#"+Comment$
End Function


Function WriteIniGroup(IniHandle,Group$)
WriteLine IniHandle,"["+Group$+"]"
End Function


Function WriteIniField(IniHandle,Key$,Value$)
WriteLine IniHandle,Key$+"="+Value$
End Function




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