Code archives/File Utilities/EFFIcient Map (etc) Saving

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EFFIcient Map (etc) Saving by StreaksyMay
Say you want to save a 2D map of tiles or 3D map of blocks to a file, for a common example. If there are less than 256 tiles/blocks then you save as bytes. If there are more then you will use Shorts or Ints, but that is wasteful if there are, say, 300 tiles/blocks because most indices will be lower than 256 and the extra byte[s] is/are a waste of disk space and loading time most of the time. Know what I mean?

I came up with this method of writing values to files. Here are the specs:

* Values 250 and under save as one byte
* Values 502 and under save as two bytes
* Values 65534 and under save as three bytes
* Values 16777215 and under save as four bytes
* Values 2147483648 and under saves as five bytes
* Negative values write an extra byte

So, the lower the value, the fewer bytes it takes up. Negative values take up a whole extra byte but when saving grids of map info - which this was primarily made for - negative values won't even be used, but I thought I'd support them anyway.

I hope you find it useful. Let me know if you do.
'Effi is an efficient file value storage method that works best with small values.

' * Values 250 and under save as one byte
' * Values 502 and under save as two bytes
' * Values 65534 and under save as three bytes
' * Values 16777215 and under save as four bytes
' * Values 2147483648 and under saves as five bytes
' * Negative values write an extra byte

Global maxthrib=(256*256*256)-1


Function WriteEffi(s:TStream,val:Long)	'Writes up to the value of an unsigned integer including negative sign  (-2147483648 to 2147483648)
	If val<0 Then WriteByte s,255;val=Abs(val)							'CHR 255 = NEGATIVE
	If val=<250 Then WriteByte s,val;Return								'CHR<250 = BYTE
	If val=<251+251 Then WriteByte s,251;WriteByte s,val-251;Return		'CHR 251 = BYTE+251
	If val=<65535 Then WriteByte s,252;WriteShort s,val;Return			'CHR 252 = CONTROL BYTE + UNSIGNED SHORT
	If val=<maxthrib Then WriteByte s,253;WriteThrib s,val;Return		'CHR 253 = CONTROL BYTE + UNSIGNED 3-BYTE
	WriteByte s,254;WriteUSInt s,val;Return								'CHR 254 = CONTROL BYTE + UNSIGNED INT
End Function

Function ReadEffi:Long(s:TStream)	'Reads up to the value of an unsigned integer including negative sign  (-2147483648 to 2147483648)
	Local sign=1
	Local b=ReadByte(s)
	If b=255 Then sign=-1;b=ReadByte(s)
	If b=<250 Then Return b*sign
	If b=251 Then Return (251+ReadByte(s))*sign
	If b=252 Then Return ReadShort(s)*sign
	If b=253 Then Return ReadThrib(s)*sign	'unsigned 3-byte value
	If b=254 Then Return ReadUSInt(s)*sign	'unsigned integer
End Function

Function WriteThrib(s:TStream,v)		'Unsigned 3-byte value (between a short and an int)
	WriteByte s, (v Shr 16) & $ff
	WriteByte s, (v Shr 8) & $ff
	WriteByte s, v & $ff
End Function
Function ReadThrib(s:TStream)			'Unsigned 3-byte value (between a short and an int)
	Local b1=ReadByte(s)
	Local b2=ReadByte(s)
	Local b3=ReadByte(s)
	Return (b1 Shl 16) | (b2 Shl 8) | b3
End Function

Function WriteUSInt(s:TStream,v:Long)			'Unsigned Integer
	WriteByte s, (v Shr 24) & $ff
	WriteByte s, (v Shr 16) & $ff
	WriteByte s, (v Shr 8) & $ff
	WriteByte s, v & $ff
End Function
Function ReadUSInt:Long(s:TStream)				'Unsigned Integer
	Local b1=ReadByte(s)
	Local b2=ReadByte(s)
	Local b3=ReadByte(s)
	Local b4=ReadByte(s)
	Return (b1 Shl 24) | (b2 Shl 16) | (b3 Shl 8) | b4
End Function


Function Effi$(val:Long)
	Local o$
	If val<0 Then o=Chr(255);val=Abs(val)
	If val=<250 Then o:+Chr(val);Return o
	If val=<251+251 Then o:+Chr(251);o:+Chr(val-251);Return o
	If val=<65535 Then o:+Chr(252);o:+Chr((val Shr 8) & $ff);o:+Chr(val & $ff);Return o
	If val=<maxthrib Then o:+Chr(253);o:+Chr((val Shr 16) & $ff);o:+Chr((val Shr 8) & $ff);o:+Chr(val & $ff);Return o
	o:+Chr(254);o:+Chr((val Shr 24) & $ff);o:+Chr((val Shr 16) & $ff);o:+Chr((val Shr 8) & $ff);o:+Chr(val & $ff);Return o
End Function

Function UnEffi:Long(i$)
	Local sign=1
	Local b=Asc(Mid(i,1,1))
	If b=255 Then sign=-1;i=Right(i,Len(i)-1);b=Asc(Mid(i,1,1))
	If b=<250 Then Return b*sign
	If b=251 Then Return (251+Asc(Mid(i,2,1)))*sign
	If b=252 Then Return ( (Asc(Mid(i,2,1)) Shl 8) | Asc(Mid(i,3,1))		)*sign
	If b=253 Then Return ( (Asc(Mid(i,2,1)) Shl 16) | (Asc(Mid(i,3,1)) Shl 8) | Asc(Mid(i,4,1))		)*sign
	If b=254 Then Return ( (Asc(Mid(i,2,1)) Shl 24) | (Asc(Mid(i,3,1)) Shl 16) | (Asc(Mid(i,4,1)) Shl 8) | Asc(Mid(i,5,1))		)*sign
End Function



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