Code archives/File Utilities/Online doc links

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Online doc links by markcw2014
This adds links to the Brl and Pub module docs. It is to make it quicker to look up the BlitzMax online manual.

Obviously doing a Rebuild docs will remove the links again.

Also, it won't add a link if there is one there already and you can run the source file from anywhere under the BlitzMax directory.

It is cross-platform and depending on the way your IDE works, the links will either open in the default browser or directly.

Edit: updated to work as a type.
' Online doc links.bmx
' Adds links to docs/html for all functions in brl and pub modules, links are to online doc


Local p:AddDocLinks = New AddDocLinks



Type AddDocLinks
	Field mdir$=FindDocs()
	Method FindDocs$()
		Local wdir$=CurrentDir()+"/" ' find the docs
		Local ldir$=wdir.Tolower() ' lowercase
		Local bms%=ldir.Find("blitzmax",0) ' bmax start
		If bms=-1 RuntimeError "Failed to find blitzmax directory"
		Local bme%=ldir.Find("/",bms) ' bmax end
		Return wdir[..bme]+"/docs/html/Modules" ' modules dir
	End Method
	Method FindFiles(dir$)
		Local dh%=ReadDir(dir)
		If Not dh RuntimeError "failed to read current directory"
			Local temp$=NextFile(dh)
			If temp="" Then Exit ' done
			If temp="." Or temp=".." Continue ' skip
			Local cfile$=dir+"/"+temp ' current file
			If FileType(cfile)=2 Then FindFiles2(cfile) ' directory
		CloseDir dh 
	End Method

	Method FindFiles2(dir$)
		Local dh%=ReadDir(dir)
		If Not dh RuntimeError "failed to read current directory l2"
			Local temp$=NextFile(dh)
			If temp="" Then Exit ' done
			If temp="." Or temp=".." Continue ' skip
			Local cfile$=dir+"/"+temp ' current file
			If FileType(cfile)=2 Then FindFiles3(cfile) ' directory
		CloseDir dh
	End Method

	Method FindFiles3(dir$)
		Local dh%=ReadDir(dir)
		If Not dh RuntimeError "failed to read current directory l3"
			Local temp$=NextFile(dh)
			If temp="" Then Exit ' done
			If temp="." Or temp=".." Continue ' skip
			Local cfile$=dir+"/"+temp ' current file
			If FileType(cfile)=1 ' file, html
				If ExtractExt(cfile)="html" Then OpenHtml(cfile)
		CloseDir dh
	End Method

	Method OpenHtml(path$)
		Local html$,file:TStream=OpenFile(path)
		If Not file RuntimeError "could not open file"
		While Not Eof(file)
			Local html2$,link$,lpart$
			Local fr%=html.Find("Function reference",0)
			Local fts%=fr,fbs%,fen%,fte%,fbe%
			If fr>0 ' file has functions
			Print "Adding Links: "+path[mdir.length+1..path.Find("index.html",mdir.length)-1]
				While fts>-1 ' while functions in file
					fts=html.Find("colspan=2>Function ",fts+1)
					If fts>0
						fts:+19 ' to function name
						fbs=html.Find("(",fts) ' bracket start
						fte=html.Find("</td>",fts) ' table end
						fen=html[fts..fbs].Find(":",0) ' type (end of func name)
						If fen>0 Then fbs=fts+fen
						fen=html[fts..fbs].Find("[",0) ' array
						If fen>0 Then fbs=fts+fen
						fen=html[fts..fbs].Find("$",0) ' string
						If fen>0 Then fbs=fts+fen
						fen=html[fts..fbs].Find("#",0) ' float
						If fen>0 Then fbs=fts+fen
						fen=html[fts..fbs].Find("!",0) ' double
						If fen>0 Then fbs=fts+fen
						If fen=-1 ' not a lua_func
							fen=html[fts..fbs].Find(" ",0) ' trim spaces
							If fen>0 Then fbs=fts+fen
							Local func$=html[fts..fbs] ' get func name
							fbe=html[fts..fte].Find("NoDebug",0) ' bracket end or nodebug
							If fbe=-1 Then fbe=html[fts..fte].FindLast(")",0) Else fbe:+6
							link=html[fbe..fte] ' leave existing links alone
							lpart=" [<a href="+Chr(34)+""
							If fte-fbe=0
								link=lpart+func+"&ref=goto"+Chr(34)+">Online doc</a>]" ' if no link add one
					html=html2 ' update html
		SeekStream file,0 ' overwrite file
		WriteString file,html
		CloseStream file
	End Method

End Type


Well, not to all commands I think (look for AllocUserEventID for example!)
It seems that online doc are not up to date with the one in the source code.

As you seem interested in working on documentation (I just see some other posts) an idea could be to do the inverse.
*Look at the online documentation for each command
*Download the page
*Check if there are examples in the post (it should be the CODE/CODEBOX tag)
*Save the content of the tags on the computer...

I know this could be useless (if I have the link in my doc, just click on it to have the on line version and see other examples).
But you could not be on internet... and examples - usually - needs when you cant' access internet!

ps: idea2. You could change DocMods to create documentation+your link every time the user rebuild documentation.
In the SRC folder there is the source code !

EDIT: now the program/source is called MakeDocs (or something!)

I did actually email Brl support about the missing functions and they said they would update these soon:

In brl.Polledinput:
MouseXSpeed, MouseYSpeed, MouseZSpeed.

Also in brl.Event:
EmitEvent, CreateEvent, AllocUserEventId.

In brl.System:
DesktopWidth, DesktopHeight, DesktopDepth, DesktopHertz.

In brl.Max2d:
SetVirtualResolution, VirtualResolutionWidth, VirtualResolutionHeight, VirtualMouseX, VirtualMouseY, VirtualMouseXSpeed, VirtualMouseYSpeed, MoveVirtualMouse.

All of these were fairly recent additions in versions.txt but there may be some more.

I m happy to know this!

I just found quite a few more missing entries and have emailed Brl support about it again. Here is a copy of the list:

In Brl.D3D9Max2D:

In Maxgui.ProxyGadgets:
CreateHyperlink, CreateSplitter, SplitterPanel, SetSplitterPosition, SplitterPosition, SetSplitterOrientation, SplitterOrientation, SetSplitterBehavior, SplitterBehavior, CreateScrollPanel, ScrollPanelClient, FitScrollPanelClient, ScrollScrollPanel, ScrollPanelX, ScrollPanelY

In Maxgui.Localization:
CreateLanguage, LoadLanguage, SaveLanguage, SetLanguageName, LanguageName, DefineLanguageToken, LanguageTokenDefinition, RemoveLanguageToken, ClearLanguageTokens, LocalizeString, SetLocalizationMode, LocalizationMode, SetLocalizationLanguage, LocalizationLanguage

In Brl.Threads:
CreateThread, MainThread, CurrentThread, DetachThread, WaitThread, ThreadRunning, CreateThreadData, SetThreadDataValue, GetThreadDataValue, CreateMutex, CloseMutex, LockMutex, TryLockMutex, UnlockMutex, CreateSemaphore, CloseSemaphore, WaitSemaphore, PostSemaphore, CreateCondVar, CloseCondVar, WaitCondVar, SignalCondVar, BroadcastCondVar, CompareAndSwap, AtomicAdd, AtomicSwap

In reply to your suggestions, I am intending to do something like that. Just to grab the code examples and build it into the offline docs and create files in the right place.

Also, I hadn't thought of getting docmods/makedocs to run my code. I haven't really thought about editing makedocs yet. I'm just working on things I want to see, mainly I want to write a code highlighter. I "tweaked" makedocs before so I'll revisit that and see about getting a patch for it so all these things can happen on a "Rebuild docs".

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