Code archives/File Utilities/Any File to b64 BB data statements

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Any File to b64 BB data statements by Andy_A2013
Creates a .bb file of data statements which can be posted with your source code. The created .bb file can then be run to save the encoded image or zip to disk.

Encodes files in a more compact format than decimal data and hex data.
Decimal data statements use ~3.57 bytes to encode 1 byte from file.
Hex data statements use ~2 bytes to encode 1 byte of data from file
b64 data statements use ~1.33 bytes to encode 1 byte of data from file
Fairly fast, I encoded a 45K jpg in 3 seconds (reading the input file, encoding the data, writing data to output file)

Large loader code adds ~950 bytes to data
Too slow for realtime use
;Any file to base64 data statements by Andy_A

AppTitle "Any file to b64 data statements"

Const sizeOfLine = 60 ;<-- change number of bytes encoded per line of data here

Const loader = 1 ;<-- change to zero for data output ONLY, else add loader code

BlitzPlus = 1 ;<-- Change to zero if using Blitz Classic or Blitz3D

;Change 'Restore' label for data statements here
dataLabel$ = "imgData" ;<-- ** DO NOT **  include leading period/stop

If BlitzPlus Then
	file$ = RequestFile("Load file to convert to data...","*",False)
	If file$ = "" Then RuntimeError "File Load aborted..."
	file$ = "blocks.png" ;<-- blocks from Blitzanoid, change to your file here (B3D)
End If

;Read the file to convert
filein = ReadFile(file$)
;Create and fill bank with file data	
size = FileSize(file$)

;name the output file
If BlitzPlus Then
	datafile$ = RequestFile("Save data as...","bb",True,"")
	If datafile$ = "" Then RuntimeError "File save aborted."
	datafile$ = "" ;<-- change to your output name here (B3D)
End If
fileOut = WriteFile(datafile$)
fullLines = Floor(size/sizeOfLine )
rm = size - (fullLines * sizeOfLine )
q$ = Chr$(34)
Dim k(63)
For i = 0 To 63
	k(i) = Asc(Mid(char$,i+1,1))	

st = MilliSecs()
If loader = 1 Then
	WriteLine(fileOut,"Restore "+dataLabel$+":Read p$,s,t:o=WriteFile(p):n=Floor(s/t):If(n*t)<s Then n=n+1")
	WriteLine(fileOut,"For i=1To n:Read d$:z$=z+d64(d):For j=1To Len(z)")
	WriteLine(fileOut,"WriteByte(o,Asc(Mid(z,j,1))):Next:z="+q$+q$+":Next:CloseFile o:End")
	WriteLine(fileOut,"Function d64$(d$): s$="+q$+q$+":rm=0:L=Len(d):If Right(d,1)="+q$+"="+q$+"Then rm=2")
	WriteLine(fileOut,"If Right(d,2)="+q$+"=="+q$+"Then rm=1")
	WriteLine(fileOut,"If rm>0Then m=L-5Else m=L-1")
	WriteLine(fileOut,"For i=1To m Step 4:w=Instr(r,Mid(d,i,1))-1:x=Instr(r,Mid(d,i+1,1))-1")
	WriteLine(fileOut,"a=(w Shl 2)+((x And 48)Shr 4):b=((x And 15)Shl 4)+((y And 60)Shr 2)")
	WriteLine(fileOut,"c=((y And 3)Shl 6)+z:s=s+Chr(a)+Chr(b)+Chr(c):Next:If rm=1Then")
	WriteLine(fileOut,"a=(w Shl 2)+((x And 48)Shr 4):s=s+Chr(a):EndIf:If rm=2Then")
	WriteLine(fileOut,"y=Instr(r,Mid(d,L-1,1))-1:a=(w Shl 2)+((x And 48) Shr 4)")
	WriteLine(fileOut,"b=((x And 15) Shl 4)+((y And 60)Shr 2):s=s+Chr(a)+Chr(b):EndIf")
	WriteLine(fileOut,"Return s:End Function")
End If

For i = 1 To size-rm-1 Step sizeOfLine
	a1$ = ""
	For j = 1 To sizeOfLine
		a1$ = a1$ + Chr(ReadByte(filein))
	WriteLine(fileOut, "Data" + q$ + e64(a1$) + q$ )
If rm > 0 Then
	a1$ = ""
	For i = 1 To rm
		a1$ = a1$ + Chr(ReadByte(filein))
	WriteLine(fileOut, "Data" + q$ + e64(a1$) + q$)
End If

et = MilliSecs()-st
Print "ET: "+et


Function e64$(e$)
	f$ = ""
	g = Len(e$)
	rm = g- Floor(g/3)*3
	For i = 1 To g-rm-1 Step 3
		a = Asc(Mid$(e$,i  ,1))
		b = Asc(Mid$(e$,i+1,1))
		c = Asc(Mid$(e$,i+2,1))
		w = (a And 252) Shr 2
		x = ((a And 3) Shl 4) + ( (b And 240) Shr 4)
		y = ((b And 15) Shl 2) + ( (c And 192) Shr 6)
		z = c And 63
		f$ = f$ + Chr$(k(w)) + Chr$(k(x)) +Chr$(k(y)) +Chr$(k(z))
	If rm = 1 Then
		a = Asc(Right(e$,1))
		w = (a And 252) Shr 2
		x = (a And 3) Shl 4
		f$ = f$ + Chr(k(w)) + Chr(k(x)) + "=="
	End If
	If rm = 2 Then
		a = Asc(Mid(e$,g-1,1))
		b = Asc(Right(e$,1))
		w = (a And 252) Shr 2
		x = (a And 3) Shl 4
		x = x + ( (b And 240) Shr 4)
		y = (b And 15) Shl 2
		f$ = f$ + Chr(k(w))+Chr(k(x))+Chr(k(y)) + "="
	End If
	Return f$
End Function


Here's an encoded png file (2K) ready to save to disk:

It's fascinating Base64 encoding. Storing it in strings was a great idea.

Did you know that if you include too many megabytes of
"Data " statements that it crashes the IDE ?

Yes, quite aware however, I would never recommend creating a file greater than 200K for personal use as there are better methods for including large files with your executable.

As for posting stuff on the web to avoid 404's later on down the road, I would recommend keeping to 6K or less as a max.

Remember, it's very rude and inconsiderate to waste someone else's bandwidth with huge images or encoded images for that matter. <end-rant>

Base 64 provided the best encoding efficiency of all the simple algo's I reviewed. There are more efficient algo's but require more code for re-assembling the original file from data statements.

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