Code archives/File Utilities/Shortcut

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Shortcut by Subirenihil2011
[UPDATED] Thank you Malice for your telling me what that mysterious blank parameter was (username) and what I was missing for getting the comment to work!

Function to create a shortcut.
Parameters are:
LinkLocation$ - Full path to the folder to create the shortcut in
Title$ - File name, not including .lnk extension
Target$ - Target of the shortcut
IconFile$ - Full path and filename of the file containing the icon the shortcut will use
IconIndex% - which icon in the IconFile$ to use
UserName$ - (optional) Name of the user who can use the shortcut. Leave blank for all users. Use GetEnv("USERNAME") for the current user.
StartIn$ - (optional) Full path of the folder the Target$ will start in
Description$ - (optional) Set the text displayed when the shortcut is moused over

Please note that this does leave a very small .inf file in the users temp directory every time its used.

The following lines must be in shell32.decls:
.lib "shell32.dll"
;The following lines must be in shell32.decls
;   .lib "shell32.dll"
;   ShellExecute%(hwnd%,Operation$,File$,Parameters$,Directory$,ShowCmd%):"ShellExecuteA"

Const DATALINES = 9 ;+10 ;use this if you use the readability modification below

;Load a template .inf file from data
Dim InfLines$(DATALINES)

Restore template
For a=0 To DATALINES-1
	Read InfLines$(a)
	InfLines$(a) = Replace$(InfLines$(a),"'",Chr$(34)) ;Convert single quotes into double quotes

;Create a shortcut to notepad on the user's desktop
CreateShortcut "%16384%", "Testing", "%10%\NOTEPAD.EXE", "%10%\NOTEPAD.EXE", 0, "", "%16430%", "Open Notepad"

;Creates a shortcut called <Title> at <Link Location> that opens <Target>,
;  has icon <Icon Index> from <Icon File>, starts in <Start Folder> and has <Description>
;  <Target> also needs to contain any additional parameters.
Function CreateShortcut(LinkLocation$, Title$, Target$, IconFile$, IconIndex%, UserName$="", StartIn$="", Description$="")
	Local infstr$[DATALINES]
	If Right$(tempdir$,1)<>"\" Then tempdir$=tempdir$+"\"
		temp$=tempdir$+"Create Shortcut"+Rand(10000)+".inf"
	Until FileType(temp$)=0
	For a = 0 To DATALINES-1
		;For easier to read *.inf files, change the %'s to < and >
		If Instr(InfLines$(a),"%LinkLocation%"): infstr[a]=Replace$(infstr[a],"%LinkLocation%", LinkLocation$)	:EndIf; <Link Location>
		If Instr(InfLines$(a),"%LinkTitle%"   ): infstr[a]=Replace$(infstr[a],"%LinkTitle%"   , Title$)			:EndIf; <Title>
		If Instr(InfLines$(a),"%Target%"      ): infstr[a]=Replace$(infstr[a],"%Target%"      , Target$)		:EndIf; <Target>
		If Instr(InfLines$(a),"%IconFile%"    ): infstr[a]=Replace$(infstr[a],"%IconFile%"    , IconFile$)		:EndIf; <Icon File>
		If Instr(InfLines$(a),"%IconIndex%"   ): infstr[a]=Replace$(infstr[a],"%IconIndex%"   , IconIndex%)		:EndIf; <Icon Index>
		If Instr(InfLines$(a),"%UserName%"    ): infstr[a]=Replace$(infstr[a],"%UserName%"    , UserName$)		:EndIf; <User Name>
		If Instr(InfLines$(a),"%StartFolder%" ): infstr[a]=Replace$(infstr[a],"%StartFolder%" , StartIn$)		:EndIf; <Start Folder>
		If Instr(InfLines$(a),"%Description%" ): infstr[a]=Replace$(infstr[a],"%Description%" , Description$)	:EndIf; <Description>
		WriteLine inf, infstr[a]
	CloseFile inf%
	ShellExecute 0,"install",Chr$(34)+temp$+Chr$(34),"","",0
End Function

Data "[Version]"
Data "signature='$CHICAGO$'"
Data ""
Data "[DefaultInstall]"
Data "UpdateInis=Addlink"
Data ""
Data "[Addlink]"
Data "setup.ini, progman.groups,, 'group1=''%LinkLocation%'''"
Data "setup.ini, group1,, '''%LinkTitle%'',''%Target%'',''%IconFile%'',%IconIndex%, ''%UserName%'', ''%StartFolder%'', Comment='%Description%''"

;You can also uncomment this data section (and add 10 to the DATALINES constant),
; as well as slightly modify the CreateShortcut function to make the *.inf easier to read.
; However, if you are not using the complete file paths (i.e. *.inf directory listings, etc.) then this won't work.
	;Data ""
	;Data "[Strings]"
	;Data "LinkTitle    = '<Title>'"
	;Data "LinkLocation = '<LinkLocation>'"
	;Data "Target       = '<Target>'"
	;Data "IconFile     = '<IconFile>'"
	;Data "IconIndex    = '<IconIndex>'"
	;Data "UserName     = '<UserName>'"
	;Data "StartFolder  = '<StartFolder>'"
	;Data "Description  = '<Description>'"

; Common DIRID Listing, as used by *.inf files
; For example: if <Link Location> = "%16384%" then the shortcut would be created on the user's desktop.
; Destination Directories
; 01 - SourceDrive:\pathname         (the directory from which the INF file was installed) 
; 10 - Windows directory             (%SystemRoot%) 
; 11 - System directory              (%SystemRoot%\system32 -NT-, %SystemRoot%\system -Win9x/Me-) 
; 12 - Drivers directory             (%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers -NT-, %SystemRoot%\system\IoSubsys -Win9x/Me-)
; 17 - INF file directory            (%SystemRoot%\inf)
; 18 - Help directory                (%SystemRoot%\Help)
; 20 - Fonts directory               (%SystemRoot%\Fonts)
; 24 - Root directory of system disk (%SystemDrive%)
; 25 - Shared directory              (%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Shared Documents)
; 53 - User profile directory        (%USERPROFILE%)
; Shell Special Folders
; 16419 %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data
; 16409 %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Desktop
; 16430 %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Documents
; 16437 %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Documents\My Music
; 16438 %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Documents\My Pictures
; 16439 %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Documents\My Videos
; 16415 %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Favorites
; 16406 %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu
; 16407 %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs
; 16431 %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools
; 16408 %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
; 16429 %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Templates
; 16410 %USERPROFILE%\Application Data
; 16417 %USERPROFILE%\Cookies
; 16384 %USERPROFILE%\Desktop
; 16400 %USERPROFILE%\Desktop
; 16390 %USERPROFILE%\Favorites
; 16412 %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data
; 16443 %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\CD Burning
; 16418 %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\History
; 16416 %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
; 16389 %USERPROFILE%\My Documents
; 16397 %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\My Music
; 16423 %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\My Pictures
; 16398 %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\My Videos
; 16403 %USERPROFILE%\NetHood
; 16411 %USERPROFILE%\PrintHood
; 16392 %USERPROFILE%\Recent
; 16393 %USERPROFILE%\SendTo
; 16395 %USERPROFILE%\Start Menu
; 16386 %USERPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs
; 16432 %USERPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools
; 16391 %USERPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
; 16405 %USERPROFILE%\Templates
; 16422 %ProgramFiles%
; 16427 %ProgramFiles%\Common Files
; 16440 %SystemRoot%\Resources
; 16441 %SystemRoot%\Resources\0409


Description$ - (optional) Not sure why this doesn't seem to work currently, but should set the text displayed when the shortcut is moused over

Your inf script file is incomplete.
There should be space for a "USER" argument (used if the shortcut is to be only eligible for certain users) But more importantly, you have forgotten to declare the Comment line.

This is necessary to populate the field with the value supplied.

Sorry I changed your original quite a lot, but it should be simple enough to see where the changes need to be made :)

Thanks Malice! I never could find any information on what that parameter was, good to know it's the username.
And thanks for figuring out what was wrong with the description parameter.

I've updated the code to reflect your insight.

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