Code archives/File Utilities/encrytion text readerwriter

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encrytion text readerwriter by Mainsworthy2011
well this is the source code to my manual reader writer app, its not pretty, but it works for my purpose , change little things to do differrent encryption .

this only took me a day to do so you will probably find endless ways to improve it, I wrote it as an example to show how you can make your own PDF type Manuals that are encryted.
'reader Manual code below Writer code at the end of reader code

Graphics 1024,768,32,60

Global store[4081*20]
Global page = 0
Global psy = 0
Global gfx = 20
Global ok = 1
Global sline = 0

Global ssave = LoadImage(".\grafix\back.PNG",flags=ALPHABITS  )
Global lload = LoadImage(".\grafix\forward.PNG",flags=ALPHABITS  )
Global pics = LoadAnimImage(".\userstuff\pics.PNG",350,695,0,gfx,flags=ALPHABITS  )
savedit = ReadStream( ".\userstuff\encryptedtext.txt" )

While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)
DrawText "Use UP & DOWN Cursor keys or -", 670,715
DrawText "Forward & Back for fast scroll", 670,729
DrawText "Programed By Mark Ainsworth 210665", 670,745

If KeyHit(KEY_UP) Then sline = sline - 66
If KeyHit(KEY_DOWN) Then sline = sline + 66
If sline > (4080*20)-67 Then sline = 4079*20-66

DrawImage( ssave ,909+48,705,frame=1 )
DrawImage( lload ,909+48,736,frame=1 )

If MouseDown(1) And MouseX() > 957 And MouseX() < 957+45 And MouseY() > 705 And MouseY() < 735
If MouseDown(1) Then Goto qwbnms
page = page - 1
If page < 0 Then page = 0
ok = 1
sline = 0

If MouseDown(1) And MouseX() > 957 And MouseX() < 957+45 And MouseY() > 736 And MouseY() < 765
If MouseDown(1) Then Goto dqwbnms
page = page + 1
If page > 19 Then page = 19
ok = 1
sline = 0

If ok = 1
If Not savedit 
Goto nofile

bt = 0
crypta = 0
crypta2 = 3
For j = 0 To (19*4080) + 4079
If Not Eof(savedit) 
bt = ReadInt (savedit)
crypta = crypta + 1
If crypta = 16 Then crypta = 0
store[j] = bt - crypta - crypta2

ok = 0

DrawImage( pics,670 ,0,psy )

CloseStream savedit


Function disppage()
psy = 0
p = page * 4080 
p = p + sline

For v = 0 To 68
For cnt = 0 To 66
If cnt > 56 And store[p] = 84 Then store[p] = 100

If store[p] = 100 v = v + 1
If store[p] = 100 cnt = 0

If store[p] = 79 Then psy = psy + 1
'set psy maximum png files 0=1 1=2 2=3 so on
If psy > 19 Then psy = 19

If store[p] = 1  Then DrawText "a", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 2  Then DrawText "b", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 3  Then DrawText "c", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 4  Then DrawText "d", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 5  Then DrawText "e", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 6  Then DrawText "f", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 7  Then DrawText "g", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 8  Then DrawText "h", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 9  Then DrawText "i", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 10  Then DrawText "j", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 11  Then DrawText "k", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 12  Then DrawText "l", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 13  Then DrawText "m", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 14  Then DrawText "n", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 15  Then DrawText "o", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 16  Then DrawText "p", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 17  Then DrawText "q", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 18  Then DrawText "r", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 19  Then DrawText "s", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 20  Then DrawText "t", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 21  Then DrawText "u", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 22  Then DrawText "v", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 23  Then DrawText "w", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 24  Then DrawText "x", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 25  Then DrawText "y", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 26  Then DrawText "z", cnt*10,v*10

If store[p] = 27  Then DrawText "A", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 28  Then DrawText "B", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 29  Then DrawText "C", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 30  Then DrawText "D", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 31  Then DrawText "E", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 32  Then DrawText "F", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 33  Then DrawText "G", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 34  Then DrawText "H", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 35  Then DrawText "I", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 36  Then DrawText "J", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 37  Then DrawText "K", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 38  Then DrawText "L", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 39  Then DrawText "M", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 40  Then DrawText "N", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 41  Then DrawText "O", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 42  Then DrawText "P", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 43  Then DrawText "Q", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 44  Then DrawText "R", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 45  Then DrawText "S", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 46  Then DrawText "T", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 47  Then DrawText "U", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 48  Then DrawText "V", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 49  Then DrawText "W", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 50  Then DrawText "X", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 51  Then DrawText "Y", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 52  Then DrawText "Z", cnt*10,v*10

If store[p] = 53  Then DrawText "0", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 54  Then DrawText "1", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 55  Then DrawText "2", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 56  Then DrawText "3", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 57  Then DrawText "4", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 58  Then DrawText "5", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 59  Then DrawText "6", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 60  Then DrawText "7", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 61  Then DrawText "8", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 62  Then DrawText "9", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 63  Then DrawText "10", cnt*10,v*10

If store[p] = 64  Then DrawText "-", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 65  Then DrawText "=", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 66  Then DrawText "<", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 67  Then DrawText ">", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 68  Then DrawText ".", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 69  Then DrawText ",", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 70  Then DrawText "(", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 71  Then DrawText ")", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 72  Then DrawText "[", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 73  Then DrawText "]", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 74  Then DrawText "+", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 75  Then DrawText "&", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 76  Then DrawText "#", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 77  Then DrawText ";", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 78  Then DrawText ":", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 79  Then DrawText "@", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 80  Then DrawText "?", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 81  Then DrawText "_", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 82  Then DrawText "%", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 83  Then DrawText "!", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 84  Then DrawText " ", cnt*10,v*10
'If store[p] = 200 Then DrawText "\n", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 0 Then DrawText " ", cnt*10,v*10

If v > 68
cnt = 66
v = 68

p = p + 1
If p > (4080*20)-1 Then p = 4079*20
'If p > 4079 Then p = p - 1


End Function

'writer Manual
Graphics 1024,768,32,60

Global store[4081*20]
Global btg = 0
Global page = 0
Global p = 0
Global psy = 0
Global gfx = 20

While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)
DrawText "Programed By Mark Ainsworth 210665", 670,745

savedit = ReadStream( ".\userstuff\unencryptedtext.txt" )

If Not savedit 
Goto nofile

bt = 0
bt2 = 0
crypta = 0
crypta2 = 3
For jh = 0 To 19
For j = 0 To 4079

If Not Eof(savedit) Then bt2 = ReadByte (savedit)
bt = bt2
btg = 0

If bt = 97 Then btg = 1
If bt = 98 Then btg = 2
If bt = 99 Then btg = 3
If bt = 100 Then btg = 4
If bt = 101 Then btg = 5
If bt = 102 Then btg = 6
If bt = 103 Then btg = 7
If bt = 104 Then btg = 8
If bt = 105 Then btg = 9
If bt = 106 Then btg = 10
If bt = 107 Then btg = 11
If bt = 108 Then btg = 12
If bt = 109 Then btg = 13
If bt = 110 Then btg = 14
If bt = 111 Then btg = 15
If bt = 112 Then btg = 16
If bt = 113 Then btg = 17
If bt = 114 Then btg = 18
If bt = 115 Then btg = 19
If bt = 116 Then btg = 20
If bt = 117 Then btg = 21
If bt = 118 Then btg = 22
If bt = 119 Then btg = 23
If bt = 120 Then btg = 24
If bt = 121 Then btg = 25
If bt = 122 Then btg = 26

If bt = 65 Then btg = 27
If bt = 66 Then btg = 28
If bt = 67 Then btg = 29
If bt = 68 Then btg = 30
If bt = 69 Then btg = 31
If bt = 70 Then btg = 32
If bt = 71 Then btg = 33
If bt = 72 Then btg = 34
If bt = 73 Then btg = 35
If bt = 74 Then btg = 36
If bt = 75 Then btg = 37
If bt = 76 Then btg = 38
If bt = 77 Then btg = 39
If bt = 78 Then btg = 40
If bt = 79 Then btg = 41
If bt = 80 Then btg = 42
If bt = 81 Then btg = 43
If bt = 82 Then btg = 44
If bt = 83 Then btg = 45
If bt = 84 Then btg = 46
If bt = 85 Then btg = 47
If bt = 86 Then btg = 48
If bt = 87 Then btg = 49
If bt = 88 Then btg = 50
If bt = 89 Then btg = 51
If bt = 90 Then btg = 52

If bt = 48 Then btg = 53
If bt = 49  Then btg = 54
If bt = 50  Then btg = 55
If bt = 51  Then btg = 56
If bt = 52  Then btg = 57
If bt = 53  Then btg = 58
If bt = 54  Then btg = 59
If bt = 55  Then btg = 60
If bt = 56  Then btg = 61
If bt = 57  Then btg = 62
If bt = 58  Then btg = 63

If bt = 45  Then btg = 64
If bt = 61  Then btg = 65
If bt = 60  Then btg = 66
If bt = 62  Then btg = 67
If bt = 46  Then btg = 68
If bt = 44  Then btg = 69
If bt = 40  Then btg = 70
If bt = 41  Then btg = 71
If bt = 91  Then btg = 72
If bt = 93  Then btg = 73
If bt = 43  Then btg = 74
If bt = 38  Then btg = 75
If bt = 35  Then btg = 76
If bt = 59  Then btg = 77
If bt = 58  Then btg = 78
If bt = 64  Then btg = 79
If bt = 63  Then btg = 80
If bt = 95  Then btg = 81
If bt = 37  Then btg = 82
If bt = 33 Then btg = 83
If bt = 32 Then btg = 84
If bt = 13 Then btg = 100

bt = btg

If bt > 0 And bt < 85 store[j+(jh*4080)] = bt
If bt = 100 store[j+(jh*4080)] = bt
CloseStream savedit
savedit = WriteStream( ".\userstuff\encryptedtext.txt" )

If Not savedit 
Goto nofile2

bt = 0
crypta = 0
crypta2 = 3
For kl = 0 To 19
For j = 0 To 4079
bt = store[j+(kl*4080)]
crypta = crypta + 1
If crypta = 16 Then crypta = 0
bt = bt + crypta + crypta2

WriteInt (savedit, bt) 
 CloseStream savedit 

DrawText "Press Escape Manual has been created", 10,10


Function disppage()
p = page * 4080

For v = 0 To 68
For cnt = 0 To 60
If store[p] = 90 v = v + 1
If store[p] = 90 cnt = 0

If store[p] = 1  Then DrawText "a", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 2  Then DrawText "b", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 3  Then DrawText "c", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 4  Then DrawText "d", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 5  Then DrawText "e", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 6  Then DrawText "f", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 7  Then DrawText "g", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 8  Then DrawText "h", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 9  Then DrawText "i", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 10  Then DrawText "j", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 11  Then DrawText "k", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 12  Then DrawText "l", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 13  Then DrawText "m", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 14  Then DrawText "n", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 15  Then DrawText "o", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 16  Then DrawText "p", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 17  Then DrawText "q", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 18  Then DrawText "r", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 19  Then DrawText "s", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 20  Then DrawText "t", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 21  Then DrawText "u", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 22  Then DrawText "v", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 23  Then DrawText "w", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 24  Then DrawText "x", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 25  Then DrawText "y", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 26  Then DrawText "z", cnt*10,v*10

If store[p] = 27  Then DrawText "A", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 28  Then DrawText "B", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 29  Then DrawText "C", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 30  Then DrawText "D", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 31  Then DrawText "E", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 32  Then DrawText "F", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 33  Then DrawText "G", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 34  Then DrawText "H", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 35  Then DrawText "I", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 36  Then DrawText "J", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 37  Then DrawText "K", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 38  Then DrawText "L", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 39  Then DrawText "M", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 40  Then DrawText "N", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 41  Then DrawText "O", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 42  Then DrawText "P", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 43  Then DrawText "Q", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 44  Then DrawText "R", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 45  Then DrawText "S", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 46  Then DrawText "T", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 47  Then DrawText "U", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 48  Then DrawText "V", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 49  Then DrawText "W", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 50  Then DrawText "X", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 51  Then DrawText "Y", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 52  Then DrawText "Z", cnt*10,v*10

If store[p] = 53  Then DrawText "0", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 54  Then DrawText "1", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 55  Then DrawText "2", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 56  Then DrawText "3", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 57  Then DrawText "4", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 58  Then DrawText "5", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 59  Then DrawText "6", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 60  Then DrawText "7", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 61  Then DrawText "8", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 62  Then DrawText "9", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 63  Then DrawText "10", cnt*10,v*10

If store[p] = 64  Then DrawText "-", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 65  Then DrawText "=", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 66  Then DrawText "<", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 67  Then DrawText ">", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 68  Then DrawText ".", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 69  Then DrawText ",", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 70  Then DrawText "(", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 71  Then DrawText ")", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 72  Then DrawText "[", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 73  Then DrawText "]", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 74  Then DrawText "+", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 75  Then DrawText "&", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 76  Then DrawText "#", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 77  Then DrawText ";", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 78  Then DrawText ":", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 79  Then DrawText "@", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 80  Then DrawText "?", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 81  Then DrawText "_", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 82  Then DrawText "%", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 83  Then DrawText "!", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 84  Then DrawText " ", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 0  Then DrawText " ", cnt*10,v*10

p = p + 1
If p > 4079 Then p = p - 1


End Function




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