Code archives/File Utilities/mouse handling

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mouse handling by Jesse2008
single button control
returns double click; thrust for x, y and mouse wheel; button released, inuse, and activated.
one of the advantages of this over regular Bmax mouse functions is tha is that the mouse is updated once per flip()and does not clear the mouse hitButton buffer until the next flip() all functions are upto date per current flip()
remove Rem, EndRem to test.
Const 	BUTTONLOCKED		:Int =  2
Const	BUTTONPRESSED		:Int =  1
Const	BUTTONFREE		:Int =  0

Const	REPEATTIME	:Int =250 'in milliseconds
Global	mouse	:tmouse = New Tmouse
Function MyHook:Object( id:Int,data:Object,context:Object )
End Function

'Add our hook to the system
AddHook FlipHook,MyHook

Type Tbutton
	Field	activated		:Int
	Field	inuse		:Int
	Field 	free			:Int
End Type

Type Tmouse

	Field 	x					:Int,..
			y					:Int,..
			Pressed				:Int[3],..
			DoublePressed			:Int[3],..
			mousewheel			:Int	
	Field	oldx					:Int,..
			oldy					:Int,..
			oldpressed			:Int[3],..
			oldmousewheel			:Int

	Field	turnDifference			:Int,..
			selected				:Int
	Field	state				:Int[3],..
			ClickCount			:Int[3],..
			endtime				:Long[3]

	' loads all of the mouse processes such as 
	' mouse x, y, z, buttons and click, double, double click.
	' mouse pressed, used and released.
	' needs be called at the beginning of each frame.

	Method Load() 
		oldx = x
		oldy = y
		oldmousewheel = mousewheel
		x = MouseX()
		y = MouseY() 
		mousewheel = MouseZ() 
		turnDifference = mouseWheel - oldMouseWheel		

		For Local b:Int = 0 To 2
			oldpressed[b] = pressed[b]
			pressed[b] = MouseDown(b+1)  
			If oldpressed[b]
				If pressed[b]
					state[b] = BUTTONLOCKED
					state[b] = BUTTONFREE
			ElseIf pressed[b]
				state[b] = BUTTONPRESSED
			DoublePressed[b] = False
			If state[b] = BUTTONPRESSED
				If ClickCount[b] = 0
					ClickCount[b] = 1 'first click
					endtime[b] = MilliSecs() + REPEATTIME
				Else'second click
					If MilliSecs() < endtime[b] 
						DoublePressed[b] = True 
					ClickCount[b] = 0
			ElseIf MilliSecs() > Endtime[b]
				ClickCount[b] = 0
	End Method
	' checks if mouse cursor is with in a specified area
	' h = start x
	' v = start y
	' width of area
	' height of area
	' returns true if in area false if not	

	Method InArea:Int(h:Int, v:Int, width:Int, height:Int)	

		If x < h Return False
		If x > (h+Width) Return False
		If y < v Return False
		If y > (v + Height) Return False
		Return True

	End Method
	' returns mouse x and y position
	' through input variables a and d.

	Method GetXY(a:Int Var, d:Int Var)


	End Method
	'returns true if a mouse "double click" was completed with in current cycle frame. 	

	Method doubleclick:Int(selected:Int = 1)
		selected :- 1
		selected :& 3
		Return DoublePressed[selected]

	End Method
	' returns true if a specified mouse button is still pressed based on previos frame.
	Method ButtonInUse:Int(selected:Int = 1)
	 	selected :- 1
		selected :& 3

		If state[selected] = BUTTONLOCKED 
			Return True
		Return False

	End Method
	' returns true if the pre-specified mouse button was pressed on current frame.
	Method ButtonActivated:Int(selected:Int = 1)
		selected :- 1
		selected :& 3 

		If state[selected] = BUTTONPRESSED
			Return True
		Return False

	End Method
	'returns true if a pre-specified buttone is currently released
	Method ButtonReleased:Int(selected:Int = 1)
		selected :- 1
		selected :& 3
		If state[selected] = BUTTONFREE
			Return True
		Return False

	End Method
	'return true if the mouse button was moved based on previos frame and current frame.
	Method moved:Int()

		If oldx <> x Return True
		If oldy <> y Return True
		Return False

	End Method
	' same as above but for x only
	Method MovedX:Int()

		If oldx <> x Return True
		Return False

	End Method 
	' same as above but for y only
	Method movedy:Int()

		If oldy <> y Return True
		Return False

	End Method
	' returns mouse speed(difference between current frame x and previous frame x
	Method Thrustx:Int()

		Return x - oldx

	End Method
	' returns mouse speed(difference between current frame y and previous frame y
	Method Thrusty:Int()

		Return y - oldy

	End Method
	' returns mouse wheel speed based on current frame and prvious frame position.
	Method wheelThrust:Int() 

		Return TurnDifference

	End Method

End Type

Local boxx:Int 	= 100
Local boxy:Int 	= 100
Local boxwidth:Int	= 100
Local boxheight:Int = 100
Local displaytime:Int = 1000 'millisecs 
Local display:Int 	= MilliSecs()
Local display2:Int	= MilliSecs()
Local red%,green%,blue%
Graphics 800,600
	SetAlpha .3
	DrawRect boxx,boxy,boxwidth,boxheight
	DrawText "double click", 105,130
	DrawText "   in here",105,150
	SetAlpha 1.0

	If mouse.InArea(boxx,boxy,boxwidth,boxheight)
		DrawText "insidebox",MouseX(),MouseY()
		If Mouse.doubleclick() 
			red = Rnd(255)
			green = Rnd(255)
			blue = Rnd(255)
			display = displaytime+MilliSecs()
	If display > MilliSecs()
		SetColor red,green,blue
		DrawText "double clicked",100,80
	SetColor 255,255,255
	DrawText mouse.Thrustx()+" xspeed",100,200
	DrawText mouse.Thrusty()+" yspeed",100,220
	If mouse.Thrustx()
		If mouse.thrusty()
			DrawText "moving Diagonally",100,240
			DrawText "moving Horizontally",100,240
		If mouse.Thrusty()
			DrawText "moving Vertically",100,240
	DrawText "checking button "+(mouse.selected+1),100,320
	If mouse.buttoninUse()DrawText "button in use",100,260
	If mouse.buttonReleased() DrawText "button is free",100,260
	If mouse.buttonActivated() display2 = displaytime+MilliSecs()
	If display2> MilliSecs() DrawText "button was activated",100,280
	DrawText "mouse wheel speed = "+mouse.wheelThrust(),100,300
Until KeyDown(key_escape)



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