Code archives/File Utilities/Object Loader

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Object Loader by Otus2008
Allows you to read or write an arbitrary object to a stream (eg. a file or over the network). Uses the reflection module to get runtime information about type structure (fields). May be of use when implementing saved games or multiplayer over the network.

For an example program and a module version, please download the zip file from here:

Bug reports (and patches) appreciated!

UPDATE: Added checks for saving TList and TMap objects properly.
' Loads and saves any objects to a stream using the reflection module.
' Recursive - any and all objects referenced are also saved!
' Use the metadata key "no_save" to mark fields not to be saved.


Import BRL.Reflection

'Saves an object to the stream specified
Function SaveObject(o:Object, s:TStream, tid:TTypeId = Null) 
	If o
		s.WriteByte True
		s.WriteByte False
	End If
	'Get type Id
	If tid = ObjectTypeId Then tid = TTypeId.ForObject(o)
	If Not tid Then tid = TTypeId.ForObject(o)
	'Save type name
	s.WriteInt tid.Name().length
	s.WriteString tid.Name() 
	'DebugLog "Saving "+tid.Name()
	'Primitive type?
	Select tid
	Case ByteTypeId
		s.WriteByte	Byte(String(o) )
	Case ShortTypeId
		s.WriteShort	Short(String(o) )
	Case IntTypeId
		s.WriteInt	Int(String(o) )
	Case LongTypeId
		s.WriteLong	Long(String(o) )
	'Floating Points
	Case FloatTypeId
		s.WriteFloat	Float(String(o) )
	Case DoubleTypeId
		s.WriteDouble	Double(String(o) )
	Case StringTypeId
		s.WriteInt	String(o).length
		s.WriteString	String(o)
	End Select
	If tid.Name().EndsWith("[]")
		'Save length
		s.WriteInt tid.ArrayLength(o)
		'Element type
		Local etid:TTypeId = TTypeId.ForName(tid.Name()[..tid.Name().length - 2]) 
		'Save elements
		For Local i:Int = 0 To tid.ArrayLength(o)-1
			SaveObject tid.GetArrayElement(o, i), s, etid
	End If
	If tid.Name()="TMap"
		Local m:TMap = TMap(o)
		'Save length
		Local l:Int = 0
		For Local key:Object = EachIn m.Keys()
		s.WriteInt l
		'Save key-value pairs
		For Local node:TNode = EachIn m
			SaveObject node.Key(), s
			SaveObject node.Value(), s
	End If
	If tid.Name()="TList"
		Local l:TList = TList(o)
		'Save length
		s.WriteInt l.Count()
		'Save contents
		For Local obj:Object = EachIn l
			SaveObject obj, s
	End If
	'Save fields
	For Local f:TField = EachIn tid.EnumFields()
		If f.MetaData("no_save") Then Continue
		SaveObject f.Get(o), s, f.TypeId()
End Function

'Reads an object to the stream specified
Function LoadObject:Object(s:TStream) 
	Select s.ReadByte() 
	Case False
		Return Null
	Case True
		RuntimeError "Not an object"
	End Select
	'Get type Id
	Local tid:TTypeId = TTypeId.ForName(s.ReadString(s.ReadInt() ) )
	'DebugLog "Loading "+tid.Name()
	'Primitive type?
	Select tid
	Case ByteTypeId
		Return String.FromInt(s.ReadByte())
	Case ShortTypeId
		Return String.FromInt(s.ReadShort())
	Case IntTypeId
		Return String.FromInt(s.ReadInt())
	Case LongTypeId
		Return String.FromLong(s.ReadLong() ) 
	'Floating point numbers
	Case FloatTypeId
		Return String.FromFloat(s.ReadFloat())
	Case DoubleTypeId
		Return String.FromDouble(s.ReadDouble() ) 
	Case StringTypeId
		Return s.ReadString(s.ReadInt())
	End Select
	Local o:Object
	If tid.ElementType() 
		'Get length
		Local l:Int = s.ReadInt() 
		'Create array
		o = tid.NewArray(l)
		'Load elements
		For Local i:Int = 0 To l - 1
			Local obj:Object = LoadObject(s)
			If obj Then tid.SetArrayElement o, i, obj
		Return o
	End If
	If tid.Name()="TMap"
		Local m:TMap = New TMap
		'Get length
		Local l:Int = s.ReadInt()
		'Load key-value pairs
		For Local i:Int = 0 To l - 1
			Local key:Object = LoadObject(s)
			Local value:Object = LoadObject(s)
			m.Insert key, value
		Return m
	End If
	If tid.Name()="TList"
		Local l:TList = New TList
		'Get length
		Local length:Int = s.ReadInt()
		'Load key-value pairs
		For Local i:Int = 0 To length - 1
			l.AddLast LoadObject(s)
		Return l
	End If
	'Create the object
	o = tid.NewObject()
	'Load fields
	For Local f:TField = EachIn tid.EnumFields() 
		If f.MetaData("no_save") Then Continue
		Local obj:Object = LoadObject(s) 
		If obj Then f.Set o, obj
	Return o
End Function


Hey Otus,

Thanks for the code! It works great for me, with one exception - multidimensional arrays.

I'm currently bombing out on both custom type 2d arrays, and regular 2d int arrays... not sure what the deal is yet, but wanted to post in case you want to look at it.

I don't think reflection supports multidimensional arrays. Could be wrong though. Have you tried arrays of arrays? That's usually the answer to multidim. array problems.

Good call - it doesn't. Looks like reflection doesn't return a multidimensional array as a TField.

In my case, I wrapped my calls for saving out the 2d arrays with a function that took the 2d array, mapped it onto a 1d array, and then did the reverse when loading it. My arrays are all equal in their x and y dimensions, so that went pretty easily. I imagine that if people need this for non-square arrays, you could imbed data into the stream with that info.

When trying to compile the module version of this I get an error.

Building test_module
Compile Error: Function can not return a value

Which is in this line but I don't understand what is going on, help?
'Compares two fields
Function CompareFieldNames(o1:Object, o2:Object) 
	Return TField(o1).Name().Compare(TField(o2).Name() ) ' ?
End Function

markcw: Sorry, it should be
Function CompareFieldNames:Int(o1:Object, o2:Object)

No idea how that slipped through... :p

Oh great, thanks Otus. I was able to get it compiling by rem'ing them out and replacing the lines where they are called with the code here. Also, the update for TMap and TList is not in the module code. Must have slipped through eh? :)

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